Friday, March 22, 2024

Eye drops on 113/3/20

On March 20, Bruce Charlton posted "Why should I care if a mouse has hay fever?" -- a short, whimsical reaction to seeing Murine brand eye drops for sale at a pharmacist's. (If you didn't know that murine means "of or pertaining to mice," don't feel like the Lone Ranger. No less a literary light than George Bernard Shaw apparently thought the adjectival form of mouse was musque, as can be seen in the Lamarckian essay that serves as the preface to Back to Methuselah.) I smiled and thought no further of it.

On the same day, March 20, William Wright posted "The Pi-ed Piper," which begins with the sentence, "Two nights ago I had a dream about a mouse." He later noted the sync with Bruce's post and posted about it the next day in "Children as Mice, and rescuing the Lost."

I read all these posts with mild interest but didn't think they had anything to do with my own sync stream until my lunch break today, when I finished eating and then got out the eye drops I'm supposed to use after meals and before going to bed. In Taiwan, prescription medication is always given in a little plastic bag with the patient's name and the date written on it. The date caught my eye:

I got these eye drops on March 20, the same day Bruce posted about eye drops for mice and William posted about mice. I almost never have problems with my eyes and hadn't seen an ophthalmologist in well over a decade. One of my eyes has been red for several days -- no itching or discomfort, just red -- and my wife had been bugging me to see a doctor about it. March 20 just happened to be the day I finally got around to doing so.

Taiwan -- and only Taiwan -- uses the Gregorian calendar for months and days but counts years from the founding of the Republic of China in 1912. Thus the date is written as 民國113年3月20日 -- the 20th day of the 3rd month of the 113th year of the Republic.

The number 113 was introduced into the sync stream by Debbie in her comments on "Skeletor, hieroglyphic-bearing arthropods, and the Judgement" in what were the early hours of March 21 here in Taiwan but still March 20 in Ohio, where she lives. The second part of her comment begins thus:

Today (March 20) when I read that the totality will start in Wilmington at 3:11, again, that sparked my interest because of information I found in 2015 including info about the company Pixar and the number 113 (see link)

She explicitly draws attention to the fact that it's March 20 and then goes on to talk about the number 113. The comment was addressed to me in Taiwan, where -- unbeknownst to Debbie, I'm sure -- it is currently the year 113.


Ra1119bee said...


Very interesting indeed.

And you're right I did not know about Tawain's year 113.

Your mice syncs made me recall my recent research about the Pixar movies which
features A113 and one of the movies is about rats titled: Ratatouille.

According to Wiki, the wording on Ratauouille's theatrical release poster
reads: ' He's dying to become a chef'. ( see link )

Etymology of the word chef:
chef (n.)
"head cook," 1842, from French chef, short for chef de cuisine, literally "head of the kitchen," from Old French chief "leader, ruler, head" (see chief (n.)).

Your eye prescription is interesting. The EYES of March perhaps ?

ides (n.)
middle day of a Roman month," early 14c., from Old French ides (12c.), from Latin idus (plural) "the ides," a word perhaps of Etruscan origin. In the Roman calendar the eighth day after the nones.

plural of nonus "ninth," contracted from *novenos, from novem "nine" (see nine).

Of course the letter i is the ninth letter of the alphabet.
Aye Aye, Captain.

Also I found this information in biblehub Strong's Concordance : 113. athesmos
meaning:lawless, unrestrained, licentious.

In my opinion, that particular definition(athesmos)
very strongly connects with my previous comment about 113 meaning deceit, i.e. hiding
the truth which would also connect with my 113 dream as in the dream,
I was unaware of the mark on my back with the number 113.

Also, keeping with the rats sync, rats are symbolic of
'sneaky' hidden, 'dirty' and destructive.

As I shared in my previous post, I believe a great deceiver ( a fake colonel?)
is in our collective mist
ready to usher in The Great Reset during this Shifting of Ages.

Do recall my comment of and recent link to the Obamas reading the book
'Where the Wild Things Are'to children at the Easter Egg Roll on March 28, 2016
( 2016, a year before the first of the 3 eclipses)
Also a year after my Number 113 dream.

IMO, 'wild things' certainly fits the category of lawlessness
and unrestrained.

Also interestingly 113's mirror, 311 and its Definition in
Strongs meaning : after, (hereafter), the future.

Interesting the 'in the future' part and how it 'connects'
with my prediction.

Pixar Did You Know: A113 | Disney•Pixar

President Obama and the First Lady Read to Kids at the 2016 Easter Egg Roll

Ra1119bee said...


And speaking of Chefs and Chiefs (see above comment
about the Pixar movie, Ratatouille),
Marshall just reminded me of this 'chef' connection.

Ra1119bee said...


I just realized something.

It appears, at least to me,
that our recent syncs are getting stronger and interestingly
it appears to have begun March 14, PI day.

Recall the Twin Tornados in Ohio happening on PI day.
Also the Pi symbol looks very much like ' twins'.

Deadly tornado outbreak slams the Midwest

Britbong dolphin (600, 300)

I dreamed that Byron showed me something he had drawn: a simple pencil sketch of a dolphin with a caption under it reading "britbong do...