Saturday, November 28, 2020

The bells are ringing

Get a load of this jackass.

This -- oh, God, why does it have to be true? -- this is John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants. You know, the lovably quirky duo that sang all those songs about conformism and mind control. I guess somehow I'd gotten the impression that they were against such things. I thought songs like "Your Racist Friend" were satire. Guess the joke was on me. Guess "Working Under Cover For The Man" wasn't so ironic after all, was it, you disgusting bootlicker?

Why am I picking on this poor guy for doing something every other celebritard in the country has probably done, too? Same reason I keep calling out the Mormons. It's not news if it's Lady Gaga or the Archbishop of Canterbury or something, but Dallin H. Oaks? John frickin' Flansburgh? These guys were supposed to be a cut above the rest.

I should have just stopped there and clicked post, but something possessed me to check out TMBG's Twitter. I can't unsee what I saw there, and now neither can you.

The Science, people!

2020: The year They Might Be Giants, without a trace of irony, warned against those who would "undermine trust in the systems."

This, to coin a phrase, is where the party ends.


David Earle said...

Why does it feel like seemingly every corporation's PR team has been replaced with edgy teenagers?

Any thoughts on this repeated notion that "less people believe in religion these days because we getting smarter?"

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"Why does it feel like seemingly every corporation's PR team has been replaced with edgy teenagers?"

"Edgy"? This, in 2020, is about as far from edgy as it is possible to be!

Maybe "edgy teenagers" is still the right model, though. Eventually they grow up and sell out, because the edginess was just a pose all along. And because this is 2020, instead of donning a gray flannel suit and joining the Rotary Club, former edgy teenagers take black-and-white selfies in a VOTE mask and donate 10% of their profits to Black Gyrls Code.

"Any thoughts on this repeated notion that '[fewer] people believe in religion these days because we getting smarter?'"

I believe the mot juste is sophomoric.

TJ said...

I have to make money somehow, so I'm trying internet marketing. I've learned that the starting point is the customer profile. In other words, you find the market first before you look for the product. And you find the market by mapping out human character.

And one of the main character trait combinations of our times is cowardice mixed with contempt, a.k.a the jeering p****y. Therefore these products are just good marketing, directly targeting that massive subset of millenial.

They get them with the cheap mask on the front end, only to hit them with the insolent shirt as an upsell. A man's gotta eat.

Sean G. said...

As a longtime fan of TMBG this saddens me. Not surprised though! I've seen subtle hints in some of their children's music. Everyone is being assimilated into the machine. Resistance is futile!

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...