Friday, April 8, 2022

The CJCLDS goes full Satan, supports turning kids trans

In his recent General Conference address, "Following Jesus [sic]: Being a Peacemaker," Elder Neil L. Anderson, apostle of the Latter-day Society Against the Use of Nicknames and Abbreviations, reports:

In February, a headline in the Arizona Republic stated, "Bipartisan bill supported by Latter-day Saints would protect gay and transgender Arizonans."

We, as Latter-day Saints, are "pleased to be part of a coalition of faith, business, LGBTQ people and community leaders who have worked together in a spirit of trust and mutual respect."

This bill which enjoys the official support of the Church, HB 2802, is "bipartisan" in the classic sense of being both stupid and evil.

Much of it is about expanding "non-discrimination" laws to include "sexual orientation and gender identity," and to apply even to the very smallest businesses (previously, businesses with fewer than 15 employees were exempt). This means that if an LPGABBQ person applies for a job, you must either hire them or else be prepared to prove that they were rejected for some reason unrelated to sexual neurosis or ideology. (The CJCLDS supports it because there is an exception for religious organizations -- rules for thee but not for me.) This is bad but not shocking, as such tyrannical laws, applied to various other protected classes, are nothing new.

Here's the shocking part:

A. It is unprofessional conduct for a health provider to provide conversion therapy to a patient or client who is younger than eighteen years of age.

B. Subsection A of this section does not apply to [clergy, parents, or grandparents when acting as such, even if they also happen to be health providers].

C. The regulation of conversion therapy is of statewide concern and is not subject to further regulation by a county, city, town, or other political subdivision of this state.

D. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Conversion therapy":

(a) means any practice or treatment that seeks to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient or client, including mental health therapy that seeks to change, eliminate or reduce behaviors, expressions, attractions or feelings related to the patient's or client's sexual orientation or gender identity.

(b) does not include a practice or treatment that does not seek to change the patient's or client's sexual orientation or gender identity, including mental health therapy and that meets the following:

(i) is neutral with respect to sexual orientation and gender identity.

(ii) provides assistance to a patient or client undergoing gender transition.

Got that? If it has been decided (by, perhaps, one of the trans teachers schools will be forced to hire) that your kid is trans, the only treatment it will be legal for health providers to offer is "assistance . . . undergoing gender transition."

The CJCLDS leadership supports this. They support it so much that they made an exception to their usual stance of political neutrality to make an official statement endorsing it.

They can burn in hell.


Weka said...

Heb 12:14.

Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness, for without it no one will see the Lord.

This does not promote peace, but division. It does not promote holiness, but debasement. By the consequences of their decisions you can discern. The Mormon leadership is now woke.

Break from it. Leave Babylon.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I must say, I thought it would take the CJCLDS a bit longer than this to converge on sexual issues generally and on the transagenda in particular - because (as you know) the qualitative sex difference in Mormonism extends to the absolute depth of metaphysical theology - with God recognized as our Heavenly Parents, and the sex difference structuring the nature of God's creation.

What this means is that the CJCLDS has now taken up an ideological stance that denies one of the fundamental assumptions of its basic nature - perhaps the most important way in which Mormonism diverges for traditional Christianity (and, from my perspective, Mormonism's greatest achievement and deepest insight).

From what I can see; the CJCLDS is now on-board with all the major elements of the Satanic Globalist agenda - and in this respect is no better than the RCC or Anglican denominations, or mainstream Baptists and evangelicals.

What is particularly alarming with Mormonism, is that this has happened extraordinarily rapidly; over the span of less than a decade (almost entirely - in official terms - since President Nelson took-over) - whereas it took the mainstream Christian denominations several or many *decades* to reach this point.

Even more alarming is that - from surveying online Mormon opinion - the church membership are either unaware of this massive and evil apostasy; or else approve it (apparently on the basis that whatever the Prophet and Apostles say must necessarily be true and obeyed).

I have long felt that the heart of Mormonism (its great goodness and trailblazing truth) lies in its theology - not in the church, the rituals or the lifestyle - which is why I never got involved in any of that and remained a 'theoretical Mormon'.

Personal revelation is one of the most fundamental and original discoveries of Mormonism, but - due to church order issues - this became so completely subordinated to hierarchical authority, as to recede to a concern only with confirmation of orders or the minutiae of life - and therefore the door was left was wide open to ideological evil.

I often suspected that for devout/ active church members the exact opposite to my own evaluation was true - and that to be observant to the Word of Wisdom, believe obediently (rather than by personal revelations), and contribute heavily to church affairs - was almost everything; and by far the most important things. Mormonism was seen as *necessarily* groupish and social - not individual and conscience-rooted.

Well, in these End Times we see that he who lives by the group, dies with his group; and the CJCLDS is (like the other major denominations) dead as a Christian institution.

The only question that remains is how many individual members will save themselves from the hellish consequences.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - At a more trivial level - the whole talk by Anderson is a kind of dreadful object lesson in the use of weasel words and deceptive concepts; I think it is wrong at almost every level (from inferred-intent to surface presentation) - yet it maintains a facade of traditional Mormon concerns.

This kind of calculated, misleading, bureaucratic/legalistic untruth I regard as evidence of a much deeper degree of personal corruption than are many outright lies (which may be blurted-out on the spur of the moment).

Such a Man should not be trusted (unless, maybe, until he confesses and repents his sin).

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Yes, the rest of the talk is really something. A few things that jumped out at me:

"No one or no subject, including the Savior and His restored gospel, is immune from this social phenomenon of polarized voices."

Yes, he considers it a bad thing that people are "polarized" regarding Jesus Christ and his gospel! As if one could or should be a moderate or a centrist on such questions!

Then he holds up as an example the Rev. Amos C. Brown -- the same NAACP grifter who recently shook the church down for $10 million in exchange for letting them say he's their black friend.

"Recently, after seeing a strongly worded opinion piece that was critical of the Church, Reverend Amos C. Brown, a national civil rights leader and pastor of the Third Baptist Church in San Francisco, responded:

'I respect the experience and perspective of the individual who wrote those words. Granted, I don’t see what he sees.'"

Doesn't that sound just like what Jesus would have said to a Pharisee?

"Some view the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve as having worldly motives, like political, business, and cultural leaders."

Imagine anyone thinking that!

Ra1119bee said...


So ask yourself : what is the objective, the End Game of the Agendas of : Transgender, Androgyny (One Gender).....Feminist Males vs Females ( and vice versa )..... One Hybrid Race( Black vs White( and vice versa ) .....One Culture ( Transhumanism )........
One Commerce(Less is More, Tiny House RV/Car/Van living ect. )
....One World Government
......One Religion (Luciferian).

From our Opponents perspective, the Simple Answer in a nutshell would be: Depopulation, a
One World Technocracy and the destruction of the Soul via Transhumanism via Artificial Intelligence.

Our Opponents Transgender Playbook :
Objective: Depopulation
Because of advanced technology, Human labor is no longer needed.

Solution: Divide and Conquer Males vs Females by ushering in the Feminist, Androgyny,
Transgender Agenda.
Less Reproducing = Less People
....Usher in the Tiny House/ Car/Van/Shoebox Apartment/ Nomad Lifestyle also called: SOLO
( Very difficult to raise a Family in a Shoebox or Car )
.... Create Chaos in The Food and Water Supply.

..... Create Chaos in Commerce:
Destroy the Middle Class( All Races of the Middle Class but especially the Middle Class White Christian ) which the Middle Class are creators, entrepreneurs(Mom and Pop businesses ) as the Middle Class provides opportunities for others to pursue the American Dream, therefore instilling Optimism .
No Optimism= No Future Progress

..... Create Chaos in the Trucking Industry, Health Care, Aviation, Banking, Housing...
and especially Race Relations.

... The Singularity of One Hybrid Race means that there are no loyalties to either race, creating a ONE Global Consciousness.
( Please don't take that the wrong way, my entire Family are Multi-Racial and truth be told I believe miscegenation was always the End Game of our Opponents, especially
in America.... E Pluribus Unum )

The Divide and Conquer between Races has been done from the very beginning to create Chaos, and of course our Opponents are Huge proponents of Ordo ab Chao.

All,IMHO, of course ;-)

Bruce Charlton said...

"So ask yourself : what is the objective, the End Game of the Agendas of"

If you will excuse me for chipping-in! I found what seems the right explanation in something that David Icke said - which is that having everybody 'choose' their own unique 'gender' actually means the abolition of sex, and therefore de-humanization: i.e. the reduction of Men to things, units... which then enables all the rest.

That seems like a plausible convergence of all these trends.

Ra1119bee said...


I absolutely agree with you.

Bruce Charlton said...

I'm still finding it hard to believe this business.

I went back to find a post I did seven years ago, which assumed that (unlike mainstream Christians) Mormons would be immune to such things as the transagenda - because of being rooted in a unique theology.

Well - I was just dead wrong - wasn't I? At most, the Mormon theology which absolutely contradicts the transagenda just delayed convergence by a few years as compared with (say) mainstream evangelical protestants.

I suppose this demonstrates what I have always suspected - that Mormons don't take any real notice of their theology; it's just something that (if they think about it at all) Mormons repeat as a sign of church affiliation - certainly not something that can or should be the foundation of a living faith.

Mike A. said...

Life long member of church here.

A few thoughts.

The church does not “support kids turning trans”.

Quite the opposite, actually.

From the church handbook:

“Church leaders counsel against elective medical or surgical intervention for the purpose of attempting to transition to the opposite gender of a person’s biological sex at birth (“sex reassignment”). Leaders advise that taking these actions will be cause for Church membership restrictions. Leaders also counsel against social transitioning. A social transition includes changing dress or grooming, or changing a name or pronouns, to present oneself as other than his or her biological sex at birth. Leaders advise that those who socially transition will experience some Church membership restrictions for the duration of this transition.” (Church Handbook 38.6.23)

And before you accuse the church of selling out at an even more rapid pace than many mainstream Christian sects, I respectfully remind you that only a man and a woman may receive the highest sacrament of sealing offered in the temple. Practicing homosexuals cannot participate in full fellowship in the church.

That has not changed. That will not change. That cannot change. If it did, the entire theology of Mormonism must be thrown out and rewritten.

Dallin H Oaks: “There are many political and social pressures for legal and policy changes to establish behaviors contrary to God’s decrees about sexual morality and contrary to the eternal nature and purposes of marriage and childbearing. These pressures have already authorized same-gender marriages in various states and nations. Other pressures would confuse gender or homogenize those differences between men and women that are essential to accomplish God’s great plan of happiness…And, unlike other organizations that can change their policies and even their doctrines, our policies are determined by the truths God has identified as unchangeable.” (October 2013 Conference)

Support of HB2802 by the church is an effort (in my opinion) to postpone the inevitable day of reckoning when the full force of the law will be used to try and force the church into fully embracing the homosexual agenda. The church will not comply and will stand alone when that day comes.

Just my two cents.

Mike A

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Mike, thanks for offering an opposing point of view.

I am of course aware of the official CJCLDS policy regarding sexual morality, but I think it is undeniable that, without actually changing that policy, the church is becoming increasingly accommodating toward the homosexual and trans movements, and the change has been remarkably rapid. (In this way, I think the CJCLDS under President Nelson is broadly comparable to the Roman Catholic Church under Pope Francis.)

When I was a member, the Church insisted on never using the word "gay," and on using "homosexual" only as an adjective describing behavior, never in a way that implied it was part of a person's identity. In just a few years, it went from that to having an official "Mormon and Gay" page on and now to being "pleased to be part of a coalition" with "LGBTQ people."

And while the CJCLDS may say they don't support turning kids trans, they do support HB 2802, one of the intended consequences of which is to turn more kids trans. To repeat, they support a bill which would make it illegal for doctors to offer gender-confused children any treatment other than "assisting with transition."

Your theory about "postponing the inevitable day of reckoning" -- i.e., giving inch after inch now so as to delay the day when they will inevitably take a mile -- doesn't make sense in my opinion. It may in fact be what the church leaders think they are doing, but if so they are wrong. First, this strategy of Chamberlain-style appeasement will make it harder, not easier, to finally take a stand when the "day of reckoning" comes. We know eventually this monster is going to attack us, but in the meantime let's delay that day by feeding it more and more -- that's crazy! Second, if supporting HB 2802 is a tactically necessary compromise with evil, allowing a lesser evil to (supposedly) prevent a greater one, it should be presented that way honestly, not as something they are "pleased" to be involved in. Third, how can this possibly qualify as a "lesser evil" or as something that could ever be in any way negotiable? If a law forcing doctors to do irreparable harm to children does not cross the line, there is no line.

All of this is obvious from the outside, as I think you will see if you look at other denominations. Take the RCC for example. They still technically believe that homosexual conduct is a mortal sin and all that, but could any objective observer deny that they have sold out and are on the wrong side of the spiritual war? Of course there are a great many serious Christians among the RCC membership, but the leaders have lost their way. Something very similar, I think, is true of the CJCLDS.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - "if supporting HB 2802 is a tactically necessary compromise with evil, allowing a lesser evil to (supposedly) prevent a greater one, it should be presented that way honestly, not as something they are "pleased" to be involved in."

That's the key there, I think.

As I have often said - the most glaring and endemic un-repented sin nowadays is dishonesty - which includes both lies, and (perhaps even worse) calculated (i.e. designed to be deniable) misleading.

By the 'necessary compromise with evil" explanation - the CJCLDS leadership are *officially* (at the highest level, the most solemn of occasions) lying to their membership (as well as to the worldly authorities) - and the membership are also being told *in the same speech* that their leaders will not lie, and are above worldly motivations.

Such horrible tangles of self- and other-deception are normal-everyday-life in the corrupt, converged bureaucracies of today; and indeed a hallmark of such.

And in every such bureaucracy of which I have knowledge, the developing situation has been denied, then regarded as trivial and temporary - before finally being acknowledged that it is now 'too-late' for reversal - and the situation regarded as an irreversible fact of life to which all rational and *peaceable* Men ought to accommodate.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


"and the membership are also being told *in the same speech* that their leaders will not lie, and are above worldly motivations"

That's a very good point. Elder Anderson says very directly that this is not a political stratagem because the FPQ12 don't do political stratagems. Either they really are pleased to support the bill because they think it is good, or they are lying. Or both.

"before finally being acknowledged that it is now 'too-late' for reversal - and the situation regarded as an irreversible fact of life to which all rational and *peaceable* Men ought to accommodate"

Yes, exactly. That's why I don't buy Mike's theory that all this accommodation is just a prelude to (at some future date) standing alone and refusing to comply. It's the old "hill to die on fallacy" you have discussed before.

Ben Pratt said...

I'm also a lifelong member of the church.

I've been silent on this post for many days.

I'm deeply troubled.

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