Monday, March 14, 2022

2020, 2021, 2022: Rat, Cow, Tiger

The Year of the Rat (or Mouse) began on January 25, 2020. This was the year of the birdemic. Rats and mice are plague vectors (as in the Black Death), and the bat was historically thought of as a sort of mouse (as in the dated term flittermouse). Mice are proverbially timid, and 2020 was marked by ridiculous extremes of caution.

The Year of the Cow (or Ox, or Bull) began on February 12, 2021. This was the year of the peck -- known, despite the medical inaccuracy of the term, by a word that originally meant "pertaining to cows, from cows" -- and people were "bull"-ied into taking it.

The Year of the Tiger began on February 1, 2022. Right on cue, the narrative switched from the peck to the urgent need to start World War III.


Bruce Charlton said...

Interesting observation - but retrospective. What is your prediction for the next year, based upon this scheme?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Yes, it's hard to make real predictions based on this, especially since the same animals come around every 12 years but no year ever comes close to being a repeat of one in the past.

My very general prediction is for more war and violence (1914 was also a Year of the Tiger), but really, who knows? It could be anything from the rise of India to that of some person or organization with a name that sounds like or suggests "tiger."

Before 2022, my expectation was that the truth about the pecks would become undeniable, causing a violent reaction from the populace. Now of course it's natural to see the widespread violence having a different cause.

Intuitively, what comes to mind first is the Blakean proverb, "The tygers or wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction."

There's also the connection to my name. My uncle, also named William Tychonievich, used to rock and roll under the stage name Billy Tyger (with deliberate reference to Blake).

Speaking of Blake, there's also "Tyger, tyger, burning bright" and Kipling's adaptation of that line -- tying in with my persistent "spontaneous human combustion" premonition.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I meant more that - accepting that this coming year will be a year of Tigerish war-ish frenzy; and if most of 2023 is (apparently) the *next* year of the Rabbit - what could be expected from the coming Rabbit year? Running, digging and hiding in holes to flee the Tiger war?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That would be my best guess, too — either that or “aliens” (the rabbit connection is well known in the abduction literature).

B Wooster said...

Ride the tiger and all that rot, what?

Ra1119bee said...


Lions .... and Tigers.... and Bears.... OH MY!!
----quote from Dorothy ( and TOTO Two )
from The Wizard of Ahhhhhhs ( aka The Wizard of OZ )

Toto Two is TTT ( omitting the vowels )
T being the 20th letter in the Alphabet, TTT = 222

I found this information from a blog titled; about the letter T, and thought it interesting :

Here are a few excerpts from the article:

"Letter T corresponds to 2 letters in the Hebrew alphabet: Teth, representing “serpent” or “roof”, and Tau, signifying “the cross”.

"When you see a cube, it is also an emblem of the cross. A cube being unfolded is a cross. Thus, letter T represents the unfolding spiritual nature (the cross) that rises above physical limitation (the cube)."

"The Tetractys of Pythagoras starts with T because symbolizes the perfection of God’s creation.

According to Egyptian teachings, letter T represents the 2 front teeth of Osiris. They believe that when Osiris spoke, he Talked with Truth, which became Teachings. Thus, letter T is the symbol of Truth spoken by Osiris."

"Letter T also represents the tooth of the cobra, which are its 2 fangs. Cobra is the symbol of wisdom in Egyptian mysticism. The name of Thoth is composed of “Th + th” which means “Tooth + Tooth”. Thoth, or thoughts, is the word “tooth” being said backward.

"On the Day of Judgement, our heart will be weighed against the feather of Maat, who is the Goddess of Truth, on the Scale of Justice. When we look closely at the scale, its shape resembles letter T.

In Egyptian mythology, if Osiris finds our heart in balance with the weight of the feather of truth, we will be accepted to live in the heaven forever."

~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What's interesting is that I recently had a dream where I ( and many other people )
were in a very chaotic situation. At one point I was trying to hide inside someone's abandoned house to escape the chaos.
Inside the house I found a drawer( chest of drawers ) of white feathers.
The feathers were wrapped in a terry dishcloth.

After the dream, I didn't really connect the feathers to Maat at that time,
but this morning when I found your post I immediately thought of Dorothy's infamous
Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! and TOTO TWO, which led me research about the meaning of
the T's and I found the Wisdom Tavern blog, and the mention in the post about the T's
and the feathers.

Again, I don't believe in coincidences.

I also found your post interesting , especially the mention of bats.
My hubby and I live in the woods in a log house and we've been here since 1993.

In the last 11 years or so, bats began coming into our house. The bats 'visits' have been occasional and one or two bats at a time.
We had a professional service come out to the house
to see if there was a nest, but there isn't any. Bats usually nest in an attic of a house
and we don't have an attic.

I of course don't believe in coincidences, and I thought it interesting the information I found while researching the Bat symbolism, especially where it concerns TRASNSFORMATION.

As you know I've stated many times that I am convinced that humanity is on the precipice
of a Great Shift.
I personally believe that my hubby and my Bat 'visits' have been an harbinger announcing
the coming of that shift.

Also interestedly we've had 3 honey bee colonies inside and around the eaves of our house, not all at once, but 3 different times throughout several years.

The first bee colony we found (' coincidently' ) was in my bathroom.
We have 2 bathrooms, one downstairs and one upstairs (my bathroom
is the upstairs bathroom).

We live in VERY interesting Times...

Ra1119bee said...


I wrote in my previous comment: Toto Two, but in the movie, The Wizard of Oz,
Dorothy actually says : and Toto Too(also).

However after reading the article from
about the cobra and the 2 teeth, maybe the hidden meaning in the movie is
actually 2(TWO ).

Ra1119bee said...


spelling error! Transformation, not TRASNSFORMATION.

Forgive please ;-))))

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


In yesterday's Sempiternal Count post, I reference an old Sesame Street episode in which Big Bird and Snuffleupagus visit the Egyptian afterlife with Prince Sahu, an Egyptian ghost who has been wandering the earth for 4,000 years. When it is time to weigh Sahu's heart against a feather, the feather does not appear, and Big Bird says, "Use one of mine!"

Regarding "Toto Two," the band Toto called their fourth album Toto IV. The second, which would have been Toto II, was called Hydra and featured the song "St. George and the Dragon."

Ra1119bee said...


How very very strange!

I clicked on your two links, and the link about the old Sesame Street episode
really intrigued me.
The reason being is that after I had the strange dream about the white feathers,
for some reason I had a strong feeling that you had posted a comment on your blog, which would mention 'feathers'.

This dream was a day or so ago (I think it might have been Sunday Morning EST )
I clicked on your blog upon waking from the dream, and I didn't see any post reference to feathers, so I just thought it was odd that I would even think you would 'telepathically or randomly' post a comment about feathers.

I'm going to re-read and study that Sesame Street article again, as I'm thinking that perhaps there is message hidden that I need to know.

Regarding the band Toto,
Hmmmm.....VERY INTERESTING indeed...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


If you want to watch the episode itself, it's on YouTube:

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Speaking of the band Toto, check out this cover art:

Ra1119bee said...

Thank You William,
I' will check all of your information out.

Also I wish to say ; Happy Birthday!!!

Ra1119bee said...

Oh my!!!
I just clicked on the Toto link!!!

A white feather??!!!

As stated, I had no clue why I would have a dream about feathers.
When I woke up, I told hubby about it and how strange it was, and somewhat disturbing
because in the dream, I was trying to escape a chaotic situation.

Also, and I didn't mention this before in my previous post, but later that night of the Feather dream, hubby and I decided to watch ( on DVD ) an old show.

Being Boomers, we love old nostalgia black and white movies and TV shows from the 60's and we have a gazillion DVDs to choose from.
I randomly choose an Outer Limits DVD with the entire season, and of course there are several DVD's in each season.

I asked hubby to choose one of several DVD disks and he randomly pointed to one.
I popped it in the DVD player, and lo and behold on that particular DVD, was an Outer Limit
episode that one was of my very Favorites titled : The Special One.

Of course my hubby and I have seen all of the Outer Limit episodes many many times over the years, but we still enjoy looking at the old classics even though we know the ending of
all the episodes.

Outer Limits : The Special One, has always been my very favorite because it explores the idea of the Siddhis Powers and as I've shared with you about my esoteric experiences and dreams (especially about Levitation) you might understand why that particular episode
of Outer Limits would be one of my favorites.

Anywho, while watching the show and about half way through , I suddenly remember the ending!!! Feathers!!!

I said to hubby and referring to the Feather dream I said; What's the Odds??

I absolutely DO NOT believe in coincidences..

The Outer Limits full episode of The Special One is on Dailymotion.

Here's a link

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