Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 27 and the whale

Today one of my adult English students, wanting to practice his pronunciation, had selected a couple of articles from an English magazine to read aloud to me so that I could listen and make any needed corrections. The first, an article about tourism in Amsterdam, included this paragraph:

One of the dearest holidays in the Netherlands is King's Day, when the Dutch honor the birthday of King Willem-Alexander. Every April 27, nearly a million people dress in orange -- the country's national color -- to attend concerts, watch boat parades, and shop at huge outdoor markets.

As I have posted before, April 27, 1584, was the date of John Dee and Edward Kelley's vision of a many-eyed whale on a hill, representing the spirit of God; and on April 27, 2014, I posted an account of my own dream of a many-eyed whale. Not until this year would I discover that I had posted it on the 430th anniversary of Dee's similar vision.

Here in the article is April 27 again, and specifically April 27 as an anniversary.

The mention in the paragraph of people wearing orange for King's Day also caught my attention. On March 6 of this year, I had posted some AI-generated pictures of book titles and invited readers to guess what the titles were. One of the books I had chosen was The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers, an 1895 book of horror stories which was one of H. P. Lovecraft's major influences. I know of the book but have never read it, and I can't say why it came to mind. Anyway, the AI illustrated it in a rather straightforward fashion -- a crude human figure dressed in yellow, wearing a crown -- but one of my readers bizarrely guessed "The King in Orange." I assumed this was a simple error; it never occurred to me someone might have written a book about the King in a different color.

Many of my Dee/whale syncs have been mediated by Greg Carlwood's podcast The Higherside Chats. A few days ago, I was browsing the archives and found one that was an interview with John Michael Greer, whose name I knew from having read an article or two years ago on his now-defunct Archdruid Report blog, so I gave it a listen. The name of the show, from May 2021, was "John Michael Greer | Political Sorcery, Will, & Weaponized Magic" -- and it turned out to be about his 2021 book called, yes, The King in Orange, about the "magical war" leading up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election (Pepe the Frog and all that).

The second article my student read was about the four-leaf clover, and he made a very strange mistake:

According to legend, in the fifth century, Saint Patrick used clovers to explain the Holy Trinity to the ancient Irish. And the ancient Celts believed that four-leaf clovers offered magical protection against whale.

"Against evil," I corrected. "Oh, against evil." How often do people misread evil as whale?

So there's a whale, coming hot on the heels of the date April 27. But the reference to the Holy Trinity in connection with the number four was a sync, too. See, last night I had put "john dee" into the search box on YouTube and clicked on one of the first results that came up, called "The Incalculable Genius of John Dee." Despite the title, the video's main topic is the theory that Edward de Vere wrote the works attributed to Shakespeare, and that those works contain many coded references (created with the help of Dee and Dee's ideas) to that fact. The presenter, Alexander Waugh, focuses on this quote from Dee:

We demonstrate here that the Quaternary is concealed within the Ternary. O God! pardon me if I have sinned against Thee by revealing such a great mystery in my writings which all may read, but I believe that only those who are truly worthy will understand.

Waugh comments, "Well clearly, that great mystery as far as the Ternary is concerned is about the Trinity,"  and then goes on to talk about the ways various Elizabethans contrived to find the numbers three and four in their names. Dee, for example, often signed his name "Δ" (it is thus that he is referred to in the account of the whale vision) -- delta being both a triangle (the Ternary) and the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet (the Quaternary).

To be honest, I had thought that the Dee/whale sync stream had pretty much run its course, but here it is popping up again.


Craig Davis said...

I can't see any particular synchyness myself, but every time you talk about John Dee this song pops into my head:


Perhaps you will see a connection>

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

For me it's the Beach Boys: "We come on the sloop John Dee..."

Ra1119bee said...


You never cease to amaze me!
Please allow me to explain.

On April 3,2022 I had a dream I titled Alex.

Here is the dream :

I can’t recall all of this dream, but I do recall that I was with 3 Men (2 White Men) and I felt as if I had to choose which man I wanted to marry.

For some reason one of the men was my brother ( in real life ).

Another man, who was short with dark hair was very attractive and more of ‘my type’, however at one point he was complaining of how ‘ unorganized’ I was and I knew that he and I would always have problems if we were to marry because of me being unorganized..

I also knew that I wasn’t going to pick my brother to marry, so the other man left
was a tall man named Alex.

I didn't find Alex attractive, but what was interesting is the more I was around Alex and touching him and interacting with him, the more I grew to love him, and he I.

We both agreed that we were Soul mates because we felt so close
to each other and in such a short period of time.
I woke up.

When I woke up I immediately googled the name Alex and found that it means: Defender of Man.
I personally do not know of anyone by the name of Alex nor do I recall looking at a movie before the dream with the character name of Alex.

As I researched of course I also got google hits of the Amazon's A I device Alexa, however my hubby and I sure as hell do NOT have a Alexa device in our home.

Another intriguing experience I had was this : after the Alex dream, I was looking at a video on YouTube called Butter by a young Koren (very androgynous ) boy band named BTS who are extremely popular right now especially with young White Females.

Of course I am not a fan of BTS as they are not in my generation, but I must admit
I do like that particular song as I have a very diverse love of many types of music.

Also, I personally think it's very important to pay attention to a vast spectrum of what is happening in the world, especially in popular culture as I believe our Opponents manipulate everything, especially those things that they sear into our Collective Consciousness.

In the Butter music video ( see link below ) I noticed something very interesting.
At marker frame 2:09 the seven members of the band are 'spelling' out ( with their bodies )
what I believe are words.

The Beatles (whom my sister and I were huge Beatle fans' back in the day ) also spelled out words with their bodies on the Help album cover.

Actually,after a bit of research I think BTS has been groomed to archetypically represent The Beatles with their mop top hairstyles and bangs. Bangs being the symbol of youth, especially innocence in youth.

But getting back to the Butter video, and because I had already made the Beatles and BTS connection in my mind, I actually stopped the Butter video and studied the word they were making with their bodies and I believe it is ( from left to right ) A E L H X.
Perhaps an anagram of Alex?

Another interesting connection in the Butter video is the colors Yellow and Black ( symbolic of Bee?) In the video the 'boys' are also dancing on what appears to be a Hive.

Also you commented on the color Orange and if you recall my commentary and perspective of the colors of Yellow and Red Maritime International Flags meaning O for Oscar
( Man Overboard )

Of course a mixture of yellow and red makes "Orange".
Remember Donald Trump aka Orange man bad.

And last but not least please recall me sharing with you a dream I had on Feb 21, 2016
which I titled : In April.

In my previous commentary, I connected the dots from the In April dream and much research and formed a prediction of what I believe to be a very possible major spark this month, having to do with either Israel, or the US, or UK.


A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...