Sunday, November 6, 2022

Three six nine

In an October 30 comment on "Kanye with Aunt Nancy's coffin," Debbie brought up the number 369.

I find it interesting Nikola Tesla's obsession with 369( see link ) Also, Check out the 1965 song by Shirley Ellis titled; The Clapping Song and its reference to 369( link below )

Not until this past Friday (November 4) did I get around to following the link and listening to "The Clapping Song" -- with lyrics beginning, "Three six nine, the goose drank wine . . . ."

I listened to this in my office after finishing work and before going home. When I turned off the computer and went outside, I found that someone had left three packs of tissues in front of the door. There's an election coming up in Taiwan, and it's common for politicians to advertise by distributing little packs of tissues (or, these days, surgical masks) with political messages on them. Without bothering to register what was written on them, I picked up the tissue packs, put them in the compartment under the seat of my motorcycle, and went home.

Today I rode my motorcycle up to the Guashan Shaolin Temple. When it was time to go home, the weather had turned a bit chilly, so I opened up the seat compartment to get the windbreaker I keep there, and I saw the tissue packs again. This time, I noticed the number that was prominently displayed on them:

It says, translating roughly, "Keep the money from the Green Energy Tax in our city and use it to restore the 369 Pension Fund. County Magistrate candidate Huang Xiufang will absolutely deliver on her promise." Okay, but why 369? What did that number mean? No idea.

The temple I had visited was a bit remote, and I wondered if there was a faster way to get home than the route I usually took, so I used the GPS. It did take me home by another route (though not really a faster one), and while going down an unfamiliar road, what should I happen upon but the campaign office of that very politician, Huang Xiufang! I stopped and asked an old man working there what "369" meant, and he explained that it referred to a program where people over 65 would get $3000, those over 85 would get $6000, and those over 90 would get $9000 -- so "3-6-9" for the three payment levels.

So, nothing very meaningful; just a weird coincidence.


Ra1119bee said...


You wrote: "So, nothing very meaningful; just a weird coincidence."

My response: But I thought you didn't believe in coincidences William.

I believe that if something odd happens in our waking life that provokes us to stop and pay attention, there is a reason why, if for nothing else the oddness serves as a validation message that we are heading in the right direction.

Do recall the video that I linked in a previous post. (link below)

Also, if you get a chance, check out the 1990 movie Flatliners (trailer link below)

Flatliners is a movie about a small group of Pre-Med students ' attempting to play GOD".
If you see the movie, pay close attention to Kevin Bacon's nightmare .
Note the little Black girl.

In Kevin Bacon's nightmare, the Black girl and her friends are skipping rope and singing
the chorus of the Clapping Song (369 the goose drank wine, the monkey (Moon key?) chewed tobacco on the streetcar line, the line broke and the monkey got chocked and they all went to heaven in a little rowboat.

Do note that in some Indigenous cultures, tobacco was used for centuries as a medicine with cultural and spiritual importance.(see link)
Do recall my comment about the Shaman.

Nikola tesla. Why did Tesla say that 3,6,9 was the key to the universe?


Ra1119bee said...


And speaking of coincidences, I just found another one!!

In my recent comment, I linked the trailer to the 1990 movie Flatliners.

Interestingly, another clip from Flatliners appeared in my YouTube feed.

I haven't seen the movie Flatliners in many many years, but of course I did see it in 1990.

What's odd is that this clip features not only a bit of Kevin Bacon's apology to the little Black girl (who is now grown) who is in her greenhouse attending to her 'Flowers'( Do recall my comment about Suzy and the 6 petal Lily.
The clip also features the part of the movie with Kiefer Sutherland's 'nightmare' with a little boy name David.

Note that in this clip David is wielding a Pickaxe!!

I then decided to google Pickaxe and the Devil, and lo and behold I found this post
on a blog about a Sumerian poem titled: The Creation of the Pickaxe.


Flatliners (1990) - Let It Go Scene

The Creation Of The Pickaxe

Ra1119bee said...


Here is yet another interesting article about the Pickaxe.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

No, no, I definitely believe in coincidences and consider coincidence metaphysically important. We've discussed this before.

But in this case, what I meant by "nothing very meaningful; just a weird coincidence" was just that, while the appearance of the number 369 seems significant, the specific meaning of "369" on the tissue packs doesn't seem to have any relevance to anything.

Ra1119bee said...


I somewhat disagree with you about the tissue packs not seemly having relevance.
Perhaps to you it doesn't seem relevant but, and I personally believe, that our experiences (especially those experiences that are unexplainable) are not always for
or about 'us', but perhaps a message for someone else
who needs to hear/know so as to validate that they are heading in the right direction.

By you sharing this 369 experiences on your blog it shows ME (and perhaps others)
that we're not alone in our search for truth.

The Collective Consciousness is powerful. Some call it Telepathy.

Ask yourself; What's the odds that this very same number 369 that crossed your path
on a video , just so happens to appear again (on the same day and in the exact sequence of numbers), on your doorstep?

IMO, much like a dream and especially a nightmare, the "odd'er" the sign/syn/dream, the more important (and sometimes urgent) the message.

Everything is connected.

IMHO, of course.

Ra1119bee said...


I have just one more thought which I think connects to all of this, especially to my previous comment about Tesla, Colorado Springs and 369, which Tesla was supposedly obsessed with 369.

Did you know that Donald Trump's uncle John Trump was in possession of Tesla's wireless energy patents?

Check out this copy and paste from John Trump's Wiki page:

In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Office of Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings.[8] Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla artifacts, which were being held in government custody.[8] After a three-day investigation, Trump's report concluded that there was nothing which would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands

Everything is connected.

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