Thursday, November 26, 2020

First person, second person

When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, he proclaimed "I AM THAT I AM" and even gave his name as I AM. An appropriate choice of pronouns, since God is, in the later Christian schema, the First Person of the Trinity.

"I am," said God, and waited for a reply from humanity. He had to wait for a long time, but around a millennium and a half after this epoch-making announcement, mankind had finally composed its response, in the person of a man named Yeshua -- Yes, you are. And this, of course, was the Second Person.

(I'm not a Trinitarian myself, just a coincidence-noticer.)


Bruce Charlton said...

Couldn't follow this one until the third-plus reading. I thought you were refencing a Gospel saying of Jesus that I could not recall. If you want to be clearer in the joke you may need to give a hint to pronunciation after the italicised name (like yesh-yew-aah or whatever).

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Yes, this works better spoken than written.

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