Monday, November 16, 2020

Welcome to the Normalarchy!

It has been decided that the new totalitarian world order will be called the New Normal.

People used to be ruled by a hierarchy -- from hieros, "holy" -- but our masters no longer make any claims to (of all things!) holiness. They're just normal guys, regular Joes, and the Satanic agenda they enforce is just common sense and basic decency. It's not even political, really, so don't try to "play politics" by disagreeing with it!

It's not a hierarchy anymore. It's a Normalarchy.


Bruce Charlton said...

You don't fool me - I saw what you did with that illustration; you're slipping-in coded symbology again. aren't you... It's a disease.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about, Bruce. Sounds like a load of malarkey to me!

Bruce Charlton said...

Pah! - Three red 'pillars' are PSYOPS, until proven otherwise. And even then, probably.

The 613 senses

On Saturday night I read Laeth's latest batch of aphorisms, " Wee Wisdom (2) ." One of these was: i'm very grateful for an...