Sunday, March 24, 2024

She’s so rocky, shisa star

Last Tuesday, March 19, I happened to hear on the radio somewhere the 2000 Britney Spears song "Lucky." (Looking the song up on Wikipedia just now to get the correct date, I find that the duration of the song is 3:24 -- and here I am posting this on 3/24.) I've never had the slightest scintilla of interest in Spears or her music, but it's been stuck in my head ever since. It's a pretty catchy melody, I guess, by that one Swedish guy who was writing all the American hits at that time. Here's the music video -- full of the bog-standard subtly-in-your-face stuff that Monarch Mind Control types like to analyze (did you notice the inverted pentagrams on her wallpaper?), but otherwise pretty uninteresting:

The weird thing is that what's been stuck in my head is not the original but rather a version that has rocky in place of lucky, as if making fun of a stereotypical Japanese accent. I have this free-floating memory -- likely an anecdote from my brother Joseph's time in Japan -- of a Japanese person reading a children's story with the recurring line "'I'm so lucky,' says Ladybug" but mispronouncing the two key words as rocky and Radybug. For whatever inscrutable reason, my subconscious mind decided to splice that comical error into the Britney Spears song.

It's getting kind of annoying, actually. Time and again, here I am minding my own business only to catch myself singing under my breath, "She's so rocky, she's a star / But she cry-cry-cries in her lonely heart." (For some reason, the word lonely slipped through the Japanese-accent filter unscathed.)

Stars, sensu stricto, are not rocky. In the word's broader sense, though, embracing all heavenly bodies, we could call Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Mars "rocky stars." This rocky star is a "she," though, which rules out the masculine Mercury and Mars. Venus doesn't look "so rocky," with its thick cloud cover, so that leaves the Moon as the strongest candidate.

"She cry-cry-cries in her lonely heart . . . why do these tears come at night?" This made me think of my May 2019 post "Lacrimae lunae" ("tears of the moon"). This had featured John Opsopaus's version of the Moon card of the Tarot, in which "glowing tear drops . . . fall . . . from the recumbent crescent" of the Moon:

In the 2019 post, Opsopaus's card was paired with this image from a phonics textbook. The sync was that one of my students had colored half of the water drops in the picture red, as in the card:

The picture above shows twin girls in red tops. The music video repeatedly shows Spears as "Lucky" -- the white-gowned sacrificial starlet -- sharing the screen with her alter ego, Britney the wholesome girl-next-door, who wears a red top. Although we never see two red-topped Britneys in the same frame, there are clearly two of them. In the sequence below, we see Lucky striding through a room, with Britney on her right in the foreground, immediately after which she walks past another Britney seated on a sofa on her left in the background:

We also see a waxing crescent moon in the video, the same phase shown on the Tarot card:

There is also a rectangular skyscraper to either side of the Moon, suggesting the two towers of the Tarot card.

The persistent Japanizu of rocky made me wonder whether "she's a" could actually be a Japanese word, maybe shiza or shisa. A search confirms that shisa is the Okinawan version of the Chinese guardian lions which appear in pairs outside temples and such. While the Chinese originals are just lions, their Okinawan counterparts are considered to be "a cross between a lion and a dog." (Notice that Google suggests "half dog" as a related search term. I'm cereal.)

This is an extremely strong sync with the Moon card of the Tarot. Traditional versions of the card show two dogs, one on either side of the Moon, likely representing the constellations of Canis Major and Canis Minor.

In December 2020, the Grateful Dead released a new music video for their 1970 song "Ripple." It was full of modified imagery from the Tarot, including this take on the Moon card:

That's right, the two dogs have been replaced with a pair of Chinese guardian lions. That's why I say that shisa -- half dog, half guardian lion -- is such an extremely strong sync.


WanderingGondola said...

Oligatory rectification of the accent filter's oversight:

Craig Davis said...

The pointy building in the balcony photo synchs back to the Empire State Building in:

Although it does more closely resemble the Chrysler Building.

The shisa is also rather similar to the qilin found here:

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Craig, the first of the posts you link to begins with the trailer for the movie 42 and mentions that the ESB held its tallest-building title for 42 years. In the Britney Spears video, Lucky's door has the number 42 on it.

William Wright (WW) said...

At the risk of stating the obvious, the Stones would be considered rocky stars.

Given the Ithil or Moon Stone is one of these major 'rocky stars', this would still be consistent with your focus on the Moon in this post.

cae said...

You know, here in the West, there's a penumbral lunar eclipse 'tonight' (March 24-25 depending on time zone)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Interesting, Carol. Valentin Tomberg interpreted the Moon card of the Tarot as portraying a lunar eclipse.

Ra1119bee said...


And once again it appears we're back to the Twins,
Carbon Copy, and the Parallel.

Do recall my 2003 dream/esoteric experience I shared with you titled: 11:11.
11:11 are twins, as are all master numbers.

Although now in 2024, the 11:11 experience is pervasive on the internet
that wasn't the case in 2003 as the internet (at least to the public) was in its
Youtube wasn't launched until 2005, and there was next to none information
about 11:11 that I could find online in 2003 after I had the 11:11 dream/experience.
Marshall and I only got our computer in 1998.
I DID NOT KNOW about 11:11 before the dream.

The letter X is also a parallel or a twin. In the X's case the two "ones"
are pointing in opposite directions. They're the same (number) One, but different.

Carbondale Ill( in southern Ill, known as 'Little Egypt)
is where two totality eclipses(Aug 21, 2017, and Aug 8, 2024) cross as One.
In order words :same but different.

All power sources in this duality dimension can be used for good or evil.
Especially Knowledge.

I've shared my perspective and prediction and provided links
before about the two Golden Gates.
One in San Fran and the other in Jerusalem.
Both more of an orangey color as opposed to gold and do recall
I shared my perspective about why I believe ORANGE is in the collective
consciousness right now.

Recall in 2017 or so the popular culture was Donald Trump memes: Orange Man Bad
Trump is a Gemini.

In the International Maritime Law Signal Flags, the letter O for Oscar
and the colors red and yellow of the flag denotes Man Overboard.
The colors red and yellow mixed together produces Orange.
Isn't yellow a color in the Ukraine Flag?

Recall I shared my 2018 Oscar Dream a couple of years ago on your blog.
I DID NOT KNOW, ABOUT THE International Maritime Law Signal Flags
before the Oscar dream.

Do recall the poet Amanda Gordon (who is Black) wearing a Yellow and Red outfit
at Biden's inauguration, January 20. (see link)

In addition to the Golden Gate in San Fran,
I also believe there is going to be an 'event' at the Brookyln Bridge
and I've shared my prediction before about this as well.
New York and San Fran.
From Sea to Shining Sea?

Recall I shared my 2011(Eleven? ) Fama Fraternitatis dream
and the two lions on the letterhead.

Recall my 2 wolves experience at the Unitarian Church.

The two luminaires (the Sun and the Moon) become one during a total Eclipse.
Recall my 2015 Moon River dream.

In this duality dimension, there's always a 'fight' between opposites
to see which one will prevail.
Two becomes One.

E pluribus unum

And speaking of Moons, check out this Moon tune:

Carson Peters and Ricky Skaggs - "Blue Moon of Kentucky" ( Live at the Grand Ole Opry )

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add, in the Blue Moon if Kentucky video, do
note that the little boy (Carson Peters) is a 'fiddler'.

Do recall my recent comment and links
about the significance of the Fiddler'.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...