Tam multa, ut puta genera linguarum sunt in hoc mundo: et nihil sine voce est.
First I've heard of it... Who da thunk that The Narrow Desert would become my GoTo place for the latest news on mass media fashions?
I assume it's not a thing in the UK. Here in Taiwan, were there are very pressing reasons for "pro-Brandon" sentiment, it's a different story.
Made me think first of "TQM" - Total Quality Management, which was a thing in the corporate world once upon a time when we still had adults putatively in charge of things.May we add an "M", Vanna White?Alternatively,tu quoque?taking questions?timid quisling?terminally quiescent?totalitarians' queue?
I though it was obvious: T stands for "Brandon's" biggest fan, and Q doesn't stand for anything -- it's just a letter.
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Okay, I guess it's more of a "thought," singular.
First I've heard of it... Who da thunk that The Narrow Desert would become my GoTo place for the latest news on mass media fashions?
I assume it's not a thing in the UK. Here in Taiwan, were there are very pressing reasons for "pro-Brandon" sentiment, it's a different story.
Made me think first of "TQM" - Total Quality Management, which was a thing in the corporate world once upon a time when we still had adults putatively in charge of things.
May we add an "M", Vanna White?
tu quoque?
taking questions?
timid quisling?
terminally quiescent?
totalitarians' queue?
I though it was obvious: T stands for "Brandon's" biggest fan, and Q doesn't stand for anything -- it's just a letter.
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