Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Eleusinian Mysteries sync

On October 8, I started thinking about the Pope card of the Tarot and wondering why Waite had changed the name to the Hierophant, but without changing the explicitly papal image at all. His card is still basically a picture of a Roman Catholic pope, with standard papal accoutrements, but relabeled as a hierophant, meaning an initiator into the Eleusinian Mysteries. I started reading up on the Mysteries. The Greater Mysteries were celebrated from the 14th to the 23rd of the month of Boedromion.

Today it occurred to me to check what the current date would be on the Attic calendar. I discovered that October 8, 2023 -- the day I randomly started researching the Eleusinian Mysteries -- would be Boedromion 24, one day after the celebration of the Greater Mysteries.

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