Thursday, March 21, 2024

Fake colonel 3:11

At around 6:40 this morning, I checked for new comments on this blog and found a long two-part comment from Debbie (Ra1119bee). She opened with:

Once again speaking of the eclipse, fake colonels and Ohio . . .

"Fake colonels" is a reference to my March 15 post "Merry, Pippin, Mary Poppins, secret names, golden straw, square heads, and fake colonels," in which one of the coincidences noted was "a non-colonel being addressed as a colonel" in two different narratives I had just encountered. The most famous "fake colonel" -- possibly the most famous "colonel," full stop -- is undoubtedly Colonel Sanders of KFC, who bore the title "Kentucky colonel" but did not hold the military rank of colonel.

Much of the rest of Debbie's comment deals with a dream she had about the number 113, and she also repeatedly mentions 3:11 -- the same number in reverse -- as the time when the upcoming solar eclipse will come closest to totality (99%) in the Ohio town where she lives. Then, on the rather insubstantial grounds that the Hebrew word for "falsehood" appears exactly 113 times in the Bible, she links that number and its mirror-image with the "fake colonel" idea:

I now think the odd connection of Willimington's totality timing (3:11) and the 'fake colonel in Twilight Zone's The Parallel and the Carbon Copy (Carbondale)s syncs have connections to my Number 113 dream.

Okay, that's not the most convincing connection ever, but the sync fairies apparently liked it. Right after reading Debbie's comment, I decided to check the Google News feed. This is something I essentially never do, but I had a sudden whim. Near the top of the feed was this:

Google News feeds are personalized, and its quite possible that the high ranking of a "colonel" story was influenced by the recent comment on my Google-run blog and thus not a true coincidence. It's still quite a coincidence, though, that a news story about a doubly-fake colonel -- a "Kentucky colonel," not a real colonel, and a statue, not a real person -- was published just 18 hours before I read the comment. Also, the next item in the feed is about an upcoming rare astronomical event, the sort of thing Debbie had tied the fake colonel to. The real coincidence, though, came when I clicked on the "Curse of the Colonel" story and saw this:

The statue of Colonel Sanders was dredged from the Dotonbori River on March 11, 2009 -- 3/11 or 11/3, depending on where you're from.

Note added (10:15 a.m.): This is insane. In a comment below, Debbie gives more details about her 311 dream:

I went to a young couples home. The women was youngish but her husband was a bit older. She was Asian, I think, and he was a white man with blonde hair . . . I recall I kissed him and he held his right hand out to me and I clutched his hand. For some reason as he got up to leave, his right arm came off !! and I was still holding his hand and his arm!!!!!

The statue of Colonel Sanders was missing a hand when it was recovered from the river. Why was it thrown into the river in the first place? Back in 1985, Japanese baseball fans were celebrating a big win. They called the name of each player on the team, and then a fan who resembled that player would jump into the river. When they got to the MVP, American (now an Oklahoma State Senator) Randy Bass, there were no look-alikes among the fans, so they grabbed the only bearded White guy they could find -- a plastic statue standing outside a KFC -- and threw that into the river to represent him.

The White man in Debbie's dream was blond and was living with an Asian. Randy Bass has dirty blond hair and lived among Asians for many years, becoming the most famous American player in Japanese baseball. (This story of a successful baseball player who was a different race from all his teammates is perhaps a nod to the recent Jackie Robinson sync theme.)


Ra1119bee said...


OMG! this is getting really creepy!!

If you recall in my recent comment, and for brevity's sake, I decided
not to include all of my 113 dream.

I just opened your post today (3/20)
and lo and behold when I saw the photo of the Colonel Sanders statue
with a severed arm, I thought; those sync Faires be busy!!!

Case in point:
Here is why and the first part of the Number 113 dream which again, I didn't
previously post for the sake of brevity.

Number 113

I had an interesting dream today…. The dream is as follows

I can’t recall all of this dream, but the part I do remember is this : I went to a young couples home. The women was youngish but her husband was a bit older. She was Asian, I think, and he was a white man with blonde hair

I felt that she had married the white man for his money as I felt that he owned his own company. At one point the wife left and I felt that the husband was suppose to meet her later. I felt that I had portrayed myself as someone else (although I can’t remember why, but I felt that my motive was to expose the wife.

At one point I was with the man in bed. He was lying on my left side.
I began to tell him who I really was and why I was there. He seemed to feel very at ease with me and we talked honestly and I could feel myself getting very attracted to him emotionally. He listened as I spoke, as I felt that he thought I was very wise.

He mentioned that his business was not really doing that well and I felt that
he was barely holding on to his outside appearance of success.
. I then mentioned that I would leave the next day and he then felt it was time
for him to leave.
I recall I kissed him and he held his right hand out to me and I clutched his hand.
For some reason as he got up to leave, his right arm came off !! and I was still holding his hand and his arm!!!!! I wrapped it in tissue paper.

That was the beginning of the dream
and the ending of the dream is what I wrote on my recent previous post about
the TWO women and tattoos and number 113.

I simply can not believe these syncs.!!
Telepahty is real..

As I've stated many times, my family was from KY. Louisville and Breckinridge
and Grayson Counties.

Interestingly the little research I just did ( after your post ) on Sanders shows
that he lived and died in Louisville, which I didn't know previously.

Of course most everyone is familiar with KFC and Sanders, especially
in the US, but I honestly didn't know much about him and his bio, including
not knowing what part of KY he had connections to.

 VERY VERY ODD indeed...

Ra1119bee said...


I just found a bit more info on Pixar's 'Easter/Ishtar?/Eggs
and A 113. ( see link )

Please note that before the Number 113 dream, I DID NOT KNOW nor have I 've seen
Pixar movies as I don't have children nor have I had family's children
at our home as a reason to have seen Pixar movies.

However, I did know that Steve Jobs funded what was to become Pixar in the 1980's.
I've always had a fascination with Jobs for being a visionary.

But again, I've never seen any of the Pixar movies.

WanderingGondola said...

Well, this is weird. Last night I went on a semi-nostalgia trip, going through a Youtube channel of Flash animations made by Sonic fans. I hadn't seen any of their work since, so had a bit to catch up on. One of the last anims I watched had an amusing segment involving a burger shop that appears in Sonic Adventure (go from 1:52 if you wanna save time).

After reading your post, naturally I thought of that vid. Having vague memories of mucking around with the Burger Man statue in-game, I ran a search as a refresher. This video says the Burger Man thing seems to be directly inspired by the Curse of the Colonel, and includes related footage!

WanderingGondola said...

Er, whoops, left that sentence unfinished. Meant to say I hadn't seen any of the channel's work since about 2016.

William Wright (WW) said...

"Colonel" means a chief commander. It also comes from the Latin which means "Pillar" or "top, summit".

Another potential way to know a fake Colonel from the real deal, is that the real one was sent from that summit and will gather the chickens back home there, while the fake one or imposter is more interested in deep frying them in either original or extra crispy.

Ra1119bee said...


This is REALLY getting wild !!!
I've never heard of Randy Bass before, so I wiki'ed him
and the first thing that caught my eye was he was born March 13 (1954).


Yeah, it's not 3/11 but factor in The Law of the Three.

Also, the Dotonbori River is on the 33-degree parallel.(actually
the 34, but again, factor in The Law of the Three.


Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add regarding the Dotonbori River being on the 33 parallel.

3 11's equal 33.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...