Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Francis Bacon, papal keys, triple tiara, Denver Airport

On October 27, I posted "Gold and silver keys," about this symbol of the papacy. The latter post also included two images -- Waite's Hierophant card and the Vatican City coat of arms -- featuring the triple tiara formerly worn by popes. Less than 12 hours ago, I posted "Knowledge is power. France is bacon," a sync post about Francis Bacon (both the Elizabethan statesman and the 20th-century "artist").

This morning I checked the weekly DS meme dump. One of the memes was this photo of a novel. The cover art shows a building labeled "Columbine High" and says "you'll just die."

This obviously must have been published before the name Columbine became synonymous with school shootings. Guess who showed up in the search results when I Googled it:

It's weird that the Bacon reference was highlighted in the search results, as it's just one comment in a thread that otherwise has nothing to do with him. I had to press Page Down 12 times to find it.

Returning to the meme post and scrolling down a bit, I found a picture of Jesus giving the two papal keys to Martin Luther:

And, scrolling down a bit more, this image featuring a triple tiara:

Ordinarily, finding the papal keys and the papal tiara juxtaposed wouldn't be a coincidence at all, but in this case I think it is. The meme with the tiara obviously has no direct reference to the papacy. It's just a random weird/creepy image, referencing Denver Airport conspiracy theories. (Columbine is in a suburb of Denver, by the way.)

I Googled denver airport conspiracy. First result:

Happy Halloween.

Note added (12:40 p.m.): This Francis Bacon stuff reminded me of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle sketch about a feud between Shakespeare and Bacon, so I looked it up and watched it. I'd forgotten that it features a play called Romeo and Zelda:


lea said...

I would love to see you talk to Chris Knowles about anything that tickles your mutual fancy. Probably said this before but premium sleuthing like this is rare and gets me excited :)

William Wright (WW) said...

When I saw the golden tiara on the top of that green man's head, I actually saw it as a golden beehive.

I have this honey theme on my mind so much that I am seeing honey resting literally on the top of other's minds also.

Perhaps a tie between the Catholic and Mormon churches? The Catholics assumed this beehive shaped hat as their symbol of authority for awhile, and the Mormons seemed to do the same thing with their own beehive symbol.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

William, I noticed that, too, and even considered making a joke about “a bee in his bonnet.” It also made me think of Plan 10 from Outer Space, with its beehive-headed alien. (I’ve never seen that movie, though, only the posters.)

I think I remember seeing some old 19th-century “expose” of the Mormon temple which showed Elohim and Jehovah wearing headgear with that shape. I’ll see if I can track it down.

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...