Friday, November 5, 2021

New prediction: Peck deaths to double birdemic deaths by Chinese New Year

Here are the latest statistics for birdemic-attributed and peck-attributed deaths in Taiwan, as reported by the government.

If present trends continue -- 50-plus peck deaths and 0 to 1 birdemic deaths every week -- I predict that in three months' time, the official statistics will say that the pecks have killed twice as many people as the birdemic. And yes, the difference in reported death toll really is that extreme. More people died of the peck on November 3 (the most recent date for which data is available) than died of the birdemic in all of September and October combined.

And those are just the reported numbers. I know for a fact that many peck side effects, including death, are not being reported as such. Just among people known to me personally and their immediate relatives, I know two people who have died from the peck, one who has been permanently disabled, and one whose prognosis is uncertain but doesn't look good. That's basically statistically impossible if the reported figures are correct -- you'd have to know more than 40,000 people to have a reasonable chance of knowing so many victims of serious side effects. Also, of these four victims known to me, zero of them have been reported to the government as peck side effects. Despite the obvious connection (blood clots evident, in previously healthy people, within hours or days of being pecked), and despite the government policy that all possible side effects are supposed to be reported even if there is no proof, hospitals are simply stonewalling the families and refusing to acknowledge even the possibility that the injuries are peck-related.

The boilerplate disclaimer that accompanies each daily birdemic report -- "Reports of possible adverse events following pecking are not evidence health problems were caused by the peck" -- is just about the opposite of the truth. If an adverse event is actually reported, that's very strong evidence that the connection to the peck was so overwhelmingly obvious that the doctors couldn't weasel their way out of filing a report.

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

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