Wednesday, November 4, 2020

My last chance to post a Biden sync before Biden becomes irrelevant

Yes, it’s like 3:00 a.m. in Taiwan, but this just came to me, and if I wait till tomorrow to post it, it’ll be too late.

In the unlikely event of a Biden/Harris win, you heard it here first: Clickhole called the race for Joe and Kamala almost a full year before there was even a Joe/Kamala ticket!

In fact, the Joe/Kamala candidacy may have been known as far back as 1992!

(Yes, I know the Tarot is predicting a win for the incumbent, but keep in mind that the Tarot is well-known to have a pro-trump bias.)


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Trump didn't win the clean victory I had expected. It's looking as if we may just end up with Joe Camel in the White House after all!

David Earle said...

I feel like things have to get drastically worse or else nobody is going to learn a lesson. People seem to think there is some kind of victory right around the corner, but I suspect the reality is that victory is a long way away and many lessons will have to be learned for the average person firstly.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...