Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Genuinely prophetic counsel from then-Mormon Apostle Quentin L. Cook

In days of old, when Mormons roamed the land -- i.e., way back in 2012 -- Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles -- card-carrying prophet, seer, and revelator -- gave this prophetic address to young adults, with the straightforward title "Don't Wear Masks."

He begins thus:

As I have reflected on who you are, the feeling has come over me that you might not fully appreciate the significance of your generation. I believe you have the background and the foundation to be the best generation ever, particularly in advancing our Father in Heaven’s plan.

In view of the enormous potential for good that you possess, what are my concerns for your future? What counsel can I give you? There will be great pressure on each of you to act out of character—even to wear a mask—and become someone who doesn’t really reflect who you are or who you want to be.

To become, for example, a cringing, criminally gullible bootlicker begging for more totalitarianism please? This is prophecy. This man is -- or was in 2012 -- a prophet.

There follows a brief lapse -- a warning of things to come? -- in which Elder Cook cites Abraham Foxman (the leader of a prominent hate-police organization) as some sort of authority figure, ironically condemning in the same breath those who "appointed themselves as so-called moral watchdogs." Later he also quotes a New York Times policy with approval. Homer nods, but the talk as a whole remains solid.

While the (plausibly deniable) birdemic angle is what stands out the most when one reads Elder Cook's remarks in 2020, he also comes out against the very obviously harmful practice of Internet anonymity.

I do believe, in our day, when being anonymous is easier than ever, that there are important principles involved in not wearing a mask and being “true to the faith … for which martyrs have perished.”

One of your greatest protections against making bad choices is to not put on any mask of anonymity. If you ever find yourself wanting to do so, please know it is a serious sign of danger and one of the adversary’s tools to get you to do something you should not do.

Ironically, all the Mormon and historically-Mormon bloggers I read use pseudonyms.

Note: It pains me to report that Mr. Cook no longer identifies as a Mormon and currently serves on the governing board of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Members of the Church of Jesus Christ. This is what he looks like today.

Utah is of course no longer a free state, and Mr. Cook has no choice but to wear a mask in public or face legal consequences. I can hardly blame him for not being a heroic martyr -- but I can and do blame him for not publicly repenting.

The spirit. Definitely the spirit.


Bruce Charlton said...

A world of pervasive and permanent masks is unacceptable Full Stop (and for anyone not deeply corrupted nothing should need to be discussed about 'why?'). But you can hear the demons laughter when what is made mandatory is explicitly a 'face covering' - some-thing which makes not even a pretence at being related to medical effectiveness.

As usual; Satan has a PSYOPS warning displayed in the terminology.

And, on top of this, for our less than 0.0005 lethal birdemic - not detectably different from the un-noticed flu of 2017-18...

The global Christian church has suffered the greatest collapse in its history; and there is no doubt that it has been deserved. Even Yet there is neither honest recogniition nor repentance at what has happened in 2020.

One can only shrug in sad acknowledgement of the situation. People get what they ask-for (later, if not sooner). As they sow, so shall they reap.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Even yet — exactly! Caution at the beginning was understandable, but there’s absolutely no excuse for still taking the birdemic at face value at this late date. Seriously, no one can possibly be that stupid, unless they choose to be.

It continues to astonish me just how many people I once respected — people I respected a lot — have fallen for such a transparently evil load of crap.

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This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...