Sunday, October 31, 2021

No escape from coincidence

A famous person wears the same size water skis as me
She's got three cars as many years I've lived in this city
Her hair is blonde and mine is brown; they both start with a "b"
But when the phone inside her ribcage rings, it's not for me

-- They Might Be Giants, "The Famous Polka"

When I was a teenager and the Internet was in its infancy, the "about me" page on my website bore the heading "" -- all lowercase, with the syllables separated by periods. Recasting my name as the sentence "Will I am" had been inspired partly by Schopenhauer and partly by Green Eggs and Ham, and the distinctive typography was chosen for no particular reason, just because it looked Internetty.

Some months later, I got an email from someone offering to sell me the domain name He said he had offered it to "the rapper" first but that he hadn't been interested. I had never heard of, was a bit bummed to discover that I had inadvertently pinched some rapper's handle, and changed the title of my page. I never bothered to look him up, but many years later I discovered by cultural osmosis that he was the frontman for a group called the Black Eyed Peas.

Years before learning that, I had come up with the band name (every kid comes up with band names) Blue-Eyed Bees, which was inspired by two Sugarcubes songs ("Blue Eyed Pop" and "Bee") and was supposed to be a pun on "how blue I'd be without you" or something. I think I still have some of the album cover art. Never realized the similarity to “Black Eyed Peas” until just now. (There’s also that one Peas song where they repeat “I’m a bee” 105 times.)

Why did I write the above? Because I was trying to write a post about how there just has to be such a thing as a completely meaningless coincidence. I thought I'd get a clear example of such a by finding some random person who shared my birthday so I could say that that obviously didn't mean anything. So I ran a search for march 15 birthdays, and one of the first results that came up was none other than of the Black Eyed Peas. Looking the dude up now (finally), I find that his real name is William James Adams Jr. and that -- no, I'm afraid I'm still just not interested enough to read much more about him! No sense of affinity whatsoever, despite the coincidences. Oh, I did note that his mother’s name is Debra, and that one of my correspondents is a black woman my mother’s age named Debra.

It’s just kind of maddening. I deliberately go looking for a simple coincidence and uncover a web of connections instead!


Ra1119bee said...


I personally believe that there are no coincidences, because there is no such thing
as linear time.

I shared a few examples of my esoteric experiences ( and dreams ) regarding Time, with you in our previous communications.

Also, I did purchase Dunne's book, An Experiment with Time.
Thank you for the recommendation.

Because of my lifetime of personal esoteric experiences and dreams ( many premonition )
, I believe :
our Soul transcends the illusion of linear time, and it does so every night in our REM

I believe our Soul is a power source and is connected to the Divine God, and our Soul 'knows' Past ... Present and Future.
To know the future is priceless because it means
that we change direction in this bitter sea we ( our physical blood body ) have 'fallen' into.

I believe our Soul wants us to remember our purpose on this earth, and , I believe our Soul helps us remember that purpose through our nightly dreams, spoken in the Universal Language of Symbolism, Numerology and Archetype, aka the Sacred Sciences .
I believe the Soul retains the Sacred Sciences knowledge.

I believe that if we ignore the message, upon awakening, then the Soul continues its persistent quest to deliver that message
through synchronicity ( some call synchronicity" coincidences : ) in our waking life.
There is no such thing as coincidences.

God don't do random.

Sometimes , and depending on the urgency of us to learn the message, our Soul delivers
the message more forceful, turns up the heat you might say.
That strategy becomes
nightmares in our dreams, and in our waking life as well.

Many of us ignore our dreams and messages given to us, deeming them 'silly and insignificant.
The reason being is because our Egos take the Helm during our
waking life, and convinces us ( courtesy of our Opponents ) that our dreams and its messages are silly.
The Ego pleasures and protects the physical body only.

Ask yourself, what else does your body do that's silly?
Everything on this duality dimension of Positive and Negative Polarity, has a purpose
be it Good or Bad.
The Bee offers honey and/or it can sting.

I believe that when we allow our Ego to prevent us from our Soul's purpose, we lose our
balance , and it's the center , our balance , which, I believe is our Soul's quest..

IMHO, of course

Bruce Charlton said...

The way I see it:

Since this world is being-created by God, it is coherent at a spiritual level. Some of this coherence is important for salvation or theosis, which is the purpose of creation. These are the synchronicities.

But some of the coherence is an unintended by-product of the sheer fact of coherence of creation.

An analogy might be a good Shakespeare play - which has that coherence to it which is a product of deliberate authorial intention (coming via the author's mind); but there are other coherences (or 'symbolisms') which may be discovered by the scholar - and which are unintended products of the fact that this is a play, written by one Man, and was written so that it held-together.

If we look, there are many cross-correlated aspects of a play that are secondary to the nature of the thing, the fact of its coherence as a work of art.

Another example would be a painting. It could be analyzed in terms of the subject matter and composition of features - but there are probably other very micro level structures - such as very exact patterns of colour, texture, small lines; that were not specifically aimed-for by the artist- but a consequence of the larger organization.

That is broadly how I regard the 'meaningless' kind of coincidence.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Thank you for the thoughts, Debbie and Bruce. Future posts on this topic will be in part a response to your comments.

a_probst said...

"Beware the ides of March"
--Your mother's gynecologist in January of the year you were born.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

My grandfather, who was also William James Tychonievich, often used to say “Beware the Ides of March!” for no apparent reason. I was born on that date just 44 days after his death, leading one family member to propose half-seriously that I am his reincarnation and that his warning meant “Watch out! I’m coming back!”

Ra1119bee said...


I sure you already know this, but the master number 44 is about laying foundation,
brick by brick, step by step, detail by detail, in other words the 4 is the labor needed to complete the house.

40 days and 40 nights is symbolic, as is 40 acres and a Mule.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Forty acres and a mule — in Animalic, a language invented by Tolkien’s cousins around 1905, the word for “donkey” was forty, as seen in the language’s sole surviving sentence: Dog nightingale woodpecker forty, “You are an ass.”

A thin man ran out of the library

I dreamed last night that I had a large strip of paper (about a meter long) on which was printed "Too bad! We go." (A more printab...