Saturday, April 6, 2024

Balrogs, oxymorons, and secret Jew tunnels

In the course of writing yesterday's post "Thoughts on the murder of Laban," I looked up an old Corbin Volluz essay on the topic from 2013. The essay is hosted on the Rational Faiths website and prominently features this image:

A balrog is an odd choice of illustrations. The Hamlet quote in the title refers to a spirit which appears to be the prince's father but may in fact be the devil in disguise. Its relevance to the Nephi story is that the spirit that tells Nephi to kill Laban, which Nephi apparently takes to be the Spirit of the Lord, may similarly be the devil in disguise. Well, there's nothing "in disguise" about that balrog! No one's going to look at that and say, "Hmmm, upon careful consideration, I think there's a possibility that this may actually be a devil."

Since I'm not really familiar with Rational Faiths, I clicked their "About" page -- which was not written by Corbin Volluz -- while I was there. It’s a FAQ in which most of the answers are meme images, including this one:

What had reminded me of Corbin Volluz's existence was a recent Ward Radio video complaining about his "Mormon Sunday School" podcast. This led me to said podcast, of which I had been unaware, and I found that in one of the episodes he reads out his whole 2013 Nephi and Laban essay:

Oddly, this episode also includes a fairly lengthy bit about oxymorons, in which he feels it necessary to explain what an oxymoron is:

So the lesson manual itself ended up giving what I think may be the oxymoron of the year, and if this holds that would be amazing to hit oxymoron of the year when you're still in January and you're only on lesson two. We'll see if it remains oxymoron of the year in the manual. . . . As you probably know, the definition of an oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction, and this is what I'm talking about and referring to.

This language -- oxymoron of the year already, and it's only January -- reminded me of similar statements that appeared on /pol/ this January about the secret Jew tunnel story. Several people said that the video clip of an Orthodox Jew emerging from a sewer like a Ninja Turtle was a strong contender for meme of the year even though it was only January.

Then last night I did some reading in Courtney Brown's Remote Viewing. On page 615 I read, "Nothing is 'set in stone,' so to speak" -- very close to the oxymoron meme from Rational Faiths -- which was followed a few pages later by an oxymoron, highlighted with scare quotes, about how "a lively debate 'quietly rages' in academia."

Then this morning I checked the Babylon Bee and found this:

See, that secret Jew tunnel story is so inherently funny that even the Babylon Bee, which has a Jewish CEO, is still using it months later. And that balrog image is extremely similar to the one used in the Corbin Volluz essay.

Balrogs of course come from the works of J. R. R. Tolkien. The name Tolkien -- related to the modern English dull-keen -- has the same etymological meaning as oxymoron ("sharp-stupid"), and it is for this reason that Tolkien once signed a poem with the pseudonym Oxymore.


Ra1119bee said...


Could the underground tunnels be
CERNunnos perhaps?

Hmmmm, Horns, Stags, Serpents, Dogs and Bulls and Baalrogs, and earthshakers Oh MY!

I found this interesting info about CERNunnos in Wiki ( link below)
especially the reference

Recall my recent comment about the Obama's reading a story to children
on Easter Sunday 2016 at the White House Easter Egg Roll. The book is titled:
Where the WILD THINGS are.

copy and paste from wiki:

"Because of the image of him on the Gundestrup Cauldron, some scholars describe
Cernunnos as the Lord of the Animals or the ***Lord of Wild Things***, (link below)

Also recall my previous comments about the Obama's production company and
serving as consultants on the apocalyptic Netflix movie Leave the World Behind ,
especially the significance of the STAGS.
CERNunnos is the deity of Horns, Stags, Serpents, Dogs and Bulls.

Also I recently re-watched the Leave the World Behind movie, and found several very interesting hidden symbolism puzzle pieces (conspiracy theorists' call: Easter Eggs)
that I hadn't seen before.

The first being the X on the map of the United States which is a drawing in a frame
on the wall above the headboard of the bed in the Scott's basement
( the SCOTTS are the Black people who owns the house that the Sandford family is renting ).

In the movie the father's first name is George. Do recall my comments about the symbolic meaning of George i.e. the Earth Tiller. Tilling ground to plant NEW seeds,
which was the hidden symbolic reason for the George Floyd chaos in 2020.

Check out in the trailer ( link below ) starting at frame marker 0:045--0:49.
Note the color of the United States map is green and red and the exact location that forms
an X between the two colors is the exact location of Carbondale Illinois where the two
eclipses intersect.
Interesting that CERNnnous, is also the deity of CROSSroads.

Also another interesting Easter egg that I found, are the TWO bridges
that' I've previously commented about several times and my predictions of bridge events.

The first bridge, the Francis SCOTT Key bridge has already occurred, the second bridge The Golden Gate in San Fran and the Golden Gate at the Temple Mount.

In the trailer marker/frame EXACTLY 1:57, note the 2 Bridges on fire.

The trailer moves very fast and the image is 'sideways', so you'll have to stop
the video to see the two bridges burning but they are there.
Do note that I predicted these bridge events several months ago BEFORE I saw
the movie on Dec 8 of 2023.

What's interesting is the director decided to show this particular scene 'sideways'
and in popular culture slang right now, the term :'when 'sh* t starts going sideways'
means something bad is happening or going to happen..

Also interesting in this movie is at the beginning of the movie
the Sandford's ( the family who rents the Scotts' house) is driving to the house
listening to an old school song by Kool and the Gang titled; Mislead.

Miss Lead is Saturn.

We are being given signs, no?

Leave The World Behind | Official Trailer | Netflix

President Obama and the First Lady Read to Kids at the 2016 Easter Egg Roll

Kool & The Gang - Misled

Ra1119bee said...


Correction. the 2-bridge "sideways' scene " is around the 1:51 marker/frame,
not 1:57.

Also the Kool and the Gang's Mislead video, note the 'sand and rock.
in one scene, Miss Lead appears out of a rock.

The Sandford(SAND) family in the Leave the World Behind is a very interesting
coincidence with, from etymology, sand :"water-worn detritus finer than gravel; fine particles of rocks (largely crystalline rocks, especially quartz); the material of the beach, desert, or sea-bed."

Also in the Mislead video, note the crossing over a bridge.
(A small bridge in this case).

Of course Lead in alchemy is symbolic of Saturn

Ra1119bee said...


Oh I forgot,
There is a tunnel in the Mislead video too!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I should also mention that William Wright has posted from time to time about a balrog with an “oxy” name.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...