Friday, April 1, 2022

Orca Horizons

Back in 1998, when there was such a thing as a Mormon missionary and I was one, there was a cassette tape called "Orca Horizons" which lots and lots of us owned. It had been introduced by that one kind of New-Agey elder, the one who had a "sound-light entrainment device" to induce altered states of consciousness without breaking the Word of Wisdom, and it consisted of the 1997 Kierre Lewis album Horizons (piano arrangements of Mormon hymns) overlaid with a recording of the chirps and whistles of killer whales. Everyone made a copy, including me.

This album came to mind due to the synchronicity described in the last post, where, just after reading about John Dee and Edward Kelley seeing a whale that represented God, I listened to an interview with Dr. Richard Alan Miller in which he said "that orca was God."

The original quote, what the angels allegedly said to Dee and Kelley, was "The Whale is the spirit of God."

I just looked up Horizons and found this summary on the Desert Book website:

In this debut album, pianist Kierre Lewis brings a fresh new sound to her interpretations of such familiar and favorite hymns as 'Lead Thou Me On,' 'All Creatures of Our God and King,' 'The Spirit of God,' 'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,' 'Our Savior's Love,' and the ethereal 'If You Could Hie to Kolob.'

The Spirit of God -- word for word, exactly what Dee's angels said the whale represented.

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