Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Arrowsmith posts again

After another long hiatus, Richard Arrowsmith has a new post up, about how the Fire Nation attack is synchronistically related to various recent and upcoming movies.

I find these sync videos a lot of fun to watch, but I've never attempted one myself -- partly because I lack the skillz, but mostly because (with a few notable exceptions, like "Goat-killing American Jedi") my syncs relatively rarely involve movies.

1 comment:

Ra1119bee said...


Wow ! The video was extremely thought provoking.
Thank you very much for sharing it.

Everything is connected and because linear time is an illusion, it makes sense to me
that our Opponents 'know' the future and have always included symbolism into their 'work'.
If nothing else, they know the future, because they create/manifest the future.

What's happening now on the World Stage was planned centuries ago.
There's nothing new under the sun..

I believe:
Our Soul Knows the Past
( including Past incarnations ) Present and Future.

When something out of the ordinary happens, most people think
of that extraordinary event as a 'coincidence, or a one off, or Déjà vu or synchronicity or some people might call it a miracle ( especially if the "event" is a positive one ).

I believe that everything we need to know to navigate through this dimension , that knowledge we already know because it's in our Soul, ( which I believe our Soul is connected to God ).

Also, if you recall my commentary some time ago about my prediction of the Red Heifer and the Third Temple event, you may want to keep an eye open this year.

I researched extensively about the building of the Third Temple after I had a dream, which I titled ; Where's My Horn, in Feb of 2015.


There is nothing new under the Sun....

When blood spills on Passover and Easter, it’s time to build the Temple - The Jerusalem Post - jpost.com

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...