Thursday, November 5, 2020

Ex-Mormon convergence continues apace

From the front page of the Latter-day Church of Don't You Dare Call Us Mormons:

“The shocking police-produced death of George Floyd in Minnesota last May was surely the trigger for these nationwide protests, whose momentum was carried forward under the message of ‘Black Lives Matter,’” said President [Dallin H.] Oaks. “Of course, Black lives matter! That is an eternal truth all reasonable people should support.”


Bruce Charlton said...

Sigh. Confirmation after confirmation - as always happens when an organisation has made this transition.

After more-advanced degrees of convergence-with-Leftism; organisations can't help revealing themselves - over and again; not least because they are proud/ anxious to advertise their compliance to Global Establishment norms.

Of course, a large, wealthy, powerful organisation must (here-and-now) comply with enthusiasm - or else be destroyed. In other words, all actually-existing large, wealthy, powerful organisations (of every type) are qualitatively converged, hence (net) on Satan's side against God.

(Anti-God at the organisational level - obviously not All, nor necessarily even the majority, of individuals.)

Convergence is universal; it is only a matter of differences in degree.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I know all that academically, but this particular example continues to shock me. I grew up listening to and trusting people like Russell M. Nelson and Dallin H. Oaks. I felt as if I knew them.

I had always thought convergence would come when the church was infiltrated by a new generation of leaders, not that the old leaders would themselves become servants of Satan.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - It is right to be shocked.

One of the saddest things about Now is that the oldest generation are among the most convinced by the Big Lies - especially (from my personal observation) the birdemic. It used to be that old people were more conservative, less swayed by fashion, relied more on what they had long known rather than what they were currently being told etc. Not any more it seems.

Probably their Achilles heel has been respect for authority - acting on the basis that (eg) the BBC, legacy newspapers, monarchy etc could and should be trusted.

What I seem to see is that if any person or organisation has any single Leftist conviction - this is suffient a way-in to corruption, when combined with modern standards of anything-less-than-complete-honesty, public relations, 'image' considerations etc.

With CJCLDS especially, as with US society generally, it is of course black racism, relating to the priesthood ban on blacks. But it doesn't make any difference because the ultraliberal churches have also destroyed themselves on this issue.

We are in the grip of a civilization death wish. In nothing is the anti-God/ anti-creation evil of leftism more evident than that leftists incrementally destroyed nearly all that was good about The West, lied about doing it and blamed everyone else (Christians, 'the right' etc), and now want to kill the West because it is indeed almost worthless.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"One of the saddest things about Now is that the oldest generation are among the most convinced by the Big Lies."

As you say, older people tend to trust the establishment more. In days of old, when the left was hip and the right was square, that meant supporting Christian civilization against its enemies -- but now those enemies are the establishment.

Loyalty to good organizations used to be a powerful force to make people good; now there are no good organizations, and residual loyalty is making those same people bad. Among those closest to me, it is the smartest and the most orthodox who have fallen deepest into the bullshit.

Back in 2002, when I left the CJCLDS and became an atheist, I remember having the paradoxical feeling that God wanted me to do so. Of course I didn't literally believe that, being an atheist and all, but that's how it felt. Looking back now, I think it may have been literally true. It was for my own future protection. I think providence also played a role in my sudden decision to abandon plans for an academic career in America (talk about a spiritual deathtrap!) and run away to Taiwan.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...