Thursday, March 3, 2022

"Let it be(e)," Mother Mary, and gestalt shifts

In the comments to "Speaking of aliens, who's representing the US at the UN?" I used the term "gestalt shift" and then Googled the term to make sure I had used it correctly. The first hit -- a "featured snippet" as Google calls it -- was to a blog post called "Gestalt Shift" by one Hana Tichá, an English teacher in the Czech Republic. When I clicked on that, I saw that Tichá's latest post on that blog was called "Let it be(e)!" Since bees have been showing up in syncs recently, I went ahead and clicked the link.

The post begins thus:

One of the things I’ve always liked to have in my life is control. It sounds a bit authoritarian but I believe it’s one of the basic human desires no matter what anybody says.

And I thought: Right, the regimented beehive, the clockwork-like lives of the social insects, the monotonous geometric pattern of a honeycomb. The bee is a symbol of Ahriman.

I thought about my 1991 dream about the red bee. This bee was flying around a city like New York, and I knew that it was going to explode, causing catastrophic damage. The Ahrimanic system is going to explode, unleashing a Sorathic bloodbath. In the dream, I had said, "Mother, this bee is very dangerous to me!" even though my mother was not present. In the song alluded to by Tichá's perfunctory pun, Paul McCartney sings, "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me." He means his own mother, Mary McCartney, but people naturally tend to assume it refers either to Mary Jane or to the Blessed Virgin. In the Sugarcubes song "Bee" (referenced in my post "No escape from coincidence"), Björk sings, "Oh, hot bee! Queen of heaven!" -- appropriating another of Mother Mary's titles. The post "No escape from coincidence" was not primarily about the Sugarcubes but about of the Black Eyed Peas, and near the end of the post I mention that's mother is called Debra. Debra, of course, means "bee." I illustrated the post with the cover art for the Black Eyed Peas song "Imma Be" --  which shows a bee, making the same be/bee pun as Tichá.

(Incidentally, the post before "Let it be(e)!" is called "Better be preparred than sorry" -- a title which also doubles a letter which shouldn't be doubled, though in this case it looks more like a typo than a pun.)

As I read on, I finally found where Tichá's post mentions bees.

I’ve learned there are many situations when things can’t be controlled. And you have to accept it. When a bee flies into the classroom, there’s not much you can do to stop the disorder and confusion immediately. People feel threatened in such situations. It’s their basic instinct to start screaming and jumping around like crazy.

How about that? I'd been assuming the bee was a symbol of control, order, and regimentation, but in fact she used it as a symbol of the exact opposite: chaos, disorder, confusion, lack of control.

What do you call it when a symbol suddenly means the opposite of what you had thought it meant? Gestalt shift.


Ra1119bee said...


Perhaps the duality of the Bee (able to produce both the sweet (the Honey)
and the bitter (the sting)
is the message.

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add that the bitter is also the sweet, as it is the other side
of the same coin.

If we are 'warned' of impending danger (the bitter),
that too is sweet because it means we (through Free Will)
can change direction.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Good point, Debbie. There's an old legend (mentioned in this very long article by Hugh Nibley) that Adam and Eve were guided by bees when they left paradise. Nibley also connects the bee with the color red and with mother goddesses in Egyptian iconography.

Ra1119bee said...


If you recall I too shared my perspective with you
about the significance of the color red, especially
where it concerns Alchemy.

Maybe your syncs with Red Bees are a message, perhaps a warning
to prepare for 'bitter' times.
If so, by seeing and then heeding
the warning perhaps an opportunity will present itself
so as to be able to turn the bitter into the sweet.

No Longer Reading said...

Debbie, I'm curious to know you thoughts about alchemy. You had earlier written on one of Wm's posts that the rulers of this world (the Bears) are alchemists.

But there was also much good in alchemy. I almost wonder if in some ways it was an attempt to make Aristotelian philosophy concrete.

I would say that the Bears co-opt symbols, but it's not the nature of the (good) symbols themselves they are interested in.

Or do you believe that there is a kind of dark alchemy in opposition to the good alchemy?

MVT said...

The sync fairies are making me think of Owen Benjamin. Your post on the UN ambassador is about a black alien. Owen Benjamin has described another black American woman, Candace Owens, as looking like a "burnt alien". Now in this post I'm reading about "the bears".

MVT said...

Sorry, I shouldn't assume you know, "the bears" is the name of his followers. He calls himself Big Bear.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Whitley Strieber reports an experience in which, taken aback by the appearance of his alien visitors, he blurted out, "You're -- BLUE!" to which they replied, "We used to be like your blacks, but we decided this was better."

MVT said...

Okay, now I'm having fun! You wrote: "The post 'No escape from coincidence' was not primarily about the Sugarcubes but about of the Black Eyed Peas..."

You've brought up George Floyd and The Sugarcubes. How about the movie Candyman? It's about a black American male who is killed by whites who "smeared him with honeycomb stolen from an apiary, attracting bees that stung him to death." And Candyman makes me think of sugar.

Ra1119bee said...

@ No Longer Reading,,

You wrote :
Or do you believe that there is a kind of dark alchemy in opposition to the good alchemy?

My response : My perspective is that EVERYTHING on this duality planet,
has both Positive AND Negative Polarity, especially Power Sources, which I believe
that Alchemy is a Power Source (The Sacred Sciences).

I believe ' our Opponents' are master manipulators and have manipulated all Power Sources on this duality Planet, so yes
IMO, Alchemy can be (AND I BELIEVE IS) manipulated by our Opponents as Black Magic.

I personally believe in Reincarnation and that our Soul (which I personally believe
is connected to God ) holds everything we need
to navigate through this matrix/dimension, including the knowledge of the
Sacred Sciences.

Because it's a Power Source, I believe that our Soul is and has always been our Opponents 'Final Frontier"via Transhumanism via Artificial Intelligence.

I believe that Artificial Intelligence is NOT NEW, and has always been the End Game
and the Elephant in the Room to be ushered in (Artificial Intelligence)
at the Shifting of Ages, from the Industrial (Iron) Age
to the Silicon (Information ) Age, and metaphysically
from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

I believe we are on the precipice of that shift.

The Bears have branded this Shifting of Ages: The Great Reset.

I believe that the Atlanteans had mastered Transhumanism, which perhaps that's why
the Divine Hand intervened with the cleansing, bringing Hell And High Water.

I think that the events that are happening on the World Stage, was planned Centuries Ago.
This ain't our Opponents 1st Rodeo, IMO.

I found the article William linked (Symbolism of the Bee: “The Deseret Connection” by Hugh W. Nibley ) quite intriguing especially the subject of The Bee and the Migrations
and this sentence in particular:

"The bees led the migration to Egypt in a time of cosmic upheaval"
End quote

I personally believe that Humanity is on the cusp of another Cosmic Upheaval, and I
believe that our Opponents knew/Knows that too as they were/are Alchemists/ The Magi
Magicians) which means they followed the stars (Astronomers Astrologers).

I hope I'm wrong, but there have been so many signs that
has convinced me that I'm not.

Ra1119bee said...

@ No Longer Reading

I forgot to add this about the Bears.

Bears are honey eaters, in other words, The Bears/ Alchemists
consume a Power Source..

I believe that Our Opponents manipulate and control all power sources ( and that includes Linear time ) in THIS dimension/matrix/Earth, and they use those Power Sources ( especially the Sacred Science Knowledge which they manipulate into Black Magic ).... against us.

They are 'clever bears' that's for sure.
Vile and Evil.... absolutely, but clever nevertheless.

No Longer Reading said...

Debbie, thanks for the answers. It makes sense that some subtle forces could be manipulated for the wrong purposes.

One thing I have been thinking about is that it is a shame that so much has been co-opted. That's one reason why our world is in the state it's in, because so much has been hijacked and used for different purposes.

That is one reason why I think it is so important to try to align ourselves with God and Creation so that we can avoid being co-opted ourselves.

Bruce Charlton has a good post about this: Here's a good quote from it:

"Thus there cannot be a 'black magic' of Magical Thinking. Magical Thinking is (as we experience it) intrinsically good because it is the divine in us (God immanent) really participating-in the reality of continuing divine creation."

You might also be interested in what Rudolf Steiner had to say about Atlantean technology. I haven't read where he talks about this, but I have heard from other sources that Steiner believed that they had some sort of organic technology, where for instance, they could release the energy stored in a seed in one burst.

Ra1119bee said...

@No Longer Reading,

I've had esoteric experiences and dreams (many premonition) my entire life starting
in 1965 when I was 10 years old.

Much of what I believe is from a gazillion hours and years of research (across a Vast Spectrum of ideologies) sparked by the esoteric experiences and dreams, especially after 1999 or so with the introduction of the World Wide Web and information became sooo much easier to obtain.

As far as my perspective about Black Magic.
I personally believe that everything that is manifested into Matter, has a
POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE Polarity on this duality planet/dimension/Earth, and that includes
the Physical Body which is in Matter.

I believe we (Humanity ) are a trinity 1. the Ego ( controlled by physical matter ( Brain )
2. The Collective Consciousness( our harmony with our fellow man )
and 3.. The Soul ( which I personally believe the Soul is connected to the Divine God ).

Because of the Divine connection to God, I also believe that the Soul is the domain of creativity and intuition and wholistically can 'see' Past ( including Past Lives ), Present AND FUTURE.

To be able to see the future is powerful, because it means we can change direction, which is Free Will.

I believe that The Negative Energy (our Opponents) control ALL Power Sources in ****THIS*** DIMENSION/Matrix/Duality Planet Earth, including our EGO, which the Ego is controlled by the Brain ( which is Matter).

I believe our Opponents are master manipulators and have strengthened our Egos, so as to minimize our Soul and Collective Consciousness which they've minimized our Collective Consciousness ( our Harmony with our Fellow Man)..... through Divide and Conquer.

Our Ego pleasures and protects the Physical Body Only.
I believe our Soul ( our most powerful source ) can transcend the illusion of Linear time and it does this every night through our REM sleep.

The Illusion of Linear Time is how our Opponents control us.

Because our Soul is a Power Source, I believe our Soul is our Opponents final frontier, which that final frontier has always been Transhumanism
via Artificial Intelligence.

Regarding Rudolf Steiner...

I actually ''met''' Rudolf Steiner in several dreams I've had over the years, not
knowing about Steiner BEFORE the dream(s).

I , like Steiner, believe in Reincarnation and the power of the Soul.

Ra1119bee said...

@ No Longer Reading..

I would like to add that I actually found William's Blog because of a dream
I had in Oct of 2021. I titled the dream ; Tulips.
I found William's Blog after researching Tulips and I 'stumbled' upon
Oswald Wirth, which in turn I found William's Blog.

I personally do NOT believe in Coincidences.
As stated, I believe that our Soul 'holds' the Sacred Sciences Knowledge and that knowledge is 'spoken' in the Universal Language of Symbolism, Gematria, and Archetype, which that Universal Langauage is spoken in our nightly dreams and in our waking time as synchronicity.

Alchemy is a Sacred Science knowledge as is the Siddhis Powers and when both are manifested
they can be manipulated and controlled in this duality Planet Earth..

I believe that our Soul knows and holds everything that we need to know to navigate through this duality dimension/matrix.

We are not alone during our incarceration ( oops I mean incarnations )...our destination has always been to get back home with God.

All IMHO , of course...:-))))

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...