Thursday, April 28, 2022

Don't implicitly concede principles by too narrow a focus on facts

Over at Rintrah, Radagast argues against relying too heavily on the "just the flu" argument against birdemic tyranny. When you argue against forced masking, distancing, lockdowns, pecks, etc. because they are ineffective, or because the virus isn't dangerous enough to warrant them, you are implicitly conceding that similarly tyrannical measure would be acceptable if they were more effective, or if a more deadly virus were to appear -- which, sooner or later, will happen.

By focusing too much on statistics and facts -- and I have often been guilty of this myself -- we imply that that is all our objection to tyranny is based on. We imply that when faced with the question, "Should we turn the world into a police state?" the proper response is, "Well, that depends. How many lives would it save?"

Statistics are important, Radagast concedes, but birdemic protestors

don’t go there because they are convinced the IFR is 0.17% instead of 0.8%. They don’t go there because they believe the herd immunity threshold lies at 25% instead of 90%. They don’t even go there because there is no significant correlation between lockdown stringency and excess mortality. And ultimately, they don’t even go there because they believe the WEF wants to implement a Great Reset.

No, those people go there, because what happened in March 2020, is incompatible with what we are. They reject it, the way your body would reject a pig’s heart implanted under your rib-cage. They reject it, because lockdowns are incompatible with Western values. Those values are interwoven with who we are as individuals, so many of you will have rejected it without even comprehending why.

"Western values," of course, is like saying C.E. instead of A.D. We all know what it really means.

A product of our Christian heritage is that we reject cruelty against individuals with a strict passion, even when it would benefit the societal good. This is what you and your ancestors have learned, what you had ingrained into your souls, for over a thousand years.

Yes, I am talking here about a notorious Jewish hippie, a young troublemaker who angered the pharisees. A man who went around violating Levitical law, by touching people with leprosy. What’s hard-coded into our brains, is empathy for individuals. It’s easy to forget that Christianity teaches that Jesus was both God and Man, a man who didn’t just bail you out of hell, but lived a life by example.

And whether you are today a Christian, a heathen, an atheist, a follower of the path of Dharma or something else entirely, the reality remains that you have grown up in a culture that is Christian in its essence, like the proverbial fish who fails to recognize water he has always lived in. And the great innovation that Christianity brought to the Roman empire, is the fundamental dignity of the individual.

Radagast is apparently not a Christian himself, and the points he chooses to emphasize are somewhat different from those I would focus on, but his central point remains: The Global Totalitarian Coup of 2020 is wrong, not ultimately for any statistical or medical reason, but because it is fundamentally anti-Christian -- or, in other words, Satanic. No debate over details can ever lose sight of that fundamental truth.

Suppose the birdemic were ten times as deadly as it really is. Suppose masks worked. Suppose "safe and effective" were not a punchline but a literally accurate description of the pecks. Ultimately, at the level that matters, nothing would be different. God would still be God. Satan would still be Satan. Totalitarianism would still be evil. You would still have to choose.

As it is, God has made it easy for us. But if he decides to make it hard, we will still have to make the same choices, and to understand clearly the foundation on which those choices are really based.


Ra1119bee said...


But why does the 'good people' always make the wrong choices, or worse yet, no 'choice'
at all?
Why didn't the 'good people' put an end to chattel slavery?

What's that saying? : "In Order For Evil To Triumph, Good People Do Nothing"

Maybe it is us that has 'fueled' the bad people ( negative polarity) continued triumph.

Look at how our Opponent's masterly of Divide and Conquer have destroyed us( humanity).
Our Opponent's strengthen our EGO so as to minimize our Soul and Collective Consciousness
and truth be told they have done a damn good job of it, IMHO.

I would agree with the reference in your post: "
too narrow a focus on facts", as, at least to me'
means the same thing as : 'cant see the forest for the trees.

Visionaries ( birds ) see way beyond the trees, and through our Soul, we ALL are visionaries. IMHO.

"Fact hunters" are always looking down analyzing each and every bread crumb theorizing what each morsel might mean, and while truth be told, we need both critical thinking skills ( fact hunters ) as well as Visionaries ( birds ), I believe the secret is the balance of both.

However, and IMO,
the real power lies in the visionaries as it is they who can change direction because they can see the final destination outside of the forest, which may or may NOT be in their best interest to continue on that same path.

Bruce Charlton said...

That this is a spiritual war - rather than anything to do with pragmatics - is shown by the observation that 'the left' never allows a narrow focus upon facts to interfere with its own arguments.

For example, when an alleged fact (e.g. a hate crime) is shown not to have happened at all - somehow this does not affect the point being made, and indeed the fact of specific factual disproof is itself (somehow) further evidence of the problem (for instance, why did some people doubt that 'it' had happened? - isn't that kind of self-serving skepticism 'exactly the problem'?).

So your general point is right, but it is weak, futile and indeed self-defeating argument for Radagast to argue from some supposed consensus of 'western civilization' that is not specifically rooted in Christianity... By now Western Civ is thoroughly corrupt and net-harmful.

Indeed, if 'civilization' is to be important in the argument, it would need to be a rather specific organizational form of Christianity at issue - all of which are by-now weak and corrupt.

The fact is that 'they' (the mainstream globalist left) have a very easy job in their work of opposition/ destruction/ subversion of The Good; whereas for Christians it is impossibility difficult.

Therefore it is not a question of rejecting wrong approaches, and finding the right way to discuss matters - in order to win arguments with The Establishment; there just is no magic argument to which They will listen and respond.

I suppose I learned this from multiple personal experiences with politically correct witch-hunts (at levels from local to international) - 'They' will simply keep shifting ground to put Us in 'the wrong' - and those who look-on will approve.

Ra1119bee said...


I absolutely agree with you about what's happening on the World Stage,
being a Spiritual War.

It always has been, IMO.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Well, people did once put at end to chattel slavery for quite some time, though it is now increasingly tolerated again. But I don't think "changing the world" has ever been the primary focus for those who are aligned with the Good. See my Antithesis on Feuerbach.


Yes, "Western civilization" is a slippery foundation, but Radagast is at least honest enough to recognize that it means "what's left of Christianity." The ease with which most people have accepted totalitarianism (rather than, as Radagast would have it, rejecting it as your body would reject a pig's heart) shows just how little is left!

I agree that winning arguments with the Establishment is not a realistic goal. The main point is to keep one's own thinking clear -- to "clear your mind of cant."

Ra1119bee said...


Slavery never went away. It's always been here.Do you really think our Opponents believed that All Men are created Equal?

From our Opponent's perspective, the European masses ( those who weren't bloodline ) were NEVER Equal, which is why many came here as Indentured Servants.

As far as Black people especially in America,
why do you think Partus was enacted in the 1600's?
It was because of Power and Property Rights.
Race has very little to do with it.
Race was just a vehicle used to wield Power.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Research Elizabeth Key and Partus sequitur ventrem.

Sex, Power and Money are the 3 Power Sources that controls this dimension
(Earth )

Cheap Labor (Peonage ) is Slavey.
The Black Codes ( after Chattel Slavery ) , Jim Crow ( Share Cropping... Red lining etc ) One Drop,
and Nixon's War on Drugs were all enacted to continue and maintain a cheap labor source i.e. peonage system after chattel slavery.

And yes, and IMO, the "Good People" have continued to turn a blind eye to the peonage system, even participating to fuel its fire, all because of EGO ( Ego pleasures
and protects the Physical Body ONLY )

I believe that there has always been a Spiritual War in this dimension. The Positive Polarity (Good ) vs the Negative Polarity (Evil), and truth be told, The Negative Polarity seems to always retain their power. Thanks, in part and Collectively, to the Good People who turn a blind eye and allow the Evil to triumph.

There is nothing new under the Sun.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Slavery doesn't mean cheap labor; it means forced labor -- and modern welfare states are a million miles from forced labor. Never in the history of the world has it been easier and safer to choose not to work.

Slavery also doesn't mean "anything that's bad for black people." Whatever one's opinion of Jim Crow, the war on drugs, etc., they're not examples of forced labor. On the contrary, the war on drugs and mass incarceration have meant removing hardworking unlicensed pharmacists from the labor force and feeding and housing them at taxpayer expense.

Literal chattel slavery does exist in the modern West -- primarily in immigrant communities, which is why it is so studiously ignored by goodthinkers.

jorgen said...

I don't see it as either-or. Covid is fake AND lockdowns are evil. Both are true. Its also true that Rintrah is part of the "you will eat the bugs" climate cult and therefore a Satanist.

Ra1119bee said...


IMO, the peonage system, is having no to very little Choice, especially in a country that espousals the illusion of the American Dream and that all Men are created Equal and pulling
one up by their boot straps.

Black People didn't have a Choice where to live in the American cities, back in the day.
Ever hear of Red lining?
If so, answer me this: is exclusion forced?

And it's not just Black People.
Were the Indigenous People of America "Forced" to Walk the Trail of Tears?
If one is Conquered , they will be 'forced' in some way shape or form.

Everything on this dimension ( in some form or another )
is about Sex, Power and Money.

As far as your comment : " On the contrary, the war on drugs and mass incarceration have meant removing hardworking unlicensed pharmacists from the labor force and feeding and housing them at taxpayer expense".

My response : But does the " handworking pharmacists" make and/or 'grow' their products?
Another ' hidden hand' ( probably a White Hand ) has always been in the underground economy. How do you think the Kennedys made their millions?
And many 'taxpayers' have been known to take a 'snort or two' of the 'product'
the pharmacists are selling.

So, question ; who are the REAL villains here? Which takes me back to my
original comment about: 'can't see the forest for the trees.

Peonage, Slave Wage, Slavery, or whatever you wish to call it, has always
existed on this planet.
It might have changed its flavor, but it's still Bitter, IMHO.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I agree. My point is that we need to avoid speaking or thinking as if lockdowns were evil only because the birdemic is fake.

I'm not sure what to make of Radagast's strange combination of birdemic skepticism and climate credulity. It's certainly very unusual. Generally, either you Trust The Science or you don't.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I agree with your overall points that all men are not created equal, that some people have always had it rough, and that the powerful exploit the powerless. I just don't think calling it all "slavery" (or "genocide," as some prefer) is conducive to clear thinking.

Ra1119bee said...


I understand what you're saying, but truth be told, it doesn't matter what you 'call it all'...or call "them/they', which
is why I refer to the Negative Energy and their Playbook simply as our Opponents.

To refuse to acknowledge our Opponent's power and their playbook over All of us, is not in our best interest, IMO,
as I have often commented on, as I believe that we ( Humanity ) are on the precipice
of a Spiritual War and perhaps have always been.

The Black Guy has always been used as the first step ( the Nigredo ) in all of our Opponent's Alchemical Transformations (Lead to Gold aka The Philosopher's Stone ) here on Earth.

Knowledge (gathered from a vast spectrum of ideologies, even perspectives we may abhor or don't agree with ) is POWER..... and IMHO IS conducive to clear thinking.

When the Illusion is transcended, the clearer and further we can see( sea ).
When we apply that knowledge for the Good of Humanity, is the Key.

“All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.“

Craig Davis said...

Driving through northern Colorado towards Wyoming yesterday, on the side of the road, I saw a raven (corvid, birdemic) eating a rattlesnake (serpent). And since the Synch Fairies seem to like numbers, I was on highway 287. As I drove by I immediately thought "William needs to know about this."

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Interesting. The rattler (Gadsden flag) represents freedom, individualism, and a willingness to fight back against coercion, so a corvid eating one is a very appropriate omen-after-the-fact.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...