Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Systemic racism: Hollywood is run by whites.

The New York Times published this infographic on September 11, 2020.

Who are these 25 people? Below is the name, company, and race/ethnicity of each. For a few I was unable to find specific ethnic details and had to classify them as generic whites.

  1. Paul Buccieri (A+E Networks Group) - White gentile
  2. Karey Burke (ABC) - Other white
  3. Jennifer Salke (Amazon Studios) - Other white
  4. Jamie Erlicht (Apple) - Other white
  5. Zack Van Amburg (Apple) - White gentile
  6. Kelly Kahl (CBS) - Other white
  7. David Stapf (CBS Television Studios) - White (no details available)
  8. Nancy Daniels (Discovery Channel) - White (no details available)
  9. Dana Walden (Disney Television Studios and ABC Entertainment) - Other white
  10. Charlie Collier (Fox) - Other white
  11. Kelly Campbell (Hulu) -White gentle
  12. Ted Sarandos (Netflix) - White gentile
  13. Jim Gianopulous (Paramount Pictures) - White gentile
  14. Tom Rothman (Sony Pictures Entertainment) - Other white
  15. Jeff Frost (Sony Pictures Television Studios) - Other white
  16. Kathleen Finch (TLC and HGTV) - White (no details available)
  17. Donna Langley (Universal Filmed Entertainment Group) - White gentile
  18. Alan Bergman (Walt Disney Studios) - Other white
  19. Alan Horn (Walt Disney Studios) - Other white
  20. Toby Emmerich (Warner Bros. Pictures Group) - Other white
  21. Peter Roth (Warner Bros. Television Group) - Other white
  22. Casey Bloys (WarnerMedia and HBO Max) - White gentile
  23. Wonya Lucas (Crown Media Family Networks) - Black
  24. Pearlena Igbokew (NBCUniversal Television Studios) - Black
  25. Jessica Rodriguez (Univision) - Hispanic
How systemically racist is this? Well, let's compare the racial/ethnic makeup of this group of top execs with that of the American population as a whole.

Take a look at the rightmost column. If the number is higher than 1, that group is overrepresented among top Hollywood and TV execs; if it is lower than 1, the group is underrepresented. In a fair world, one without systemic racism, every number would be exactly 1. What do we see instead? That the number for whites is 1.5 -- a whopping 50% higher than it would be in a fair world! Blacks, on the other hand, have a measly 0.7, showing that they are systematically excluded from positions of power in Hollywood.

It's an outrage! Why is no one talking about this?


Francis Berger said...

I guess someone should ask the Other Whites. Nah, that would be anti-Other Whitetism.

Ra1119bee said...


All the world is a stage/play and therefore an Illusion.

Our(Humanity, Collectively ) Opponents have always been proponents of Eugenics
and Depopulation.

The entire Freemason " Slap of hands " performed by Will Smith and Chris Rock
was a staged psyop to stir the racial cauldron and to add fuel to the fire of the Black
Male as being weak, emotional, violent, thuggish, Whipping Boy.
Please recall some of my earlier commentary about the Nigredo and Alchemy.

The Will Smith character was created in the early 1990's for Middle Class White people so as to create 'acceptance 'of a charismatic ' Black Male, which served as a springboard
for the ushering in of the first 'so called' Black President, Barack Obama in 2008.

Obama's Presidency was never about Black People. Obama is Mixed Race, not Black.
Obama's was 'selected' ( 2 terms ) to usher in the Feminist, LGBT movement.

If you recall in the 1990's there were many Black and White duos together'changing'the world' in Media and Entertainment.
And not only in the 1990s, but earlier in the late 1950's.
Remember the TV show I Spy with Robert Culp and Bill Cosby?

In the 1990's recall :
Billy Crystal & Gregory Hines ( movie Runny Scared)
Bruce Willis & Samuel L. Jackson ( movie Die Hard )
Don Johnson & Philip Michael Thomas ( Miami Vice )
Michael Jackson's song and video ( Black is White )
Nick Nolte & Eddie Murphy ( 48 Hours )
Mel Gibson & Danny Glover ( Lethal Weapon )

Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones ( Men in Black )
Will Smith was the lovable Rapper and 'boy next door' in the TV series " Fresh
Prince of Bel-Air ) *** and we all know who Bel ( Baal ) is, right?

Will Smith also 'saved the day' against the aliens in the 1996 movie Independence Day,
and Smith also played the Magical Negro ( Nigredo ) in Bagger Vance.

Will Smith(like all of the so called Black ''Elites' in Holly Wood ) is Boule and a Gatekeeper.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Ra1119bee said...

I wrote: Obama's was 'selected' (2 terms) to usher in the Feminist, LGBT movement.

I meant to write that Obama was selected (2 terms) to help **Strengthen*** the Feminist,
LGBT Movement.

IMHO, of course..

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, if the purpose was to stir up racial animus, surely an interaction between a white and a black would have been more effective than one black dude slapping another.

Or maybe not, since the white guy (whether slapper or slap-provoker) would inevitably be seen as the bad guy. As it is, no one can take either side without criticizing a black man — which is probably why whites have been told to just shut up about it.

But I trust you’ve figured out that this post isn’t really about blacks and whites!

Ra1119bee said...


No, the entire Will Smith charade was to add fuel to the fire by re-creating
the perfect whipping bo which has always been the Black Male.

Our Opponents always needed a cheap labor source to build the empire
and they enacted the Peonage System to insure that cheap labor source.

As stated, and IMO, our Opponents cleaned up the whipping boy's image in the 1990's
because they needed a springboard and platform for Obama to 'shine' on.

This End Game has always been about the demise of the White Middle Class Christan.
Our Opponents have always used the Nigredo in all of their Alchemical Transformations.

What do you think BlackLivesMatter was about?
Who do you think Bankrolls and controls BLM?

The entire George Floyd pysop and BLM was used as a springboard to usher in World Economic Forums Social Justice Mandates.

After Obama was safely ushered into office, Rap/Hip Hop really began its dramatic satanic
thugish shift demonizing the Black Man (once again ) as the violent , sex obsessed, no respect for himself or his women or children, materialist all around Bad Guy
whipping Boy.

And you're right, what's happening on the World Stage now has nothing whatsoever to do
with trying to balance the racial economical scale.

Research the Boule.
The Boule are Gatekeepers who work for the Wizards aka Bears aka the One Eye
of the Detached Capstone.

If you're interested in the Boule, here is a good place to start.

Ra1119bee said...


I also want to add that the charade of the Black Guy slapping the Black Guy
was to seal and cement the narrative of Black-on-Black crime.

As far as the Black-on-Black crime narrative, ask yourself : Who REALLY Benefits?
Those who are proponents of Ordo ab Chao, perhaps???

Follow the Money....

Bruce Charlton said...

Its a specific instance of a general phenomenon whereby those in power/ leadership are happy to implement racial and sexual preferences on the masses - yet none of them have ever (to my knowledge) resigned their position to make way for a replacement from the favoured groups.

A local communist landowner and Labour Government minister, for example, willed his property and lands to 'the public'... but after he died. In other words, he took full advantage of it all his life, and then gave away his son's inheritance - without even telling him (he read about it in a newspaper!).

He put Hammer and Sickle symbols around the grounds, which are - remarkably - repainted and still displayed (on children's play equipment) - because soviet communism was (of course) just a harmless eccentricity that was well-meaning, so its symbolism is just a bit of fun (like swastikas - ahem)...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


The only example I am aware of is former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who was successfully pressured to retire so that a black woman could take his job.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - Retiring at 83 years old hardly constitutes a counter-example!

Bruce Charlton said...

It is an interesting question which lapsed religions are (on average) the worst.

It may be that those who lapse from religions with a strongly external 'locus of control' - those that primarily demand obedience to many and onerous rules - are worse people than those who have lapsed from more inner-directed religions (if there are any) - and that this effect is amplified by the number of generations leading up to the lapse.

In other words; when a religious lineage has evolved to obey authority, primarily; then when they cease to obey their religious authority, and instead choose to obey secular authority; they will then obey secular values in an exceptionally uncritical and unbalanced fashion - without critical common sense or rational coherence to balance that obedience.

One obvious possibility is other whites where the gulf in behaviour and values between religious and secular is colossal; and another may turn-out to be those Mormons whose ancestry goes back multiple generations.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That's an interesting possibility, Bruce. It would be one way of approaching Moldbug's observation that modern "progressivism" (what we now call "woke") developed out of extremely strict, legalistic sects like Puritan Calvinism. He saw this as a natural evolution and called progressivism "ultra-Calvinism," but it's probably more like lapsed or apostate Calvinism. It's the outer structure of a strict religion, detached from God and grafted onto something else -- perhaps the sort of thing Revelation meant by the expression "the synagogue of Satan."

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - That idea of Moldbug's is essentially wrong, exactly because it fails to differentiate between believing in a religions, and not believing it/ hating it/ trying to destroy it/ inverting it.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Yes, I know. But the idea is that, just like other whites, the background of having been in that religion for many generations affects the form that their anti-religion takes.

Lots of people (the Romans, the Japanese, others) have hated Christianity and wanted to destroy it, but progressivism owes its special character to its history not as external anti-Christianity but as apostate Christianity.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...