Thursday, October 26, 2023

"Rock and Roll Religion" by Billy Tyger

In William Wright's post yesterday "Michael Jackson and the Stone," he relates a dream in which he saw a big baby carriage inside a Mormon church and believed that the Sawtooth Stone (a supernatural stone which is the main focus of his blog) was hidden inside it.

So, Michael (Jackson) in possession of a shrouded, newly-born Stone entering church a little late, and having to take a seat in the back, but likely with some things to say.  Who knows, maybe he entered a Fast and Testimony meeting and can find a chance to head on up to the pulpit (for those not familiar, this is a meeting where there is essentially an open microphone and anybody can go up to speak).

So the Stone is a baby, and there may be a chance to testify. This put a song in my head that I haven't heard or thought of in a good long time: "Rock and Roll Religion" by Billy Tyger. (That's my uncle, William John Tychonievich, who quite literally believes in a rock-'n'-roll religion.)

"Rock, baby, testify / Rock till you get that heavenly high . . . ."

I converted this from audiocassette to YouTube just for you, by the way. You will be the first Internet People ever to hear it.


Ben Pratt said...

Well that was fun. Thanks, Billy Tyger, and thank you, William, for putting it up.

William Wright (WW) said...


That was pretty good. I wondered out loud in my post last night on whether your Sync Fairies had anything more to say on stones or not. That was a fun response, and gave me a good laugh.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

More Billy Tyger here:

I'll be uploading the whole Cinemascope Daydream album as soon as YouTubes uploads-per-day limit allows.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

William, your latest post with the papal keys took me by surprise. Starting on October 8, I've had a persistent feeling that I need to do a deep dive into the symbolism of the Pope card of the Tarot, but I've been resisting it because it's just a picture of a Pope, with standard papal attributes, which doesn't seem very interesting. "Who knows?" I tried to tell myself. "Maybe the crossed keys and the triple tiara and all that will turn out to have some deeper meaning if you look for it." Your post is yet another nudge in that direction.

For now, though, all I have to say about the papal keys is this:

"Your Holiness, how does it feel
to ride inside the Popemobile?"
I asked. His Holiness replied,
"You'll never know till you're inside,
for words alone cannot express
the feelings of My Holiness."
Now I'm depressed, for even though
I asked His Holiness to please
enlighten me, I still don't know.
I guess I'll have to steal his keys.

William Wright (WW) said...

Then I think you might also find the post I plan to write tomorrow interesting as well. I will use the music video "Iron" by Woodkid as a backdrop to expand on a story about these keys (stones) that involves the very thing you just wrote in your final line... the theft (or at least attempted theft) of these keys.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Regarding popes and stones:

WanderingGondola said...

Three! That's three Williams! Ah ah ah ah~

In seriousness, that was a pretty rockin' song. I'll give the others a listen later.

Since MJ's in the mix again, have not one but two relevant vids. The second is especially fun.

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