Friday, November 27, 2020

A reminder: Don't invest too much in what's going on in Washington

Keep reminding yourself:

2020 happened on Trump's watch. He has not repented -- literally has never repented in his life -- and will never repent.

A Joe Camel administration would be even worse. But how much does "even worse" really matter at this point?

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
If the Camels don't get you, the Fatimas must

Tune out, turn off, drop out. Follow Jesus, and let the dead bury their dead. 


Bruce Charlton said...

Good advice.

But I have been delighted that such a large proportion of the US population have had a dose of realising what actual democracy really amounts-to.

It will also be a test of the 'manufacturing consent' theory of voting; that getting people to vote is primarily a method of psychological control. When about 1/3 of the population withdraw their tacit consent (and when these have previously been the most law-respecting and -abiding element of the population); it (theoretically) ought-to make a difference; ought to make governance of the masses much harder due to spontaneous mega-scale micro-resistance of the type you discuss in the post above.

A said...

The Media says 70% of Trump voters believe the election was fraudulent. Because of their history of skewing, I assume the number is far higher (80, 90, 100%?).

Who actually does the work and pays taxes in the US? Overwhelmingly these same people who believe the "elected" administration is fraudulent.

Who is overwhelmingly the target of hate, prosecution, and systematic discrimination in the US? The same, of course!

The obvious consequence is that the tax base will shrink substantially at the same time theft from the Most Hated Class is ramped up, while systematically targeting the Most Hated Class is now given unquestionable reign and power.

I see only a fast downward spiral, only with no Greater Than US to airdrop surplus calories when things aren't working out.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...