Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Lines radiating from a triangle

Wandering Gondola is the one who noticed this.

From the Galahad Eridanus video "All Along the Watchtower" (July 29, 2023):

From the music video for "The Waiting" (1981) by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers:

Note that all three of these have a "time" theme: Past, present, future. Ocarina of Time. Waiting.

In the Galahad Eridanus video, the object is a rotating octahedron, often appearing, as in the screenshot above, as two triangles, one upright and the other inverted. Seen from another angle, an octahedron can appear as four triangles: a central triangle with each of its edges shared by one of the other three:

The Legend of Zelda "Triforce" symbol can be seen as consisting either of two triangles (a large upright one and a small inverted one) or of four (the central inverted triangle sharing one of its edges with each of the other three). And of course one can also ignore the negative-space inverted triangle and see it as three triangles -- that being the point of the name Triforce.

Look back at the Zelda screencap. The radiating lines are blue, and the central inverted triangle appears blue, too. Rotate it 90 degrees to the left, and you have what we see in the Tom Petty video. The blue triangle seen above is one of a set of three triangles, as in the Triforce:

There's perhaps a nod to Crowley in this theme, too:

Nothing in that logo is original to Crowley. The Eye of Providence, in a triangle, radiating light, is a ubiquitous theme (and no, it's not exclusively Masonic).

"The Statue Got Me High" -- the TMBG song I associate with a Triforce-like image -- says "The monument of granite sent a beam into my eye." Beams being sent into eyes, rather than radiating from them, are covered in the Eridanus video, too:

Note added: The Walk the Moon video "One Foot" (posted by William Wright here) includes somewhat similar imagery:

Further note added (October 28): John A. Keel's book The Eighth Tower came up in an /x/ thread, so I looked it up on Anna's Archive. Here's the cover art:


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

“The Statue Got Me High” is from the same album as “See the Constellation” — a good three-word summary of Eridanus’s “Watchtower” video.

“All Along the Watchtower” is a song by Jimi Hendrix, often deemed the greatest rock guitarist of all time. The same TMBG album features “The Guitar,” with the repeating lines, “Hey, who’s that playing the guitar? Is it Jim?”

WanderingGondola said...

Ooh, good expansion on my finding! I missed the one in the Tom Petty vid. Hm, three videos and three sets of triangles.

Wiki's Triforce page had a quote from someone suggesting similarity to the Christian Trinity, with the whole three and one thing (a concept I'm unsure about).

"One Foot" held my attention for its themes of trust and movement "even when the path is uncertain", along with the desert wilderness and starry skies. The eclipse and vertical mirrors (e.g. 2:42) call back to an earlier post.

I hadn't heard of Walk the Moon before (except for a popular single I'd thought was some other band), so checked out a few other songs from the sidebar. "Anna Sun" gets interesting at 2:37 when the singer finds a freestanding door and steps through, arriving in a forest. There's a mini T. rex in the thumbnail for "Eat Your Heart Out"; its chorus talks of biting the heart of the sun, while other lyrics continue the movement theme and reminded me of a very different song. The mere title of "Timebomb" pulled me in, going on to mention red and blue wires/lines, but its actual theme is fear (of falling in love) and taking the risk.

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