Monday, March 21, 2022

Two moons

In a dream last night, I went outside and saw two full moons in the sky. They were close together -- one was about a degree (two moon-diameters) higher in the sky than the other -- and looked exactly alike, except that the higher of the two was somewhat fainter.

I assumed that this must be some unusual optical effect, causing the illusion of a "double moon," and I seemed to remember reading somewhere that such effects can occur "when the moonlight reflects off something hard." When I thought of those words, I saw an image of a black-and-white photo of some sort of corrugated surface.

Still in the dream, I thought, "That's quite a coincidence. I was just thinking about double moons a few hours ago, and then I saw one! I should post about it." But then I realized that it wouldn't be a very interesting or believable post, since I had no way of documenting "what I was just thinking a few hours ago" and hadn't even taken a photo of the double moon. I thought I would have to come up with some reason for the latter omission -- that I had left my phone at home or something.

The day after the dream, I taught an English class for very young children. A page in the textbook had pictures of various things labeled in English: a star, a cloud, the moon, a flower, a bush. One of the girls had written "moons" under the moon picture -- only that one, even though moon is the least often pluralized noun of the lot.

"Moons?" I said. "But there's only one moon."

She replied in Chinese: "不同的國家不一樣。" -- "Different countries are different."


Ra1119bee said...


I'm going to post this in two different posts as it is lengthy.

Part 1
I think I shared this with you before but if not, I would like to share my strange
dream about the Moon.

On July 14, 2014 I had a dream I titled; Moon River.

Here's the dream :
I recall being at this hippie like market place ( kinda like Yellow Springs ). I recall being on a bus with other people ( we were riding throughout the city like Market place ) … when all of a sudden there was a deadening silence.

I recall it felt out of the ordinary… and then sure enough we could see ( from the bus ) people scattering throughout the village like city, running everywhere.

At one point I got off the bus and I went to this cafe like place and this black man approached me but I don’t recall what happened . I do recall the black man left and then another black man asked me about the first man . He asked if the guy was giving me trouble and I said no, and then he said, I just wondered because he had a 50 ( which I thought meant some type of gun )

I walked around and could see large billows of smoke and fire in the distance and the billows were everywhere.

I was frightened as I wanted to get home to Marshall. Nobody knew what was going on. I recall trying to find people that I could walk with so I didn’t feel alone.

I then began asking different people if they would help me get home. I said over and over again “ Are you going NORTH? I have to go North to Clinton County where I live. I saw people getting in train boxcars traveling somewhere , but I don’t know where they were going.

At one point we all were looking at the sky and we saw the Moon come back ( I was excited because I felt the reason why the chaos happened was because of something having to do with the change of planet placement in the sky, and the reappearance of the Moon meant everything would get back to normal.
The Moon began falling, coming closer and closer to Earth, however all of a sudden
the Moon fell into the water..
I woke up.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

I'm sure you know this William, but dreams are spoken in the Universal Language of Symbolism Numerology(Gematria) and Archetypes.

The symbolic meaning of a bus is that something is going to happen that we ( the dreamer ) has no control over because someone else is 'driving'.
A bus is also symbolic of the collective, as opposed to the individual. In other words, some event is going to happen which will involve a large number of people.

The reference to the 50 in the dream ( which I thought was a gun ) was also interesting considering that the Number 5, the penta, means CHANGE.
Plus in Alchemy the Nigredo is the first step in the Alchemical Transformation.

I think the Moon being off kilter is very significant. Perhaps an upcoming Pole Shift?

Also the setting of Yellow Springs and the direction North, which I've had several dreams concerning the North.

Yellow Springs is a 'hippie village in Ohio, NORTH of where I live in Clinton County. In the dream I was wanting to go NORTH to Clinton County, however (in real life) Clinton County is South of Yellow Springs, not North.
I've visited Yellow Springs quite often throughout the years.

Yellow Springs is about 30 miles east of Dayton, and about 11 miles from Wright Patterson
Air Force Base. I was born and raised in Dayton.

Rod Serling the creative and visionary creator of the 1960's iconic TV show, The Twilight
Zone, was in the Air Force and stationed at Wright Patt.
Serling graduated from Antioch ( in Yellow Springs)
and was also a Prof at Antioch at one time.
Serling made reference to Ohio in many of the Twilight Zone episodes.

Also, after the Roswell Crash in New Mexico in 1947, it was rumored that the '' aliens''
were taken to Wright Patt.

There are large clusters of Mounds throughout Ohio. The Miamisburg Mound, was one of several locations for the development of the Manhattan Project.
I grew up across the river(the Miami River ) from the Miamisburg Mound.
My hubby and I live about 30 miles or so from The Serpent Mound in Adams County Ohio.

What's also an interesting connection to the Manhattan Project, Aliens, the Miamisburg Mound,and Wright Patt is a German Physicist ( in the US through Operation Paperclip ) Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted the Schumann resonances, a series of low-frequency resonances caused by lightning discharges in the atmosphere.
Schumann ("coincidently") was stationed at Wright Patt in 1947-1948,1947 being the year of the Roswell Crash.
Otto Schumann was rumored to have been a German general, who held the rank of SS-Gruppenfuhrer during World War II.

Dayton, the Silicon Valley of its day, is the home of many many inventors ( Wright Brothers, Charles Kettering, John Patterson) and inventions and patents that changed the course of history.

Also, and very interesting especially connecting to my Moon River dream in 2014 is this
intriguing Blog ***THAT I JUST FOUND TWO MONTHS AGO*** concerning UFO's sightings in Yellow Springs and coincidently has connection to the Moon and water.

Do note: I did NOT know this information about Yellow Springs and UFO's BEFORE THE DREAM
in 2014.

Check out the hyperlinks in the article, especially the hyperlink of the Fogg Report.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...