Monday, November 9, 2020

Stick to facts! Malarkey is president ... that much is clear ... we can count votes later.

More unintentional prophecy -- this one from cartoonist Walt Kelly in 1953.

Deacon Mushrat: In all due respect, Mr. Simple J. Malarkey, nobody voted you to the leadership ... and the name we have is quite satisfactory ......

Simple J. Malarkey: Betsey, here, got six or seven votes in her alone, but stop the wayward bickering ... stick to facts! I'm president ... that much is clear ... we can count votes later.

The character Simple J. Malarkey was obviously intended as a caricature of Joseph McCarthy -- but there's no question who the word malarkey is most closely associated with today!

(No, I don't intend to turn this into a political blog, but I am the mouthpiece of the synchronicity fairies, and if they feed me political stuff, that's what you get.)

Note added: Deacon Mushrat's hat, glasses, and schnozzola look a bit familiar, don't they?


Andrew said...

Is this the thing with evil, they tend to do the opposite of what they state? Like Google's "don't be evil", Joe's is "no malarky"?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Read my lips: No new malarkey!

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...