Saturday, March 22, 2025

Ogres for ogres' sake

Very occasionally -- but only occasionally since the demise of Denis Dutton -- I check in with Arts & Letters Daily for old times' sake. (Back in the late nineties, when the Internet was young, it and Robot Wisdom were my only regular online reads.) This morning, scrolling through the links there, I clicked on one that said

Fairy tales are archetypal stories that seem to come from nowhere and to belong to everyone. This is an illusion... more »

It's a link to Colin Burrow's March 20 review, in the London Review of Books, of Ann Schmiesing's The Brothers Grimm: A Biography. What held my attention was the title Mr. Burrow chose: "Ogres are cool." Since ogres have recently come up (see "When only the goblins are out"), I was interested in his thoughts on their coolness.

Actually, ogres are only mentioned once, in a little aside of which I guess the author was proud:

Within bounds, the storyteller can more or less decide on the balance between fulfilling and thwarting expectations. A hare can be a prince. Or a hare can be a hare. The only rule of a tale is that everything gets used, even apparently superfluous details -- though you’re allowed entirely superfluous ogres because ogres are cool.

Which fairy tale has an entirely superfluous ogre -- meaning, I guess, one that plays no significant role in the plot? Nothing comes to mind.

Much like hares, ogres are not always what they appear to be.

Next the ogre changes into a mouse, calling to mind Setracsed's famous dictum, Mus ogre otigoc -- "Mus, 'a mouse,' being only Sum, 'I am,' spelt Qabalistically backwards," as Crowley points out.


Ra1119bee said...

You've made reference to Alester Crowly several times.
I'm sure you are aware that Crowly is on the cover of the Beatles'
Sgt Pepper album.

Also conspiracy theory rumors say that Crowly
was Barbara (a BR) Bush's father!
I must admit she looked a hell of a lot like him.

Also I'm sure you know that Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin
bought and lived in Crowly's house.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, I looked up the Barbara Bush conspiracy theory (which allegedly began life as an April Fool's gag) and found this article by Jason Louv:

That name, Jason Louv, sounded familiar, so I searched my blog for the name. He's the one who first made me aware of John Dee's vision of a many-eyed whale (on the 430th anniversary of which I had happened to post about my own dream of a many-eyed whale). One of the old posts I found was this one:

It turns out to have quite a lot about dolphins (and orcas) in it, tying in with more recent sync themes.

William Wright (WW) said...

Serious question:

Going all the way back to that strange image of Arnold Schwarzenegger fleeing from that reality temple, and other associated images, you mentioned you were going to, at some point, take on the responsibility of piecing the symbols together and forming a narrative, story, or at least a sense of meaning from all of these seemingly interrelated symbols. This seemed in part a response or backlash to people, including myself, who were telling you what they thought your symbols meant.

I've been waiting to see what you would come up with, and haven't seen much, honestly. Maybe you have elsewhere or behind the scenes in private and this blog remains your primary means of just taking note of things. I don't know.

At some point it seems that trying to see a forest for the trees would be a good idea, though, and that attempting to paint a story would be interesting.
A rough analogy for how I view your approach is that of a person who opens up a book and gets really interested in different patterns of the shapes they see on the page, but doesn't actually treat them as words, that have meaning, and that when placed together form a story that communicates something.

While interesting I am sure for the person to approach the book in the way of finding patterns or 'syncs' and noting all sorts of random things, as long as they leave it there, they will miss the reason the book was written in the first place, which was to communicate something.

Stories are the essence of creation, and its just chaos without them - random events and symbols with nothing holding them together. I see stories in your symbols which is the only reason I come back and comment. So many of the other sync blogs and friends that you link to just feel like chaos to me when I have visited there, and not even worth the bother.

I am just curious as to whether you also see stories, or is just noting neat connections and adding them to your stamp collection where you like to leave things?

You don't have to answer - can be just a rhetorical question. My natural language I have found is stories. It's how I think. I learned over the last couple of years to speak the language you write in - these syncs or whatever you call them - and then translate them into my own language that involves stories, with real characters, problems, solutions, etc.

You can always try learning a new language, too. And again, maybe you do that elsewhere and that isn't the purpose of what you do here.

Ra1119bee said...

Thank you for sharing that very intriguing link by Jason Louv.
Although Jason might not believe that Crowley was Barbara's father,
I always give the benefit of the doubt especially when
it concerns sex and offspring.

To make my point:
I don't know if you've ever seen Oliver Stone's movie JFK,
but there is a scene between New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison
(played by Kevin Costner) and Garrison's Assistant D.A.
Bill Broussardall ( played by Mike Rooker)
having a very passionate and heated argument.(see link )

Starting about marker/frame 3:22 in the video
in the clip listen to Bill say this:" This is Louisiana chief.
How the hell do you know who your daddy is? Because
your Momma told you so."

As a female I can say this: Bill's absolutely right.
Even in my own family and in my genealogy research
you don't know how many times I discovered skeletons
in closets (more than once) and I know that
I'm absolutely not alone in that rabbit hole.

Sex, Power and Money in some way shape
or form fuels this World( Whirl). IMHO of course.

I also found the information about the dolphins and John Dee
very intriguing thank you for sharing that info with me.
If you recall I shared that I too have John Dee in my puzzle pieces
as it was information from research about John Dee
( which I found the information sparked from several dreams)
that I formed my perspective about the significance of
The New Atlantis and Ley Lines especially
the 77th Meridian West.( see link)

As I've previously shared several years ago
I've had several dreams about connections
to the Rosicrucians and Rudloph
Steiner (which I didn't know about Steiner before the dreams)
especially my 2011 Fama Fraternitatis
dream, which I had no clue whatsoever about
the Fama Fraternitatis BEFORE the dream.

Everything is connected, no?

JFK (1991) - Assassins need payrolls

John Dee

Mighty in Writing

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