Monday, March 18, 2024

Skeletor, hieroglyphic-bearing arthropods, and the Judgement

Some unmanned untethered free association here. It's a constitutional right, after all.

My last post, "Eclipse skull and crossbones" called up a vague memory of a meme in which He-Man's arch-enemy Skeletor was standing with the sun directly behind his head, making it look as if he had a halo -- or an eclipse with a skull instead of a moon. I tried and failed to track it down. One of the search prompts I tried, though, skeletor halo, did turn up eclipse imagery:

In addition to the skull imagery, we have crossed bandoliers, suggesting the X-marks-the-spot of the 2017 and 2024 eclipse paths, centered on Makanda, Illinois. My post "Makanda" is about the coincidence of seeing Makanda on an eclipse map shortly after reading about a giant spider named Makanda in a Colin Wilson novel.

This giant spider connection made me take notice when -- casting my net a bit wider and just searching for skeletor meme -- I found this:

Skulls and spiders led me to the black-and-yellow garden spiders that are common in much of the United States: I've seen a few in North Carolina with markings that make the cephalothorax look like a death's-head. I can't find a great example of this online, but here's something to give you the general idea:

Besides the vaguely skull-like cephalothorax (much better examples exist but apparently not on the Internet), note the posture, typical of this family of spiders, with the legs arranged in an X and the death's-head at the center. (Incidentally, I used a similar garden spider photo to illustrate a post about giant spiders: "Whitley Strieber with between two and four giant spiders.")

The spider pictured above has a fairly uninteresting bumblebee-type pattern, but many garden spiders have much more intricate designs. When I lived in Maryland, I used to make detailed sketches of their markings in a notebook, thinking of them as "hieroglyphics" and imagining that they might mean something, though I never made any attempt to crack the code.

That memory of copying down "hieroglyphics" off the backs of spiders reminded me of something I'd read about several months ago in the Cultural History of the Book of Mormon: a fringe Mormon called Goker Harim who claimed to have translated the writings of the Brother of Jared off the back of an insect of some sort -- a beetle? a spider, even? I found the reference in the Cultural History -- it was a cicada -- and tried to track down the source document online for more details, but to no avail. (I'm not going to pay $9.99 to download it, sorry.) Though I failed to find any details of the story of how the cicada was found and "translated," I did finally find a Word document with a picture of the cicada's markings and an accompanying essay:

It's called "The Judgement Tablet" -- with the British spelling of judgement, even though the author is (I think) American. The essay begins thus:

The Judgement Tablet, also called the Covenant Tablet of the Gentiles, is an advanced style tablet. It has a base and top section in addition to the usual four glyphs. It was written by Achee [i.e., the Brother of Jared] and preserved on a cicada. Written on it is the whole course of history from before creation till after the Final Judgement.

One of the coincidences noted in my last post was the use of the phrase "judgement day" -- British spelling -- by two different Americans in connection with the skull-moon theme. The cicada tablet essay doesn't actually use the phrase "judgement day," but "Final Judgement" is close enough.


Ra1119bee said...


Speaking of cicadas.
Do recall my recent comment about a rare upcoming event :

Copy and paste:( link below)
"It’s official: 2024 belongs to the cicadas.

This spring, two different broods of cicadas — one that lives on a 13-year cycle and the other that lives on a 17-year cycle — will emerge at the same time
from underground in a rare, synchronized event that last occurred in 1803."

And this from the Farmer's Almanac.( Note the reference to APRIL)
"Many news outlets are talking about the trillions of cicadas due to emerge in April 2024
—a rare “double brood”.

What's interesting is that this rare event is going to happen in the
Midwest 'heartland' where the recent outbreak of the March 14 tornados occurred.
Also interesting, although Ohio 'hosted' only ONE brood in 2021, this rare
2024 event of both broods at the same time, will not be in Ohio.

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add, this rare 2024 2 broods cicada event is another 'twin' sync.

William Wright (WW) said...

The picture of that spider makes it look like a skull wearing a papal tiara.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Good point, William. And Debbie has linked Moon Man from another recent post with the elongated skull.

WanderingGondola said...

In case it's not clear, that first Skeletor pic is evidently from Halo: The Master Chief Collection, a compilation of most of the Halo games. The eponymous Halo is a series of giant ring-shaped space weapons. (I've only played the very first game, and that was a good two decades ago, so Wiki's my plot reference; I didn't realise protagonist Master Chief's full name includes "John-117".)

Skulls and spiders takes me back to Zelda again. Ocarina of Time introduced the Skulltula enemy type, which is pretty much what it sounds like (hit the Artwork and Model > OoT buttons there for pics). One lengthy side-quest involves a rich family that was turned into Skulltulas for their greed, and killing golden Skulltulas found around the world gradually removes the curse.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 1

Once again speaking of the eclipse , fake colonels and Ohio ( oh my! ).

I just found this information and I think you may find it interesting as
I think it connects with the eclipse, carbon copies (Carbondale ).. and fake colonels.

Allow me to set the stage:

As mentioned Marshall and I had decided that we were not going to Dayton to see
the eclipse on April 8. We decided to stay home here in Wilmington and I checked
to see how much of the totality we would see, which is 99 percent.

I then noticed that the totality for Wilmington and its maximum viewing
is at 3:11, which sparked my interest because I recalled
that I had an intriguing, somewhat disturbing
 dream on Dec 13, 2015, which I titled; Number 113.
 (which of course 113 is a 'mirror' image of 311)

I recall researching 113 at the time of the dream (in 2015) and found information that
I thought at the time was disturbing which I'm even convinced now
 ( after finding this information) that the 113 dream may have been foreboding.

I won't share the entire dream , just the part about the number 113.

Here is that portion of the dream: 
"Then the dream changed and I felt that I was still in the bedroom but this time with 2 women. 
They began to tell me that we all had been ‘tattooed’ (with a bar code)
 and we all ‘belonged’ to that same man.
They showed me their tattoo, which was on their arm (near their hand) ….
 I felt that we all were some type of robot. I was adamantly refusing to believe this however and I told them absolutely not,
 and that I didn’t have any tattoos on me.

 One of the women began searching for my tattoo on my arm and she saw a place
on my right shoulder that appeared as if it had a flesh color bandage covering it.
 I began to feel dread come across me as she began peeling back the ‘skin tone like bandage’.
 Sure enough, under the bandage was a bar code with the number 113…

I woke up


Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

Today (March 20 ) when I read that the totality will start in Wilmington
at 3:11, again, that sparked my interest because of information I found in 2015
including info about the company Pixar and the number 113 (see link)

 At that time in 2015,I didn't really understand the connection of Pixar and 113 and the message of my dream, so like all my dreams, I just gathered all the info
I could at the time and 'stored' it with my dream puzzle pieces.
I did NOT KNOW the information about Pixar before the dream.

I also found information in 2015 about the number 113 in Hebrew meaning deceit.
This is from another webpage that I found today when I googled 113.

copy and paste: ( see link )
"The number 113 holds significant biblical meaning. In the Hebrew language,
the word sheqer, which means falsehood or deceit, appears 113 times in the Old Testament.
 It is used to describe acts or facts that are false or deceitful. The Greek word kurios, meaning lord or master, appears 113 times in the book of Acts".
I now think the odd connection of Willimington's totality timing (3:11)
and the 'fake colonel in Twilight Zone's The Parallel and the Carbon Copy (Carbondale)s syncs have connections to my Number 113 dream.

I also found the connection to robots/automation and AI (in the dream)
interesting as of course symbolic of the Mark of the Beast in the End Times, which as stated many times I believe that Humanity is on the precipice of the Shifting of Ages.
I believe that Transhumanism would absolutely be humanity's fall.
Transhumanism being A Cabron Copy of humans, albeit a fake one, making us
all little fake "kernels"

From etymology:

kernel (n.)
"edible substance in a nut or the stone of a fruit," Old English
cyrnel "seed, kernel, pip.

I think the 3 eclipses are serving as a harbinger to a HIGHLY probable
precarious future, especially so in America, but globally as well.
A Great Upheaval as the Past Life Reader told me about(and my connection
to) in 1974.

I'm not really certain about the Hebrew word Adon meaning lord/master
and its connection to the 113, unless it's somewhat validates my perspective
about Obama and the Shifting of Ages.
In the first part of the dream there is a man in the 'plot' of the dream,
but it wasn't Obama.
We're living in very interesting times, no?

Also, I think you find this information about Ohio and another eclipse
in 2099 interesting. ( see link )

jason said...

I'm American and I didn't realize judgement was ever spelled without the e. Its that KJV influence.

More lions and doves

My last post explored the theme of one active lion, two "lazy" or stationary lions, and pigeons or doves. Another painting with t...