Sunday, April 28, 2024

A vulture named Odessa Grigorievna, and Joseph Smith in a spider mask

I had two strange, rather detailed dreams last night, which I document here in case they should turn out to be significant:

I dreamed that I was with a "friend," a man, whose identity was not clearly defined. We were outside and saw in the distance some kind of large carcass with carrion birds flocking around it. My friend pointed out one unusual-looking corvid, which I identified as a pied crow, an African species.

My friend wanted to get a closer look at the birds. As we got closer, it became clear that one of them was a vulture, a really enormous vulture, bigger than a man. Was it a condor, I wondered? Was it Garuda? But no, it was unmistakably an African white-backed vulture, only many times larger.

We got too close to the vulture, and it chased us for some time, on foot for some reason. Eventually, though, its aggression dissipated, and we began to think of it as our friend.

"Do you have a name?" I asked.

"No," the vulture replied telepathically. "I don't have a name."

"We usually use names here," I said. "Do you mind if we call you Sally? Wait, first are you a boy or a girl?"

"A girl," she said, and now she looked like a middle-aged Russian woman, not a vulture. She didn't want to be called Sally, though, as it was an embarrassing reminder that she had been a vulture when we found her. She explained this by telepathically conveying an image of a skull with several teeth missing. I figured that among scavengers "bald-headed Sally" (from the Little Richard song) was slang for a carcass that had been picked clean. (Why I thought of this, rather than of the obvious fact that vultures are themselves bald-headed, beats me.)

If not Sally, what should we call her? Any random female name, I guess, like Odessa or something.

Before I could say anything, she said, "Actually, my real name is Odessa someone's-daughter."

I told her I had just been thinking of Odessa as a random name we could give her and what an astonishing coincidence that was. (Somehow I didn't make the connection that she was telepathic.) She was being cagey about her patronymic, but I was sure I could guess that, too: She was Odessa Grigorievna.

I didn't tell her I knew her patronymic.

"Okay," I said. "We'll just call you Odessa. That's good because it sounds like Odyssey, and we can tell people that we call you that because we met at the -- uh, the Achilles, uh, the Iliad --"

"At the 2001 Odyssey Fencing Club," she put in. Fine, we'd go with that.

In a second dream the same night, I was Jim Carrey playing Joseph Smith, who had come back from the dead and was trying to sneak into his own house, which had been inherited by Martin Harris, who was played by Alan Rickman. Even though these were American characters, I understood that the whole thing was set in Russia.

The above-ground portion of the house was in ruins, and Martin Harris and his wife lived in the basement. I was trying to figure out how to get into the basement but couldn't find the entrance. Then I heard voices and saw that the Harrises were coming out. This showed me where the entrance was, so now I just had to hide until they left and then go down there. I crouched down in the shadows, confident that they wouldn't see me because it wasn't in the script.

The Harrises were dressed all in black and looked like necromancers or something. They were talking in a way that seemed very unnatural but was designed to fill in the viewer on necessary background information. A poorly written script, I thought.

Martin said something abut Joseph Smith III, complaining about him, and his wife said, "Why do you still call him 'the third'? His father's been dead for so long it's scarcely necessary."

"I know," said Martin, "but we're on a first-met basis." I understood this to mean that he had to continue calling him what he had been called when they first met, which was Joseph Smith III.

"As you know," said Mrs. Harris, "we inherited this house from him. And I've never complained, and I don't even mind trying to pay off the debts we also inherited from him." As Joseph Smith, I knew they'd also inherited a massive treasure from me -- I hadn't been such a failure at money-digging as commonly supposed -- but they didn't know where it was.

As Mrs. Harris said this, she went up to a large round table on the ruined first floor, which was covered with a black tablecloth, and began making perpendicular cuts into the cloth with a pair of scissors. I realized they were going to be here for a while.

For some reason, I decided that I'd better move from my current hiding place and hide on the table, under the tablecloth. I somehow did this without Mrs. Harris noticing, but now the problem was that she was making more and more cuts in the cloth, which was bound to expose me sooner or later.

Finally, so much of the tablecloth had been cut away that all that was left was a small black cloth covering the upper part of my face -- like Batman's mask -- with four long strips hanging off to either side like the legs of a spider. It looked like I was wearing some kind of Halloween mask intended to make my head look like a spider.

I stood up and was able to see myself from a third-person point of view: Jim Carrey, wearing this ridiculous black spider mask.

"Look, Martin," I said, "It's me, Joseph!"

"You don't look like him," Martin said -- and then proceeded to ignore me completely, as if masked strangers showed up in his house all the time.

"No, look, it's me," I insisted.

"Nope. I remember what he looked like, and he never wore a spider mask."

Note added (7:20 p.m. same day):

About four hours after posting the above, I clicked on a webm version of a TikTok video on 4chan. The webm had no sound, but apparently the original had background music, which was credited with this text at the bottom:

Apparently there's an American electronic music group called Odesza (a nice compromise among the Russian, Ukrainian, and Hungarian spellings!) that did a remix of something from another musician called Zhu. Looking both acts up just now, I find that Zhu was born Steven Zhu on April 28, 1989, so I've posted this on his birthday.

I thought running into a form of Odessa -- and as the name of some people, not a city -- was quite the coincidence. 


William Wright (WW) said...

The Joseph Smith / Spider Mask dream seems to be another instance of you representing James Strang in your dream.

Jim Carrey shares the same first name as James (and your middle name), which means "supplanter", but take in the negative sense is "Usurper, replacer, assailant". Carrey is from Carey, which means "Dark, black". So you have the Black Usurper, which fits well with a few other things, but specifically in the case of your dream with the imagery of the table cloth and what ended up becoming your face.

Strang would ultimately play the role of Joseph Smith, or try to be accepted as his successor. Martin Harris was his most famous convert, which might explain his presence in your dream. Ultimately, Harris would reject Strang's claims, though, just as Harris rejected Jim Carrey's.

It is also interesting that from your perspective you were an actor playing Joseph Smith, who ended up being exposed wearing a Spider mask. In reality, the mask in your dream likely was your true identity as Spider, and whereas the mask, by definition since were an actor playing the part of another, had been that of Joseph.

William Wright (WW) said...

One other interesting thing.

I read this post early-ish morning my time, and then went back to sleep. I dreamed I was in a small group, and I made mention that isn't it interesting that "dark or black" has come up so much, and specifically mentioned your post as an example to illustrate what I was saying.

After I woke up, I realized the true strangeness of one way in which what I said in the dream is true: I now know of two bald linguists (you and Doug), connected to my writing and thoughts in some way who have taken on dream identities meaning Dark/ Black. Doug received his name from one of my dreams, and you identified as playing the actor Carrey/ Carey in your own dream.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The Strang angle is an interesting one. It would also explain the complaining about Joseph Smith III, who would have been one of Strang’s rivals as would-be successor to the Prophet.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

You’ve brought up my baldness. That, together with my Ukrainian name, makes me wonder if Odessa Grigorievna — so sensitive to any implication that she is “bald-headed Sally” — might somehow represent me, despite the gender mismatch.

William Wright (WW) said...

I've noticed potential gender mismatches in my own dreams in thinking through meanings, so that could be.

Sally is a name that means "princess", and in a prior dream someone had called you a prince, so there is that.

Tying with the 'black' theme from the Joseph dream, the city of Odessa sits on the Black Sea.

The actual name of Odessa Grigorievna (Gregory?) has a few options that could yield very different results depending on where you go with things.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Grigori, is the Slavonic name used for the Watchers (fallen angels) in 2 Enoch. It also corresponds to the title Buddha. So, as you say, very different possibilities. We might infer from her reluctance to divulge her patronymic that the more negative meanings are more probable.

William Wright (WW) said...

Good catch on Grigori - I didn't know much about the Watchers, but looking at the story really quickly, it seems like a potential nod to Numenor.

The Numenoreans were giants to the people of Middle-earth (known as the "Tall Men of the Sea". Elendil, for example, was almost 8' tall. They terrorized Middle-earth at the end of their reign, and ultimately rebelled against Heaven by assaulting it. As a result they literally 'fell' - the account of the fall of Numenor is called Akallabeth, or "The Downfallen".

I wonder of Pharazon ties into this character Odessa Grigorievna? The "Wrathful Watcher" or "Watcher who causes pain". That would certainly describe what Pharazon did in his assault on Eressea and Valinor.

William Wright (WW) said...

Zhu also sounds and looks a lot like Thu, the name of Sauron, who led the Numenoreans to their doom.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1

You wrote: ( asterisks mine )
"You’ve brought up my baldness. That, together with my Ukrainian name, makes me wonder if Odessa Grigorievna — so sensitive to any implication that she is “bald-headed Sally” — might somehow represent me, despite the*** gender**** mismatch.
My response : I understand and respect that you do not believe in reincarnation,
but and IMO, the Soul is without the burden of race, culture or gender.
The Universal Language (which is the language that the soul uses to 'speak' to us
during our REM sleep or through synchronicity in our waking lives) is symbolic,
not literal.

Premonition dreams are VERY rare. The majority of our dreams are 'messages' given to us
for our soul's growth/evolvement.which helps us find balance . Knowledge is power.

When we encounter specific people in our dreams that we may or may not personally know,
that person represents an archetype of the dreamer.

Recall my comment about why I believe that Alex Jones was in my Suzy dream.
In my Suzy dream, Alex Jones was the archetype of the trickster, unveiling truths
that I did not want to acknowledge which is what the trickster does best which is, forcing
us to see through the illusion, whether we want to or not.

That's not to say that in some dreams a real person (whom we are not personally
familiar with) may appear to help deliver a message such as the dream
I had in 2003 about Rudolph Steiner.

In that dream, I was with Marshall and his father at the apartments where
my family lived many years ago in the 1970's.
. In real life I did not know Marshall or his father at the time I lived in
the apartments.

In the dream Marshall and his father and I were walking in the parking lot, when I saw
a White man walk towards us. The man was wearing a beautiful vivid blue outfit and
I felt the man worked for a traveling carnival. Marshall's father walked
up to the man and began speaking German. In real life Marshall's father lineage
is German, and he was also in the military stationed in Germany in the 1940's.
I personally do NOT know the German language, nor did Mr. Martin ( Marshall's
father) at least not that I know of.

In the dream Marshall's father hit the man with his fist and I intervened.
I recall the man had dark hair and the most intensive eyes I've ever seen.
I recall staring into his eyes.
This man looked nothing like what my conscious mind would associate with
Blonde, blue eyed Germans.

After I woke up from the dream, I googled something like : Germany, mystical,
esoteric man, intense eyes, and lo and behold many photos appeared of Rudolph Steiner,
and I said to myself: Oh My God that's the man in the dream!!!

Of course that Rudolph Steiner dream opened up a huge rabbit hole of information
and connections thereby laying a foundation for my 2011
Fama Fraternitatis---You Guys are from Germany! dream.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

Also In 2003 I had a very strange dream I titled Number Nine.
Here's the dream.
Number Nine
March 29, 2003.

I had a very interesting dream today... the dream is as follows.
I remember that I was in a cave and a White man in a brown tweed suit was following me.
At one point I was so very disturbed that I turned around and walked up to him.
He was holding a delicate white and red teacup and saucer.
I commented to him about the teacup but he didn't respond.

I then asked him why he was following me and he replied that he was attracted
to my crystal necklace. I responded that the crystal protected me.
I didn't like this man at all. It wasn't that I was afraid of him,
I just didn't like him.

He then explained that he would be 'with me' (following me) for Nine More Years
and I became very frightened.
He then became invisible although I could feel that he was still in the cave.

He grabbed my right arm and tried to pull me into a wall.
I knew that I had the power to become invisible too
and didn't want to be pulled into the wall so I decided to pull him back
on the side where I was and he once again became visible.
I woke up.
The necklace 'Tweed' was referring to is a citrine Vogel Crystal that I still
wear to this day.
When I woke up and began research of the symbols in the dream
the most significant one I felt to be was the Tweed Jacket and the teacup
which I immediately felt was symbolic of Britian, so I googled :
mystical, Britian, teacup.
Lo and behold I got a hit titled The Antichrist and a Teacup ( see link)

Another interesting hit that I was not expecting was when I added 2003 plus 9
which of course equals 2012, which opened up a HUGE rabbit hole, as I was NOT aware
of the mythological significance of 2012 BEFORE the dream.

I said all of that to say this: other people in our dreams, especially people
whom we do not know, represent symbolic archetypes of us,(the dreamer ).

Also very interesting is that while searching for my Number Nine dream in my huge
archives, I just so happened to come across a dream (that I had forgotten about)
which has connections to your 'Sally'.
That dream, which I had on June 14, 2003
is titled; Red on the Head

Here's the dream:

I had a very interesting dream today , the dream is as follows.
I was with Marshall and we were walking down a flight of stairs. At the bottom
of the stairs was a man whom I somehow knew Marshall wanted me to help.

I sensed that this man's wife had recently passed over and he wanted me
to contact her. I went over to the man and a doll like replica of the man's wife
appeared in my hands. I could see that she had red hair. Although the man
told me that his wife's name was Sally, I called her Molly.
I woke up

Ra1119bee said...


Part 3

art 3
After finding the Red on the Head dream today ( 4/28 )
, I looked up the etymology of the name Molly and Sally.
Given that the name Sally and Sarah means princess
and the name Molly a hypocorism for Mary meaning a women
having low class is interesting given the 'opposites'.
Same but different?

copy and paste from etymology online :
The fem. proper name Molly or Moll served as a type-name of a low-class girl
or prostitute in old songs and ballads.
But the colloquial word also resembles Latin mollis "soft," which also had been used classically in a specific pejorative sense in reference to men, "soft, effeminate, unmanly, weak."
copy and paste from Wiki :
Sally is an English language feminine given name that originated
as a hypocorism for Sarah.[1] Young children often have difficulty in pronouncing
the letter r, which resulted in nicknames like Sally that substitute the letter r for l. Other examples include Dolly for Dorothy, Hallie for Harriet, Lolly for Laura,
and ​**Molly or Polly for Mary****.
IMO, a princess and a prostitute seems to be quite the opposite and somewhat connects with the duality nature of opposites:
good vs evil, dark vs light, or in David and Goliath's story, the small(weak) vs the mighty.

Do note that I did NOT read the book The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea,
and what little I did read online, I do not necessarily agree with the author
of the book on Who the Antichrist is.

However what I do find interesting is the recent incident of horses breaking free of a Military Cavalry training exercise running through the streets of London.
The 'pale horse' becoming bloody( see link )

Although the pale horse of the 4 Horseman ( it's rider Death)
is described as greenish in color,
the etymology adjective of pale reads this:

copy and paste
pale (adj.)
early 14c., of human skin or complexion, "of a whitish appearance, bloodless, pallid,"
from Old French paile "pale, light-colored".

IMO, the reference of 'bloodless, would certainly mean death.

And last but not least check out this from the article link below :
copy and paste
"While the pandemonium was underway, the clock in the Elizabeth Tower
— more commonly known as Big Ben, the city's most recognizable landmark and usually
an icon of stability — stopped without explanation at 9 a.m."
hmmmmmm... Recall the man in the Suzy dream telling me that my number is 6?

But what if 6 turns out to be 9???

Ra1119bee said...


I clicked on the link to the article about horses and found that it didn't work.

Here's a better link

Bruce Charlton said...

" I remember what he looked like, and he never wore a spider mask."

That deflating punch-line, after so many piled-on absurdities of the dream, made me laugh aloud!

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...