Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Bern, baby, bern!

I can't believe I failed to connect this:

with this:

I mean, "The right has their racist frog," so the left needs a bear -- followed by a pun on the noun and verb senses of bear. How did I not immediately make the connection?

In the same movie, Kermit says, "C'mon, bear, burn rubber!" The combination of a bear, burning, and going fast in a car syncs with "Let's Go" Brandon Brown. (C'mon is roughly synonymous with "Let's go," and is a known Bidenism.)

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the English words bear and brown come from "a Proto-Indo-European root meaning 'bright; brown' (the sense connection might involve polished wooden objects)." I find this a very curious connection, since brown is one of the least bright of colors; of all the basic color terms in English, only black and gray are less often qualified as "bright" than brown is. Brown is not alone in this, though. The very least bright color of all, black, comes from the Old English blac "bright, shining, glittering, pale" and is related to French blanc, "white"; the OED speculates "the connecting notions being, perhaps, 'fire' (bright) and 'burned' (dark)." Perhaps this is also the connecting notion for brown; it certainly seems more plausible than the "bright as wood" idea.

By a very strange coincidence, the bear is also etymologically connected to the idea of burning in Chinese, a language completely unrelated to English. The Old Chinese character for "bear" was 能, and the term for a blazing or raging fire was 熊熊 -- made from the character for "bear" by adding a component meaning "flame." Later, the characer 能 began to be used for a completely different word (meaning "can, ability") and so 熊 (originally referring to a blazing fire) was pressed into service as the character for "bear."

Even more curiously, dictionaries say that 能 (originally "bear," the animal) was also used in the past to mean "to bear, to withstand" and "bearing, attitude" -- exhibiting some of the same polysemy as the English word bear.

There's something mysterious about bears. Beowulf's name means "bear"; so does King Arthur's. There are two constellations called Bears even though their most salient feature is their long tails. (The constellation-inspired myths about how the bear lost his long tail don't address the question of why the ancients would have called the long-tailed shape they saw in the stars a "bear" in the first place.) The universal and enduring popularity of the teddy bear also calls for some explanation, I think -- and no, some anecdote about an American politician ages ago isn't enough to explain why the idea took off and became so popular all over the world.


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Synchronicity alert: Hours after publishing this post, in which I mention how uncommon the phrase “bright brown” is, I read a post by Briggs in which he refers sarcastically to “our bright brown feminine future.”

Ra1119bee said...

Research Operation Paperclip and the German Bear, Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun
The character Doc Brown in the Trilogy movies from the 1990's, Back to the Future, was based on Wernher Von Braun.

The movie Back to the Future, as well as the 1993 Falling Down( starting Michael Douglas ), is a very symbolic message about the Fallen Man to Earth ( Humanity ), aka
Man Overboard.

Recall the character Marty ( MARS ) McFly ( Lord of the Flies ).
Marty wore a burnt orange'ish vest ( life vest ) in the first movie of Back to the Future.

Research the International Maritime Flags. Yellow and Red is the color
of the Flag for OSCAR, meaning Man Overboard.
Yellow and Red mixed, makes Orange.

Why do you think Donald Trump is " painted ' Orange?

Orange man bad.

Why do you think the youth poet, Amanda S. C. Gorman ( a Nigredo Messenger ) who spoke at Biden's Inauguration wore Yellow and Red?
What do you think the message of the Red and Yellow was at Biden's In?

We ( Humanity ) and especially in this time in history, are Man Overboard, especially America and especially the middle class of
Check out the 1993 movie Falling Down for more clues..
Bonus *** in the movie Falling Down, look for the Bat symbolism , the Corona " Signs' ,
and the International Maritime Oscar Flags

Also in the movie Falling Down, look for the Nigredo messenger : ' Not Economically Viable."

There's nothing new under the Helios...

Ra1119bee said...

Hey William,

I just found another sync that you may find interesting..

Check out the International Maritime Flag for Charlie.

Looks Familiar??? to the 3 lines ( replacing the E in Jay-Z's A Star is Born ) ??

The Law of the three is very important to the Bears, whose "Dens " are world wide.

The Charlie Maritime Flag means ; Affirmative.

Ra1119bee said...


One more interesting puzzle piece I just found, regarding your reference
to King Arthur and the bear.

This new puzzle piece coincidently connects to my Tulip dream that I shared with you , by email, earlier this month.

I believe that there is a connection, ( in the Tulip dream ), to the clearing of tables at the restaurant and King Artur's round table.

Please read that Tulip dream again , and connect the symbolism of me sitting in the chair
in the middle of the restaurant to the number 19 tarot card, and to the information
about the King Arthur's Round Table, presented in the two blogs ( links below )

Also recall in my correspondence with you about the raven Merlina, and the mythology of the Ravens at the Tower of London.

In the movie 1993 Falling Down ( see my previous comment about Man Overboard )
the character Sgt. Martin Prendergast ( played by Robert Duvall ) is retiring from
the LAPD and moving with his wife to Lake Havasu, Arizona.
In one of the scenes in the movie, Prendergast sings to his distraught Wife ' London Bridge is Falling Down'

London Bridge is a bridge in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. It was originally built in the 1830s and formerly spanned the River Thames in London, England.
Lake Havasu is on the 33 degree parallel , by the way.

I make mention of the movie Falling Down as I believe there is a symbolic connection ( and perhaps warning/message ) to this movie
and to what is happening now ( and in the future ) on the World Stage, especially
where it concerns the fall ( man overboard ) of the middle class White Male ( the Frogs )

Please, in your search engine, Search : ARTHUR, HIS ROUND TABLE AND THE ZODIAC

This blog ;


this other blog... Search : ARTHUR, HIS ROUND TABLE AND THE ZODIAC

Poppop said...

I may have to stop stopping by your blog. While I appreciate the way you bare your soul, I don't know if I can bear much more of your free-association word-association, especially since it all makes sense until I am insensate.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


By (non-)coincidence, I've just read a reference to the Roud Table / zodiac connection in René Guénon.


I was going to post some stuff about pigs, too, but I didn't want to boar you.

Ra1119bee said...


As we know, there are no coincidences..

Everything Old is New Again, there's nothing new under the Sun ( Helios ).

IMHO, and regarding your response to PopPop,
... As far as the pigs and boars and ring around the rosies, the Negative Polarity are hiding
in plain sight..

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...