Monday, October 9, 2023

New Book of Mormon posts (the last such update)

I have a few new posts up at my Book of Mormon blog:

I've also reposted my 2014 exploration of "The question of Lehi's ethnicity," which makes the case that, prior to discovering his Manassite heritage, Lehi thought of himself not as a Jew but as an Egyptian.

As my Book of Mormon posts appear to be attracting zero interest from the regular readers of this blog, I will no longer be posting updates here. If you're interested, follow that blog.

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Have pity of those of us with multiple jobs! I barely have time to read your posts, let alone think about what you've written! I'll follow the other blog though that's not hard.

Thoughts on the return of God-Emperor Trump

Okay, I guess it's more of a "thought," singular.