Thursday, October 28, 2021

False flags in Prisoners of the Sun

I've already discussed the Tintin book Prisoners of the Sun and its relevance to the birdemic and other current events. Now a recent comment from Debbie on international maritime signal flags reminds me that Prisoners begins with a fake quarantine for a non-existent disease.

A yellow flag represents the letter Quebec (Q), and two Quebec flags indicates "I require health clearance." If you don't have two yellow flags, you can indicate doubling by use of the yellow and blue "Repeater" pennant.

Later, the Repeater is replaced with a Lima (L) flag, indicating quarantine.

"Are they celebrating the captain's birthday?" asks the ignorant landlubber. Q is the 17th letter, and L is the 12th, so if Quebec Lima were used to indicate a birthday, it would be 17 December -- the birthday of papal pretender and birdemic enthusiast Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The ship is called the Pachacamac after the Inca god with the worship of whose consort, Pachamama, Bergoglio is famously and controversially associated.

While others take the flags at face value, Tintin discerns that the plague is fake and the quarantine a trick.

Also: A yellow "Q" flag -- where have I seen that before?


Ra1119bee said...


Very intriguing indeed...
I wasn't aware of The Adventures of Tintin.

I couldn't help but notice Tintin burnt orange'ish/ suit jacket and pants.

Also, as far Tintin's conversation with the Captain, I couldn't help but admire Tintin's
perspective regarding not taking the Signal Flags at face value. a perspective
that mirrors my own..

Interesting indeed...

I plan to read your previous posts about Tintin.
Thank you for your insight.

Also interesting is the latest Alec BaldWin 's incident while filming the movie Rust.

Rust is the ""reddening"" of iron..

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add what I believe to be symbolic about the Alec BaldWin and the shooting on the movie set 'Rust'.

As mentioned Rust means the reddening of Iron, and I've shared the significance of reddening
in Alchemy with you in previous correspondence.

Recall Alec Baldwin parody of Donald Trump in several of the Saturday Night Live skits
from the last several years.

I believe Trump was '' chosen' to lead us ( Americans ) over the bridge to the New Atlantis. Please refer to my previous communication about The New Atlantis, and the shifting of Ages our Opponents call The Great Reset , aka The Fourth Industrial Revolution, A Technocracy, and metaphysically The Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, to be the Phoenix that Rises out of the Ashes.

Although Global by design, America, plays an very integral role at the Shifting of Ages, because America was always destined to be The New Atlantis.
America was always the Great Experiment ( E Pluribus Unum )
Research John Dee.

How this connects with the Rust and Reddening of Iron is ( and in my opinion ) humanity is at the end stage of the Iron Age ( which the end stage in Alchemy is the reddening )

That's why I wrote about the cardinal direction West, the setting sun.
IMO, It symbolically connects.

I also think this connects with your post of Biden being : the Man of Steal ( Steel )

Interesting( and IMO ) is that Biden was "chosen" to be the symbolism of weakness ( aging ) of the Man of Steel, the Iron Age.

Why do you think our Opponents 'killed off' James Bond, in the latest and last movie,
No Time to Die?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

To me, Alec Baldwin "playing Trump" (i.e. dressing up as a guy named after a playing card) syncs with the Lady Gaga song "Poker Face" -- which includes the lines "Russian roulette is not the same without a gun" and "I'll get him hot, show him what I've got" (Baldwin repeatedly asked why he had been given a "hot gun").

Baldwin is also known for "The Hunt for Red October," which syncs with his killing someone with a gun on the set of Rust in October. His Ukrainian-born victim says on her website that she grew up on a Soviet military base surrounded by nuclear submarines.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Baldwin also starred in "Beetlejuice" -- so another "red" connection.

Ra1119bee said...

Very V E R Y interesting indeed..

Ra1119bee said...

Oh, I forgot,

I just found this interesting connection about the Rubedo..

From Wiki :
Rubedo is a Latin word meaning "redness" that was adopted by alchemists to define the fourth and final major stage in their magnum opus.[1] Both gold and the philosopher's stone were associated with the color red, as rubedo signaled alchemical success, and the end of the great work.[2] Rubedo is also known by the Greek word iosis.

The three alchemical stages preceding rubedo were nigredo (blackness) which represented putrefaction and spiritual death, albedo (whiteness) which represented purification, and citrinitas (yellowness); the solar dawn or awakening.[3] Some sources describe the alchemical process as three-phased with citrinitas serving as mere extension and takes place between albedo and rubedo.[4]

The rubedo stage entails the attempt of the alchemist to integrate the psychospiritual outcomes of the process into a coherent sense of self before its re-entry to the world.[5] The stage can take some time or years to complete due to the required synthesis and substantiation of insights and experiences.[5]

The symbols used in alchemical writing and art to represent this red stage can include blood, a phoenix, a rose, ****a crowned king *****, or a figure wearing red clothes. Countless sources mention a reddening process; the seventeenth dictum of the 12th century Turba Philosophorum is one example.


IMO, a 'crown ( crowned king') ..' is a corona no??

Also the wiki article states the wearing of red clothes symbolic of the rubedo.
Trump is known for his red tie.

IMO, we ( humanity globally, but America in particularly ) are at the reddening stage
of the Magnum Opus of the Alchemists, also known as the Great Work.

Ra1119bee said...

William ,

Search : Stanley the Bear in The Hunt for Red October..

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...