Friday, March 7, 2025

More lions and doves

My last post explored the theme of one active lion, two "lazy" or stationary lions, and pigeons or doves. Another painting with this theme is Frederick Stuart Church's 1892 The Sorceress:

There are three lions in the picture -- either lionesses or young males -- of which two are "lazy" or motionless, while the third is walking. The sorceress (a "lassie") holds some sort of crystal ball or something, from which ghostly white birds emanate and fly over the two stationary lions.

In Library Lion, too, it is the stationary lions that have doves flying over or landing on them.


Ra1119bee said...

Interestingly and coincidently
in the early morning today ( 3/7 ) Marshall and I heard an owl
which was very very loud for about 15 or 20 minutes.

Living in the woods it's not uncommon to hear owls,
but this particular owl was very close
almost as if was sitting in the tree that is very close to the house.
The sound was loud and very noticeable
and I made mentioned of it to Marshall.

Several hours later I saw this post today and because
of the owl experience this morning being ' out of the ordinary'
I decided to google :owl sound and doves
and lo and behold I found the information

I've always loved the sound of the mourning dove.
I find it very soothing. But I can't say that's true for owls.

Also when I read your comment about the female
in the illustration and the connection of an Irish Lassie
it caught my attention because in the 1960's there was
a clothing line of coats called Lassie. They were very high quality
made and expensive, and least for my family's budget.
I always wanted one though.

The Lassie brand's ad appeared in
fall issues of the popular teenager's clothing magazine,
17 ( which I have a collection of vintage 17 magazines) .
The slogan in the ads were: I Love a Lassie!

Also I had a dream many years ago about a mourning
dove. I can't recall vividly that particular dream because
it didn't really stand out unlike the very symbolic dreams
that I've shared with you here on your blog..

The mourning dove dream is buried in my dream archives
and I haven't read it in many years
but your post today sparked my memory of it.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’ve always liked mourning doves and was acquainted with several when I lived in Ohio. Their closest equivalent here in Taiwan, red turtles, are a bit too neurotic for my liking and also seem to have less individuality.

William Wright (WW) said...

This comment continues on from the last post...

As indicated there, it is possible that this white sorceress is not actually a good Being.

We may actually be witnessing the events that would lead to our two lions being ultimately turned into stone as we see them outside the library, bewitched by this sorceress (whether something they entered willingly, like Spock to the warp core chamber, or were really fooled initially, it is hard to say).

I would identify her as Ungoliant, actually, for now, and if this is so, this lends support to Leo's earlier comment that there is likely much more to the story and mystery of the two lions in the library.

In Lewis' tales, the White Witch was named Jadis, which means "Witch" conveniently enough in Turkish, but means something else in French. There it means "formerly, long ago, ancient", which might be a supporting clue to the nature of Ungoliant herself as well as the timing of the cursing of these two lions (a period of time long before today).

In any case, the 3rd Lion in this picture, which you've associated with the active Lion from the other book, is not bewitched, but witnesses what is happening as well as identifies just who is behind this sorcery, getting a perfect look at her face as she is turned toward him while the other two fall under her spell.

We can probably pencil in this 3rd lion as the Holy Ghost, given the Pigeon symbolism you identified earlier combined with other notable and exemplary books such as "The Pigeon Needs a Bath" by one of your favorite punchable authors.

And we shouldn't be surprised to see an evil Being dressed in white and looking innocent. Joseph Smith said Satan (perhaps Saruman) appeared as an angel of light and was only detected in this disguise by Michael himself. The fact that evil Beings could do this was of sufficient concern that we have D&C 129 today, where Joseph gives us some keys on how to tell if a good looking angel is actually evil.

In this picture we have Michael again, who I have associated with the Holy Ghost, seeing and detecting the true enemy here, and some deed or deception she is doing to these other two lions.

Leo said...

Back in 2015, mourning doves temporarily became very significant for me. I had 3 experiences where a pair interacted with me in a strange and altogether too-close way. I had no idea what kind of birds they were at first but during the first experience, Google helped me identify them. I even journaled about the three experiences. One thing I wrote is that based on their calls, I thought they would be better named "yearning doves" rather than "mourning".

Interesting take on the woman, Bill. The single lion does seem to have a problem with her, doesn't he? If this sorceress is our "lassie" per WJT's description, what does that mean about the one lion eating the book about Lassie? Maybe that is why they raided the library in the way they did. It was the only way to make sure Lassie could never come home even if doing so meant they too were cast out and turned to stone?

Ra1119bee said...

I forgot to ask, is the illustration you posted from the book
and if so is the 'Lassie'
described as a sorceress in the book? The only reason why I asked
is I don't understand why you would identify the female as being
a sorceress which to me the word sorceress indicates a female
who is demonic in the same vein as a witch.
In the illustration it appears as if she was releasing doves,
and isn't doves symbolic of peace??

Deborah in the bible had Powers of intuition,
(which some people would call paranormal/sorcery)
and Deborah's 'honeyed' words from her insight changed the course
and made her a judge and prophetess.

Ra1119bee said...


Oops my bad I just re-read your post
regarding Frederick Stuart Church's 1892 The Sorceress
which answers my question, so please accept my apologies.

However, I still don't understand why this female would be
described a sorceress especially given the fact that in
this illustration she is 'releasing' doves symbolic of peace.

Also the lassie appears to have either red hair or golden perhaps?
If red, as opposed to golden, would that suggest she is a sorceress?

I personally don't see the laziness symbolism of the lions but
of course I'm looking at this illustration in a very different perspective.
In both the lassie illustration and the library lions illustration the
lions appear to be on guard, attentive and protecting especially
the illustration of the lions in front of the library with the doves
perched on top of their heads, suggesting at least to me
that the lions are there to keep the peace.

Besides wouldn't a lazy lion be lying down? ( pun not intended)

William Wright (WW) said...

Leo - no, in the take that this particular woman is evil, then this would be "Imposter Lassie" - the fake. She would be dressed up or disguised as the real White Lady.

But there are definitely other ways to interpret or think through, including the possibility that this is all a positive picture with the real Lassie, or that both negative and positive stories (past and future) are involved. Who knows.

Being turned to stone was a negative aspect I read into things, but it is quite possible that Peter is one of these two lions, and his name literally means stone. In renaming him as Peter from Simon, Jesus also turned Peter into Stone, in a way. That would be a positive petrification and one reason for depicting a lion as made of stone.

Just thinking out loud.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, The Sorceress is Church's name for the picture. I don't know anything about the story behind it, but perhaps it is supposed to be Circe, who is depicted by Homer as being surrounded by tame lions. I'm not sure what she's doing with the crystal ball and the birds.

Ra1119bee said...

Ok, I see. I wiki'ed Church's page and read that he had a fondness for animals.
Copy and paste:
"Church became especially known for his fondness
of depicting animals, both in their natural state and in anthropomorphic
"allegorical compositions" - having both the patience
and empathy needed to gain the confidence of his animal
"models" and a through understanding of animal anatomy,
as well as of animal facial expressions and the moods
and feelings they conveyed.

His work on Aesop's Fables, including an illustration
of the human and animal protagonists of each fable plus
an elaborate cover for the whole, is considered among the
best of his works."
Tame lions doesn't necessarily mean lazy though,
at least not from my perspective.

However, I can understand and would agree that if something
is tamed it means it's under someone else's control, so I guess
in that regard when we're not acting in our true nature
we can be considered tamed which may be the meaning
behind Church's illustration.

However the two larger lions aren't looking at the "sorceress in 'control'
(which all magicians ask of their audience so as to keep their audience
under their spell).
The two larger lions are looking off into the distance as if on guard
to protect if need be.
Not the same as being tame or lazy.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

It turns out that Church never actually illustrated Aesop's Fables, at least as far as I can tell. What he did illustrate was a book called Fables Out of The World written not by the original Aesop but rather by "George Washington Aesop" -- a pen name of Canadian satirist George T. Lanigan -- and it's hard to believe anyone would consider the cartoons accompanying the fables to be "among the best" of Church's works.

The book begins with a little verse about Aesop in New York, which includes some sort of joke about turtledoves:

Aesop doth with umbrella fare
Along Broadway and view
A long array of Turtles rare,
Which Bill but do not Coo.

The first of the fables themselves is called "The Merchant of Venice," another reference to a city that has come up a lot lately.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1 of 2
Because you mentioned Venice regarding its recent appearance
in the sync stream lately, I decided to look around
to see if Venice has a place in my own personal puzzle pieces
so I wiki'ed Venice to see if there was a possible connection.

I first looked at the coordinates (Ley Lines) which I always
do as numbers are extremely important and serve as clues
as to the WHY of the riddles i.e. syncs, puzzle pieces etc.

If you recall I've commented extensively about
the significance of the 40th parallel north which the 'ELs'
followed around the world, because
they knew that the 40th is a powerful ley line.
The El's built their very important structures on the 40th.

Remember the El's were Alchemists,
Mathematicians, Occultists, Astrologers
and Astronomers, Navigators and Aviators.

Here are a few notable 40's (keep in mind however that
the El's believe in the law of the three so 37, 38 39, 41 42 and
43 all have the same 'energy' as the target 40.)

Here's a few 40's(factor in the law of 3)
Philadelphia (Liberty Bell ) and because vowels
are interchangeable bell becomes ball (Baal).
Both baals and bells connect
with Saturn's 'ring'.
Washington DC
Pittsburg PA
(Butler PA)
MIT (Boston)
Detroit (Great Lakes Region)
Illinois (Chicago, Great Lakes and Carthage, Illinois)
Along with the murder of Joseph Smith, Carthage
Ilinois is significant as Carthage was on the 'cross hairs'
of the Total Solar Eclipse
of August 21 2017 and the Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024.

Interestingly those two years are very significant to Donald
Dec of 2017 is when Trump proclaimed Jerusalem as
the Capitol of Israel and Nov 5 (Guy Fawkes day)
is when Trump became the 47th POTUS ( 4+7=11 (EL)

The crosshairs made an X on America.
Not only is Muskrat an X, but X is symbolic
of Osiris Rising. The obelisk in DC ( the Washington Monument)
is tribute to Osiris Rising which is why the Washington Monument
is in perfect alignment with Isis' womb(dome) aka
The Capitol Building.
The reflection pool (water) is symbolic of the water
where Isis retrieved Osiris' phallus ( see link

40's continued..
Dayton Ohio ( the Silicon Valley of its day. Home of
the most inventions, inventors and patent holders, many
of which changed the course of history, Also
part of the Manhattan Project (Miamisburg Mound)
Serpent Mound
Columbus Ohio (Ohio State)
Ohio and Columbia, Pennsylvania
(part of the Underground Railroad (see link)
St. Louis (Arch, Gateway to the West)
Rocky Mountains
Nevada (area 51 and Black Rock Nevada home
of the Burning Man)
Nebraska/ Kansas (Kansas , the Wheat State
the Heartland of America)
Missouri (Missouri River longest river in north America)
Utah (Salt Lake City)
Colorado (Colorado Springs NORAD and Denver (Denver
Airport) Longitude 104 Meridian West
and Capital of The New Atlantis???
California ( San Fran Golden Gate Bridge)

The 40 spans From Sea to "Shinning" Sea
The El's are the Shinning Ones.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Although Venice's lat is not on the 40 ( its lat is 45)
there is much water energy(female energy)
which water is a conduit to the 'other side."
Copy and paste: ( link below )
"Although there are more than 200 canals which are
literally the streets and avenues of Venice,
crossing the waterways it about 400 bridges
the most famous of which is probably Rialto.

Others include the Scalzi, the Accademia,
and the infamous Bridge of Sighs which leads from
the upper story of the DOGES' Palace to the republic's
prison. "
DOGES Palace?!!
I read the wiki articles about the Doge Palace in Venice
and lo and behold I found a hat connection. Not a Baalcap
but a Corno ducale. ( see links )

If you recall I shared my 2015 Where's my Horn dream
and also my 2018 Oscar dream. In my Oscar dream
Oscar was wearing a rust-reddish color Phrygian cap.

And although Venice is not on the 40,
Rome is on the 40
and as they say All Rhodes lead to Rome.

Ra1119bee said...


Ooops, my bad. The cross hairs in the 2 Total Solar Eclipses
was Carbondale( Little Egypt) not Carthage Ill.
Although they are both on the 40th parallel
north and in April 2024's Total Solar Eclipse
Carthage was in the path.

Ra1119bee said...

I just found this information about Italy which I didn't know before.
The reason why I'm commenting about it is because
of my recent comment about my 2008 Suzy dream.

Recall I mentioned that the name Suzy means Liliy
which the Liliy is the Fleur de lis.

Today (March 9) as I was researching the Doge Palace
in Venice, I came across this information

Copy and paste:
"In Italy, fleurs-de-lis have been used for some papal crowns
and coats of arms, the Farnese Dukes of Parma, and by some
*** doges of Venice."
And I know mentioned
that you didn't believe in reincarnation William, and this
may sound a little bit 'too metaphysical' but after
reading the fleur de lis information ( which I just found today)
I'm convinced I've FINALLY found the answer to why the
news anchor would say that I WAS a Suzy.
Here's why:
Copy and paste:
Historically, the fleur de lis symbolizes purity, divinity,
and royal power.

It originated in ancient Egypt and later gained popularity
in ancient Greece and Rome. In Florence, the symbol assumed
even greater significance during the Middle Ages when the city
was ruled by powerful noble families."
And this reference: ( see links )
Copy and paste:
"With French influence extending across Europe through
intermarriages and wars, the fleur de lis went everywhere."
If indeed my soul was/is one of the lilies, and if my belief
about reincarnation is true IMO this new information
would explain my 2003 11:11 dream .

Recall in my 2008 Suzy dream the news anchor
also said that I was from Mars and that I came
to earth for a reason and that "they" were looking for me.
In the dream I decided to give myself up
and I tearfully told Alex Jones that I'm not
a bad person and he said that my soul used to be in previous lives.

As I mentioned before I believe that everything has a dual nature
and that includes Knowledge and especially the Sacred Science

From my gazillion dreams (especially the 11:11 dream/experience)
and gazillion hours of research after
the dreams, critical thinking and connecting the puzzle pieces,
I've convinced that in this duality dimeson there are two powerful
forces, the Positive 11's and the Negative11's.

Also regarding Alex Jones, just to let you know that
I am NOT nor have I ever been a believer in or follower
of Alex Jones so in 2008 after the Suzy dream
I didn't know the reason why I would dream about Alex Jones.

However, I'm now convinced the reason is because Alex Jones
represents someone who thinks alternately and presents
hidden information at least that is the role that he is playing.

I've now come to believe that the 11's are the Lilies
aka the L's (omit the vowel E and the two I's )

They are the EL-izabeths ( my mother and grandmother's
middle names were Elizabeth ) and of course Queen Elizabeth.
They are the eels (omit the two vowels)
They live on the top of hills (twin L's )
Maybe they are also the Wills or having the Will Power
or L power.

L is also the 12th number in the alphabet and 1+2 =3.
Three is the trinity. The law of the three.
22 is also their number as 11+11=22 and also equals 4.
4 is the Dalet and Delta doorway.

And last but not least Prince Harry and Meghan's daughter
is a Lily/ Lilibet. ( see link)

I also want to thank you for mentioning that Venice
has been in the sync stream of late which led
me to find all of this information today and especially
finding answers to my many WHYS , especially
the Suzy dream and 11:11.

I believe that when we are given information , especially
esoteric information, that information isn't necessarily
for us alone, because everything is connected.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, just for the record, I don’t disbelieve in reincarnation. I’m open to the possibility.

St. Mark and the fleur-de-lis

In a March 10 comment  (still March 9 in her time zone), Debbie highlights the connection between the fleur-de-lis and the Doge of Venice: T...