Thursday, April 21, 2022

28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds

In my January 4, 2021 post “Dark ambiguity,” I noted mainstream propaganda’s efforts to associate Trump with the word dark. Today AC linked to a long Newsweek article about #DarkMAGA memes, commenting that the attempt to make #DarkMAGA happen was obviously a continuation of this same campaign.

I’ve written about the dark/d’Arc link many times, so I was intrigued to see the word arc in the Newsweek piece; it quoted an Expert with the obviously fake name Tim Squirrell saying that the #DarkMAGA concept was a “sort of anime arc.” This especially jumped out at me because someone had recently emailed me a picture of a 2006 Japanese video game with what might be described as a “sort of anime Arc” on the cover.

This made me wonder if anyone had ever tried to make “Dark” an official Trump nickname by calling him Donald John “Dark” Trump (which would of course contain a hidden Jeanne d’Arc). I did a Google search for “donald john dark” — not bothering to add the surname — and it brought up a Reddit thread in which someone had written “In the film ‘Donnie Darko’ the boy’s name is Donald John DARK-O” — but the thread was about Trump and how his presidency had been foreshadowed by “predictive programming” in movies and such. The OP was a link to this YouTube video from October 2020.

The video tries to link Donnie Darko to Trump, showing the scene where a big anthropomorphic rabbit says the world will end in “28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds.” The sum of those four numbers is 88, it informs us, which is the English gematria value of the name Trump! Really scraping the bottom of the coincidence barrel if you ask me. Then it shows photos of Trump at an Easter event next to someone in an Easter Bunny suit. When I saw that, my reaction was that it was meaningless because I had recently seen a very similar photo with Biden, meaning that probably every president poses with the Easter Bunny for Easter.

Now the spooky part. Right after watching that video, I searched Twitter for #DarkMAGA just to see what would come up. One of the first results was a link to an upcoming livestream that was going to discuss a long list of current-events topics, including “media warns of #DarkMAGA.” The stream wasn’t live yet, but for some reason I clicked the link anyway. That channel’s most recent YouTube video, posted just minutes before I watched it, was this:

Is that weird or what?

Possibly relevant: I recently posted about the appropriateness of the recent Chinese years of the Rat, Ox, and Tiger — and Bruce Charlton left a comment asking what my prediction was for next year — the Year of the Rabbit.


No Longer Reading said...

Interestingly enough, the Jeanne character on the front of the game has blonde hair, but according to Andrew Lang's book "The story of Joan of Arc", Joan had black hair (

"Somebody gave her a horse, which, to the surprise of all men, she rode very well. She had her long black hair cut short and close, as soldiers wore it; she dressed in a grey doublet and black hose, like a boy (she wore this kind of dress till the end of her life); and then she rode through the gate of Vaucouleurs which is still standing, and away to seek the Dauphin. This was on February 23, 1429."

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

One of Joan's surviving letters has a black hair caught in the wax seal, so Lang is probably right about her hair color. One thing the game cover gets right is that she was left-handed.

Ra1119bee said...


Very interesting your post and the video.

Did you see the recent "Melt Down" of Donald Trump with Piers Morgan?

If you recall I shared my prediction of 2 Black Swan Events that I believe will happen this master 22 year.

One event is I believe will instigate the building of the Third Temple, which I recently commented on and sent you a link to an article in the Jerusalem Post regarding an incident that happened at the Temple Mount on Easter Sunday of this year.

The second Black Swan Event, I believe will happen and instigate the ushering in a Triumvirate Governance in the United States, with Harris at the Helm.
It will be 'sold' as temporary, but it won't be temporary, IMO.

Also and speaking of Harris, I don't know if you saw this or not but there was a Pink
Moon on April 16. Do recall that I mentioned I believe that Harris is the Rubedo of the Alchemical Transformation of America.

The name Kamala meaning : PALE RED Lotus, and the etymology of the word Pink: ( which I copied and pasted from Online Etymology Dictionary which is this :
"The noun meaning "pale red color, red color of low chroma but high luminosity" is recorded by 1733 (pink-coloured is recorded from 1680s), from one of the common colors of the flowers.

I believe Donald Trump or perhaps Pence,( or perhaps a "wild card" Republican?) will be one of the triumvirs with Harris,
and also someone from Tech, Gates or Bezos.

I've had a couple of dreams about Donald Trump, which I shared one of those dreams I titled; Where's My Horn that I had in Feb 2015 4 MONTHS BEFORE Trump announced running for POTUS. The dream wasn't about Donald Trump, but I researched the symbolism of a Horn
which was very significant in the dream, which lead me to information connecting both the Third Temple, and Donald Trump.

I told my best friend after I had the dream in Feb 2015 that Trump would be President, and she thought I was absolutely crazy.

Interesting that in this video you posted, the clip from a 1958 show episode of the TV series Trackdown called; The End of the World, at frame/marker 12;40, the character Judge Clement tells Hoby "GILman"( Robert Culp ) about how a Big Lie can make us all KIDS again.

Interesting reference being that a kid is a Billy Goat.
Also, Interestingly I had a strange dream on 11-20-2016 I titled; Donald Trump Crys and the Constant Goat.

Although I of course didn't see the original episode of the TV series Trackdown in 1958 ,
as I was only 3 years old, but I do recall several years after Trump was already in office
for a year or so, that someone online made mention of this episode and I did watch it at that time , however that was AFTER my dream about Trump and the Constant Goat.

I also predicted a Biden Harris win after I saw the Saturday Night Live Skit aired on Oct 31,2020 ( which Oct 31, a Saturday, was a Blue Moon )

88 is HH, Eight being the Octagon.

Very intriguing video.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...