Friday, November 5, 2021

One of the most subtle forms of intimidation is the gradual normalization of aberration.

We first endure, then pity, then embrace.

Remember the Mormons? They walked the earth not so very long ago. Here is the late Elder Neal A. Maxwell, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in 1993. The title of his address is "Behold, the Enemy Is Combined."

[I]t is the engulfing effects of [the] deteriorating world on Church members which is the “clear and present danger.” . . . Yet we must not be intimidated or lose our composure even though the once morally unacceptable is becoming acceptable, as if frequency somehow conferred respectability!

One of the most subtle forms of intimidation is the gradual normalization of aberration. Alexander Pope so cautioned:

Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
As, to be hated, needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.

Every Mormon used to know and quote those lines from Pope's Essay on Man. They used to turn up in sermons like Ezra Taft Benson's "Satan's Thrust -- Youth," prefaced with "Tolerance is a word valuable in the service of Satan." They seem to have fallen out of favor in recent decades; the formerly-Mormon hierarchy has switched its allegiance to the other Pope and all he represents.

(Pope : the Pope :: science : The Science)

Here's what Elder Maxwell's successors at The Church That Can't Be Called Mormon Anymore have chosen to put on the homepage of their official website -- which is no longer because they have renounced the label LDS.

The "LGBT" article is about 1,400 words long and never once mentions, even in passing, that disordered sexual behavior is sinful. Here is the article's one and only use of the word sin:

The Church distinguishes between same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior. . . . Identifying as gay, lesbian, or bisexual or experiencing same-sex attraction is not a sin and does not prohibit one from participating in the Church, holding callings, or attending the temple.

Notice how they conflate experiencing temptation (which is the common lot of man) with choosing to identify as a particular sort of temptation-experiencer, to embrace the temptation as central to who you are as a person. The latter absolutely was considered a sin not so long ago. In my day, the Church never even used words like gay  -- preferring "those who struggle with same-sex attraction" -- precisely because they wanted to avoid encouraging people to identify with their besetting sins.

To see the fundamental dishonesty and cowardice of this stance, imagine replacing the temptation to indulge in socially-promoted sexual perversions with any other, non-socially approved, temptation. Alcoholics, pedophiles, necrophiliacs, men with roving eyes, lazy people. While it may be technically true that a disordered passion is only a sin if you act on it, there would obviously be something deeply wrong with an organization that was constantly harping on the need to understand and welcome necrophiliacs, without bothering to mention that they don't actually condone the sexual abuse of corpses.

In this modern world, where everyone is under overwhelming social pressure not only to tolerate but to celebrate sexual perversion, where it takes great courage even to say publicly that sin is sin, the Church has decided that the message its members need the most is that they need to be more accepting -- only up to a point, of course! -- of this evil. This is an act of moral cowardice and a dereliction of duty. It is indistinguishable from Bergoglio's "who am I to judge" crap and will lead to the same end. The ex-Mormon hierarchy needs to return to Mormonism, stop hobnobbing with the Pope, and reread their Pope.


Bruce Charlton said...

The patter of 'liberalization' leading inexorably through apostasy to alliance with the (evil) world has been seen in all the large Christian denominations.

On the one hand, the CJCLDS was later than most other large churches in beginning the process of assimilating to evil.

On the other hand (and unlike both Anglicans and Catholics), top-down-led convergence of the CJCLDS with global totalitarian values seems to be proceeding rapidly and smoothly - without any (perceptible) dissent, indeed denial that it is happening.

This does the real-Christians among Mormons no credit at all. This is a time for division, not unity; because the only unity on offer is with Satan's alliance.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Reminder: Although identifying as gay is not a sin, identifying as Mormon is. In fact, it's "a major victory for Satan."

Bruce Charlton said...

From the linked essays:

Let me explain why we care so deeply about this issue. But first let me state what this effort is not:

It is not a name change.

It is not rebranding.

It is not cosmetic.

It is not a whim.

And it is not inconsequential.

Instead, it is a correction. It is the command of the Lord.


This is quite extraordinary - it amounts to making Not-Mormon a matter of core doctrine, non-negotiable, permanent - closely equivalent to a Papal statement made with 'infallibility'.

Which implies that IF discernment tells us that Not-Mormon is wrong - then either there is a very serious and stupid *error*, unperceived as such, unrepented, doubled-down upon. Or else it is falsely-motivated, dishonest, intentionally destructive - and in a way that will ramify through All CJCLDS activities, through its literature, theology... everything.

It is a Year Zero move that discredits the past and all past people - the same attitude that leads to cancellation and erasure.

It is as if someone has worked out what single - apparently very small, simple, 'deniably significant' change could wreak the maximum of havoc, distraction and demoralization within the CJCLDS - and then gone ahead and done it.

Yet, this *should* have been obvious to all serious Mormons, who are prepared to use their personal discernment as primary. Thus the sheep and goats are divided - and as usual in the past few years when such Tests have been applied: the goats seem far more numerous than the sheep - and have successfully pretended to be the sheep.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...