Friday, September 8, 2023

I don't care what people say, Rick and roll are here to stay

This afternoon I happened to pass a stranger whose T-shirt said "NEVER STOP" followed by something else that was occluded from my view. For some reason I became very curious about what it was that he didn't want to stop, so much so that I contrived a reason to walk past him a second time and get another gander at the tee.


Hours later, while looking for something completely unrelated, I happened upon a link to a brand new (uploaded to YouTube less than a week ago) music video by Rick Astley, obviously intended as a sort of sequel to the 1987 hit that made him a meme:

I take this as a sign that it's time to resume syncposting.

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...