Thursday, April 25, 2024

Susan, Aslan, and dot-connecting

On April 22, William Wright posted "Shushan!", which included a clip from the James Bond spoof movie Johnny English Reborn in which a Chinese man who apparently turns out to be a spy or gangster or something is wearing a nametag that says Susan, prompting English's sidekick to say, "Sir, I don't think he's a Susan." Here's a slightly longer version of the clip William posted, since what happens afterward is also relevant.

On April 23, I left a comment there saying that it reminded me of a scene in the 2000 Guy Ritchie movie Snatch where Bullet Tooth Tony (Vinnie Jones) says, "You can call me Susan if it makes you happy."

On April 24, I checked my students' homework, and one of the prompts was this:

"Susan call me last night" -- intentionally ungrammatical, as the students are supposed to correct it by changing the verb to the past tense. The only way "Susan call me" (without a comma) could be grammatical would be if it meant "Call me Susan," with the word order changed for emphasis -- like that Billie Holiday song, "Crazy he calls me / Sure, I'm crazy."

Susan call me. Sure, I'm Susan.

In a comment on the "Shushan!" post, William Wright wrote this to me:

Do you have a story that attempts to connect these dots, or is it just the dots themselves - the fact that they exist - that are most interesting to you? I only ask, because your comments here, and your writing on your blog definitely focus on identifying dots, but not really connecting them.

I understand what he means -- that I mostly just document syncs without interpreting them -- but I don't think the connect-the-dots metaphor really works. Noticing syncs just is connecting dots. (In fact, one of my first sync blogs was called No Cigar, alluding to the TMBG song "See the Constellation": "No cigar, no lady on his arm / Just a guy made of dots and lines.") Sync is inherently about connections and relations; a fact considered in isolation can't be a sync. I think what he means is that I connect lots of dots but rarely succeed in stepping back and seeing what kind of picture all those connected dots are forming. Or even if I do see a larger picture, I don't know what it means.

For William Wright, though, each connection is a dot, and "connecting the dots" means interpreting these connections as contributing to an unfolding story.

Anyway, that comment got me sidetracked thinking about connect-the-dots puzzles. I thought about how we always called them "dot-to-dots" when I was a kid, but I hadn't heard that term in a long time and wondered whether it was still common. I ended up skimming the Wikipedia article on the subject, which had this illustration of a dot-to-dot of a front view of a face:

Later the same day, I opened the Brave browser to start writing this post. The home screen has various background images that change from time to time, but this time it was this:

Its a starry sky in which some of the star "dots" have been connected with lines to form the Brave logo, which is a stylized front view of a lion's face, as a constellation. It's conceptually very similar to the dot-to-dot from Wikipedia, and the shape even suggests a drooping mustache.

The night before (April 23), I had been reading Henry M. Morris's literalist commentary on the Book of Job. Noting that constellations are referenced more in that book than anywhere else in the Bible, Morris says that this obviously has nothing to do with astrology as we know it (which he naturally views as satanic) and speculates that perhaps the constellations originally had some theological meaning and served as a sort of proto-Bible. That is, before the actual Bible had been written, people would look at the constellations to remind themselves of certain revealed doctrines. What these may have been he cannot say, since the key to their meaning has been lost, and in any case they have been superseded by the Bible proper.

In some way, therefore, these constellations must have symbolized to the ancient patriarchs God's purposes in creation and his promises of a coming Redeemer. This primeval message has been corrupted Satanically into the fantasy messages of the astrologers, but since we now have God's written Word, it is no longer needed. To the early generations, however, it may have served as a memory device, perpetually calling to mind the primeval promises given to Adam, Enoch, and Noah, and those in the line of chosen patriarchs. Even when the world was destroyed in the great flood, the starry heavens remained the same, conveying God's promises to future generations, at least until enough of the written Word was available to make the sidereal signs no longer necessary.

It may be impossible at this late date to fully recover this ancient "gospel in the stars," though a number of attempts have been made.

This syncs closely with William Wright's comment -- or rather with my own modification of his metaphor. Today we still "connect the dots" in the sky and see constellations, but the meaning of the resulting pictures remains opaque. Morris's theory is that in the past God had revealed what the constellations meant, but that now, without access to that revelation, figuring out their meaning may be impossible. "A number of attempts have been made," but I'd wager no two interpreters have read them the same way.

Early on the morning of April 25, I was skimming /x/. The first thing to catch my eye was the image used for this astrology post:

I first noticed it simply because it was a connect-the-dots constellation (Scorpio), but a closer look reveals a more specific sync: Unlike a typical constellation diagram, which has lines connecting one star to another, this one has the stars connected by dots. This matches William Wright's use of the metaphor, in which each individual connection or sync is a dot, not a line.

Another /x/ post really got my attention:

Like the Brave background image, it's a front view of a lion's face in a starry sky. Rather than a typical dot-to-dot constellation, though, this looks like a supernatural apparition. It made me think of Aslan, the lion Messiah of The Chronicles of Narnia, and I wondered if he had ever been depicted that way in art. After a few image searches -- aslan stars, aslan sky -- failed to yield anything, I tried spirit of aslan. This didn't yield any faces-in-the-stars, either, but one of the results caught my eye because of past syncs dealing with red doors and green doors:

I clicked through to the page it comes from, a 2021 blog post by Stephanie McGann called "Narnia #9: The Last Battle." Here's how it begins:

Before reading The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis with my five- and six-year-old sons, I spent some time reviewing the storyline. Though I had read it more than once as an adult, I was still searching for something new about Susan. As you’ll see from the story summary below, her path does not follow that of her siblings or any of the other friends of Narnia. She is “left out,” so to speak, of their glorious ending, and I was worried about how to handle that with my sons.  

In my hunt to learn more, I was somewhat dismayed to find so much criticism of C.S. Lewis for his treatment of Susan. Perhaps the most pointed (and dramatic) was a short story called The Problem of Susan by Neil Gaiman, in which the author imagines her as a grown-up with all sorts of psychological problems.

Since the name Susan had unexpectedly cropped up again while I was pursuing lion-constellation imagery, I decided on a whim to do an image search for susan constellation. The first result to show an identifiable constellation was this one:

That's Scorpio, the same constellation from the /x/ post.

I remembered that various forms of the name Susie had been in the sync-stream a few years back, and looking them up reminded me of one of the reasons I'm hesitant to interpret syncs too much these days: Back then, I was extremely confident that all the syncs were predicting that Trump would be back in the White House in 2021, and that obviously didn't pan out. (It's weird to see how political the sync fairies were back then; I'm glad that seems to be over.) One of these Susie/Trump posts was "Hey, Suzy, where you been today?" That's the opening line of the 2019 Weezer song "The End of the Game" -- which also features an unexpected Aslan reference:

Hey, Suzy, where you been today?
I'm looking for you every way
No sign of you when I wake up
I'm on an island with no sun

I feel like I've known you my whole life
You got me crying like when Aslan died
Now you're gone

Going back to the Johnny English Reborn clip, Tucker says, "Sir, I don't think he's a Susan" -- saying "a Susan" as if it were a common noun. I know Debbie has posted several times in comments here about a dream in which she was told that she was "a Susie," but I can't find it because comments aren't searchable. Could I trouble you to post it one more time, Debbie?

In the Snatch scene, Bullet Tooth Tony is sitting between two female twins when he says "You can call me Susan." Shortly after that line, he says to the twin on his right, "Pass us the blower, Susie." It's a bit odd saying people can call you Susan when you're sitting right next to someone who actually is called Susan.

This theme of female "twins" -- or at least two women who are hard to tell apart -- also appears in the Johnny English clip. Johnny is at the home of Pegasus, the head of MI7, and her elderly mother is there, too. Also in the house is a Chinese assassin dressed as Pegasus's mother, so that they look the same from behind. Johnny keeps mistaking them for each other -- attacking the mother, then apologizing to the assassin, then attacking the mother again.

Female twins -- and stars, and lions, and crying -- were featured in my March 25 post "She's so rocky, shisa star."

One other thing before I forget it. In his April 22 "Shushan!" post, William Wright compares something Johnny English says to a passage from the Book of Mormon. English says:

Now I know what you're going to say: It's a pretty small object. Well, it's often the little things that pack the biggest punch. After all, David killed Goliath with a pebble. The mighty Vortex has been slain by my possession of this small key.

The BoM passage (with boldface added by William) is:

Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.

And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.  (Alma 37)

I've been reading through the Bible a few chapters a day, and included in my reading for April 24 was this passage in 1 Corinthians:

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty (1 Cor. 1:27).

This is obviously very similar the the BoM passage, so much so that skeptical readers will say Joseph Smith plagiarized from Paul. Besides the identical "confound the wise" wording, though, Paul also mentions confounding "the things which are mighty" -- a link to Johnny's claim that "The mighty Vortex has been slain by my possession of this small key."

English compares the key to the stone with which David felled Goliath. Interestingly, a "key of David" is mentioned in the Bible:

These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth (Rev. 3:7).

The speaker -- "he that hath the key of David" -- is Jesus Christ. Since Aslan also represents Jesus Christ, this is a link to the "Aslan closed the door" picture above.


William Wright (WW) said...

I found your blog well after the 2020 elections, so wasn't aware of your Trump predictions. That could definitely explain some of your hesitancy in going too far in interpreting things.

Stories or connections don't have to be predictions, though. Just the use of imagination to explore some ideas, some of which might stick and turn into something and some might end up being complete crap. But I figure it might be worth the effort to try.

Anyway, it is interesting you went to constellations with the connect the dot metaphor. Nice. I have actually had the constellation of Orion on my mind the last few days.

Ra1119bee said...


part 1

My response to your post and IMHO, I believe that when something
happens to us ( us, collectively ) and especially if that 'something'
is out of the ordinary/odd/weird etc, there is a reason and a WHY.
I believe that our quest is to find the WHY.

Regarding your comment of being wrong about Donald Trump and the Presidency
in 2020, do understand, and IMHO, there is no such thing as linear time.

Case in Point:
I don't know if you're familiar with Mike Burry or not.(see links)
Mike Burry' predicted in ***2005 the housing market crash of 2007-2008.
Burry wasn't wrong, his prediction came true.

Mike Burry was just early which in this duality dimension and especially in finance
being early or late makes all the difference in the world, which is exactly
what Burry's investors told him ( see video link )

Many people who have been blinded by the light of this duality dimension's illusion
do not understand the messages they are given, because the messages/knowledge,
(whether it comes to us through our nightly dreams in REM sleep, or
in our waking life through synchronicity) is 'spoken' in the Universal Language
of symbolism, gematria/numerology, and archetypes and many people have forgotten
the language.

It's like Morse Code.
What's the point of sending Morse Code if ultimately the 'message' will be ignored?

Connecting the dots is exactly what all good investigators do,
and (and IMO) we become investigators the moment we ask the question: WHY.
For investigators the hunt for the WHY is like an itch that needs to be scratched.

I believe that we become lost when we can't find our way back to the middle (source).
I believe that when we Do NOT allow ourselves to 'see' with our Soul, we are
led astray by the negative polarity who do not want us to find 'home'.

A good example is the movie Wizard of Oz. Dorothy's dog Toto
(symbolic of the constellation Sirius) pulls back the curtain to revel the truth
behind the illusion and that one simple act changed everything for Dorothy.

I believe that my 2008 Suzy dream was a HUGE 'dot'
( which I call dots, puzzle pieces ).
I have connected the Suzy dream to current events that is happening
on the World Stage especially where it concerns the Golden Gate both
in San Fran and Israel, which I've commented on many times before.

As we all know, Knowledge is Power and applied/manifested Knowledge is Freedom (
in this duality dimension).

Here's my Suzy dream:

Oct 27, 2008

I had in interesting dream today…. The dream is as follow

I recall that I was going somewhere, and I had to pass some type
of checkpoint. A man (White) was there and for some reason he looked at my hands
to determine if I should get through (the checkpoint).

He began tapping my hand and he appeared to be ‘counting something on my hand.
At that point he said he had to go and get Alex Jones.
I felt like that wasn’t a good thing so I left.

The next thing I knew I was with a group of people
(at a diner/restaurant) and we were all watching a T. V. news broadcast.
There was a woman on the news broadcast talking about the fact that there
was a national search for a person (which I felt to be me).

She said that the person was from MARS, and they needed to find the person as the person
was ‘sent to earth’ for a reason.

She also said that the person was a Suzy.

I then showed my hands to one of the people in the crowd
(as I felt that I needed to give myself up).
The man began to count my hands again and then he said that my number was SIX.

I remember being very afraid and the next thing I knew Alex Jones was there.
I tearfully said to Alex Jones that I wasn’t a bad person
and he said that I had been one in my previous lives.
I recall being very upset.
I woke up

WanderingGondola said...

I've been in need of new pyjamas for the winter; one of my go-tos is a chain that happens to be called Sussan, and on the 24th I stopped by the local mall's instance to see what they had available. One of the only appealing flannelette sets sported a print of suns, moons and stars, including some constellation-like clusters (may be a little hard to make out from the photos).

Today on TwitX (a place I wouldn't regularly visit if not for a select few people), one of the local topic trends caught my eye. Sussan Ley is apparently one of the politicians supporting the, ahem, "eSafety" demand for TwitX to police content regarding last week's Sydney church stabbing. The only further thing I'll say here is ley brings to mind ley lines, which is another dot-to-dot kind of idea.

Female "twins" returning to the syncstream is interesting. On the 23rd, I woke up thinking of the theme song to an old Aussie children's show called Minty. I never properly watched it (much preferring animated shows) so before checking online I just knew the basic setup: two identical girls, one of them being a TV star, swap lives with each other.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, I’d forgotten that Alex Jones was in the Suzy dream. In the Snatch clip, Bullet Tooth Tony (played by an actor named Jones) sits between two twins called Alex and Susi.

Ra1119bee said...


part 2

Do note that in the dream the person in the diner said that I WAS A SUZY,
Not that my name was Suzy.

As you may know The Suzies' (the lilies i.e. Fleur de lis ) were
symbolic of those in power in this duality dimension i.e Earth.(see link)

Recall my many comments and a recent comment about the
Persians and the Tulips.
The tulip is a member of the lily family, Liliaceae.

Regarding Alex Jones(link below) telling me that I had not been a good
person in my previous lives.
(Do note that I am NOT a fan, or follower of Alex Jones blog or his opinions)

I believe Alex Jones role in the Suzy dream was one of
an archetype of the trickster.
The Trickster revels hidden knowledge that we choose to ignore
or too afraid to confront.

Do recall my previous comments where I shared my belief
about me having to pay back a Karmic 19 debt this lifetime.
Mike Burry is also a NINETEEN., born June 19.

Karmic 19 debt is an abuse of power in past lives, especially
the Sacred Science Knowledge.
I believe the power being the Siddhis Powers.
Levitation, Forsight and Telepathy are Siddhis Powers. (see link)

I've said all of that to say this. IMHO To solve (connect the dots) a riddle is
like finding a treasure.

Think of a box of a gazillion jumbled puzzle pieces. The puzzle pieces scattered
about in the box are like Chaos because to the physical eye the puzzle pieces
in disarray appears to be meaningless, but when connected they mean everything
as to WHY and HOW to navigate through this jungle
that we've fallen into. Knowledge is Power.

Everything is connected, no?

The Wizard of Oz

In the beginning of the video, the real Mike Burry is on the telephone.
The Big Short (2015) - Major Investor confronts Dr. Michael Burry

Ra1119bee said...


Wow!! Thank you for that information about the Snatch clip !!

What's the odds of the Alexs and the Susys??

I also noted in the Snatch clip the reference to 40. Recall my recent
comments about the significance of 22(Master Bulder) and 40 ( 2+2=4 ).
The 4 is the door.

'Dem syn Faires be busy, no?

Also I just wanted to add, that I did NOT KNOW the meaning of Suzy
BEFORE the dream in 2008.
I do not have a friend, nor did I have a co-worker
or personally know of anyone named Suzy.

As stated, I believe that there is no such thing as linear time and space.
The Soul transcends linear time.

Ra1119bee said...


In the Johnny English clip, and starting about marker/frame 5:16
are those white and yellow lilies on the table as English approaches the
The White and yellow flowers (lilies?) also appear at the end of the clip ( in
the sunroom scene) as well.

NLR said...

Shushan or Shanshu (

Ra1119bee said...


I just found this personal connection (to me) and the Fleur de lis.
As I've shared many times, my family is from Kentucky
mainly from Louisville.
Recall my comments about Mammoth Cave and the Hollow Earth.

I didn't know this connection of Louisville with the Fleur de lis
until today after researching the Fleur de Lis, especially after
reading this information from the article titled; Snippet of (link below )

I think I shared that my father's family history and I believe
lineage is connected to the Robards of
Lexington and Louisville Ky.

Lewis (Louis) Robards was a very influential and infamous
Slave Trader in Mulatto women whom he called his Fancy Girls.

President Lincoln's wife Mary Todd was a Kentuckian who lived very close
to the Louis/Lewis slave quarters in Lexington.

Lewis Robards' wife Rachel divorced him and married Andrew Jackson because
of Robards "infidelities" with his Fancy Girls.

The Fleur de lis is on the Seal of Louisville.

Everything is connected, no?

Copy and paste from Wiki :
The fleur-de-lis meaning "Lily Flower" was the symbol of King Louis XVI of France, the namesake for Louisville.,_Kentucky

Ra1119bee said...


Today, I just thought of something didn't I didn't catch before
regarding my Suzy dream.

In the dream, the woman news reporter said that they (the authorities)
were looking for someone (whom I felt to be me) from MARS.

The mirror word for Mars is Ram (omitting the s of course).
My Chinese astrological sign is the Ram/Goat/Sheep.

Also I just found this interesting information about an Egyptian Deity named
Banebdjedet, who, according to Wiki, was a Ram deity(link below ).

I was not aware of Banebdjedet before as I just found this information after
my realization of the Mars and Ram mirror connection , which I connected today 4/27.

Also what's interesting is according to wiki, Banebdjedet's wife Hatmehit's
is typically translated as "Foremost of Fish", which recall my recent comments
about Pisces, the Fish.

Also, I found this interesting connection with Banebdjet, given my 2015 Where's My Horn dream, and my belief about the significance of the numbers; 1, 4, 5, 19 and 11 in my life.

copy and paste:( asterisks mine )
" Typically, the **** horned**** god Banebdjedet was depicted with *** four*** rams' heads to represent the four Bas of the sun god.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, we have the same Chinese zodiac sign, our births being 24 years apart.

I’ve posted about that Egyptian god before:

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Mars is Ares, and Aries is the Ram.

Ra1119bee said...


We also share the same sun sign, Pisces.


Also I found this information below very interesting about the ram especially since
it connects with my perspective and recent comments about Pisces
purpose, which is to be of service (to humanity) or sacrifice for (humanity).

Factor in my perspective ( and it appears William Wright's perspective as well)
about the significance of connecting the dots so as to see the BIG PICTURE.

Pisces's gift and purpose to humanity, IMHO, is to show others
that we are more than our physical bodies and through our intuition
and knowledge of the Sacred Science ( symbolism, gematria/numerology archetypes
via the Universal Language
we can transcend this duality dimension's illusion.

To transcend this illusion is freedom, because to have foresight (tapped
through the pineal gland and Soul) means we can change direction if need be.

It appears in Rod Serling work he was 'tappin' this power source too,
in particular the Twilight Zone's episode tiled : 22 ( which I've commented on this particular episode many times here on your blog).

If you haven't seen the episode 22, please do check it out.
The protagonist's foresight 'saved her' because by knowing the future,
she was able to change directions.
Note how she firmly clutches the trickster doll. ( see link below )
The trickster serves as an archetypical guide to FORCE us to see the illusion
for what it is, not for what we want it to be , or told that it is.

Here's the copy and paste to the article about the ram and sacrifice
: (asterisks mine ) Note the reference to 22.

"A ram holds several symbols in the Bible depending on different interpretations and personal beliefs. One of the outstanding symbols this animal holds is***** sacrifice.****

The first time a ram is presented in the Bible is in the book of**** Genesis 22****
, where God provides Abraham with one to sacrifice instead of his son, Isaac.

This sacred animal is also associated with strength, power, redemption, and leadership".

Everything is connected, no?

Twilight Zone 22 ( full episode )

Ra1119bee said...


I just read your 4 Ram's Head post on your Magician's Table Blog!!!

Thank you for sharing this with me.

Ra1119bee said...


In your 4 Ram's Head post, I just noticed the reference to ALEX.
Alexander the Great.

Given our recent Alex Jones connections with my Suzy dream and the Snatch
clip, I find that very interesting.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...