Friday, April 22, 2022

Actually, it’s a zero-emissions fan

We have this sign to remind students not to leave the fan running.

“Save Our Earth!” Because, although you can’t see any pollution coming out of the fan itself, it’s understood that the fan uses electricity, which comes from power plants, which mostly burn coal. You’re “saving our earth” by indirectly causing less coal smoke to be pumped into the atmosphere.

Isn’t it interesting how the same people who understand that effortlessly — who know that of course running an electric fan all the time is bad for the environment — also tend to think that electric cars are the best thing since low-flow showerheads?

I guess if I really want to get serious about Saving Our Earth, I should consider investing in a fan that runs off a 1,000-pound rechargeable lithium-ion battery instead of plugging directly into the wall. I hear those are great for the environment.


jorgen said...

Will my tuition go down if I turn off fan? No, the university won't pass the savings on to me? Plugs in second fan.

A said...

What if the fan is powered by wind power? Is that full circle?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Or they could use electric vehicles to excavate the cobalt for the batteries!

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