Monday, March 10, 2025

Britbong dolphin (600, 300)

I dreamed that Byron showed me something he had drawn: a simple pencil sketch of a dolphin with a caption under it reading "britbong dolphin," and under that a pair of coordinates something like "(600, 300)."

Since britbong is 4chan slang for a British person, I said, "So those coordinates are in the UK somewhere?"

"In the North Sea," said Byron, "in an area frequented by British ships."

Making a drawing with associated "coordinates" is something I would associate with remote viewing.

Obviously, numbers like 600 and 300 can't be latitude and longitude, but adding decimal points solves the problem:

It's much closer to Norway than to Bongland, but it's in the North Sea and might for all I know be an area frequented by British ships. Dolphins here would be white-beaked, or possibly bottlenoses at the extreme northern end of their range.

Note added: In a comment, WanderingGondola is reminded of a song called "Byford Dolphin," named after an oil drilling rig that had a notable accident in Frigg gas field -- at 59°52′48.48″N 2°3′59.40″E, very close to the coordinates shown above. Note how visually similar Byford and Byron are. The person in my dream didn't really look like Lord Byron, but I just knew that that was his name.

Frigg gas field is located right on the boundary between British and Norwegian waters, and the Byford Dolphin was operated by Dolphin Drilling, a British company based in Aberdeen, Scotland. There are three rigs currently operated by Dolphin Drilling: Blackford Dolphin, Borgland Dolphin, and Paul B. Loyd Jr. WG's comment began "'Dolphin', combined with those B-words . . ." -- apparently the company operated more than one "B-word Dolphin" rig. The one that stands out the most is of course the Borgland Dolphin. In my original post, influenced by the use of Britbong in the dream, I referred to Britain as Bongland -- differing from Borgland by a single stroke of a single letter.

I knew nothing about any of that, and I would have remained ignorant had WG not happened to be familiar with a "very indie" musical artist (too obscure to be on Wikipedia) called Conelrad. What are the odds?

I can't say I see what oil rigs in the North Sea have to do with anything, but we'll see if the sync fairies take it anywhere interesting.


WanderingGondola said...

"Dolphin", combined with those B-words, reminded me of "Byford Dolphin", a song by a guy known as Conelrad (very indie! IIRC I discovered him two decades ago, through a small forum with some interest in ambient music). Interestingly, a search for the song's title brings up an old drilling rig that operated in the North Sea, and its most notable accident occurred in an oil field quite close to your coordinates.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Fantastic work, WG. See my update to the post.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The Britbong name comes from a greentext story about Big Ben, which is a bell.

Byford Dolphin is known for a diving bell accident.

Ra1119bee said...

The EL's (11s) and the 8's(H) direction is and they
live in the North.
The detached capstone with the One Eye is north
of the pyramid.

Switzerland and GREENLAND are two of their homes,
which may explain why Trump is trying to annex Greenland
to the United States.

Denmark (Dan's Mark) and Ireland(Eire Land, Lake Erie?)
and the Tuatha Dé Danann are Shinning Ones,
aka elf/elves (EL) folk.
Copy and paste; ( see link )
"The Tuath Dé Danann are often depicted as kings, queens,
druids, bards, warriors, heroes, healers and craftsmen
who have supernatural powers. They dwell in the Otherworld
but interact with humans and the human world.

They are associated with the *** sídhe***:
prominent ancient burial mounds such as Brú na Bóinne,
which are entrances to Otherworld realms.
If you recall I've commented about the Sidhe powers
many times before. Levitation is one of the Sidhe aka Siddhis
Powers as is Clairvoyance and remote viewing. ( see links)

The Bees, Big Ben. BritBong (BB ) number is Twenty 22.
Twin 11's (11:11) is also 22 and also 4.
4 is the doorway.
The bell is Baal (Belle of the Ball)

Norway is the North Way.

In my 2014 Moon River dream( which I shared
many times on your blog ).
In the dream( when all the chaos began ( because
of the disappear of the moon ) people were running everywhere
and I pleaded and asked a couple of people this:" Can you take
me North? I've got to go North!!. I've got to go North!!

Regarding the Oil rig and the B's , I did find a possible interesting
connection which is this:
There is a book titled The Shinning Ones ( I think I shared
this with you before?) I bought the Shinning Ones book
in 2003 or 2004 .

The Shinning Ones was written by Christian and Barbara
'O'Brien . Christian has an oil connection.
Copy and paste wiki: (see link)
"Appointed by BP In 1967, he retired in 1971 as
chairman of the boards and general managing director
of the Iranian Oil Operating Companies, stationed in Tehran,
and was appointed a CBE for services to the oil industry."

Also ( and I just found this information today 3/10 as it popped up
on my trending feed while I was researching the links ),
check out what just happened in the North Sea
having to do with oil.!!

'Dem sync Faires be real busy, no?

Full book PDF

William Wright (WW) said...

Dolphin is a word that means "of the womb".

One possibility is this relates to Peggy's child that you declined to the do the James Earl Jones voice over for. I've imagined that child is the same person that has gone by the name of "Ben" (Big Ben mentioned in your comment), or Son, in other instances.

As supporting piece of evidence for this is that Dolphin is a potential Elvish word game: Dol Phin. Phin directly gives us "Cunning", which was how that child was introduced to you, and it also alludes to Israel and Finwe.

British or Britain comes from Brittany, and we've had that name/ word come up in connection with Stones, as well as Foreigners or Welshmen (and France). The Brittany Stones, or British Ships.

Your coordinates put you right off the coast of Norway, which means "the Way leading to the North", and that might tie in here.

To that end, Byron is a name that means "Of the cowsheds", and it is to some cowsheds or stalls (per Jesus' quoting of Malachi in 3 Nephi 11) that people will be led away too, again in conjunction with Stones and with this child or son (of righteousness), it seems.

Britbong dolphin (600, 300)

I dreamed that Byron showed me something he had drawn: a simple pencil sketch of a dolphin with a caption under it reading "britbong do...