Wednesday, October 25, 2023

More literal flying saucers

Yesterday I happened to be discussing psychedelic drugs with the logistics staff of an auto parts company (I wear many hats), and on the way home I passed Presbyterian church, which caught my eye because its burning-bush logo synched with something I had been thinking about earlier. My brother Luther likes to say that Presbyterian literally means "cowboy" -- since presbys, the Greek for "elder," may originally have meant "one who leads the cattle." That, combined with the recent discussion, made me think of Bizarro cartoonist Dan Piraro's graphic novel Peyote Cowboy, which I have never read but know about because he's always talking it up on his blog.

Then I realized I hadn't checked that blog in well over a year. I popped over to see what was new. The second-newest post, "Unidentified Flying Tableware" (October 15), featured this cartoon:

Connecting "flying saucers" with literal saucers has been a recent sync theme. For example, the October 19 post "Syncfest: Drowned boy, aliens, ceiling lights, finger of God, Michelangelo, Brother of Jared, Moria, and more" connected the Jaredites' seafaring vessels "like unto a dish" with flying saucers or disks. Yesterday's "William Wright is back -- and he's bringing syncs" features the They Might Be Giants song "The Statue Got Me High," with a video showing a literal cup and saucer which at one point are shown flying through space:

I suppose the greenness of the aliens in the Bizarro cartoon also syncs with the Jaredites, since more than one skeptic of the Book of Mormon has wondered, given Joseph Smith's interest in stones, whether the Jaredites and Nephites were inspired by green minerals.

Note added: Dan Piraro's October 8 post also seems like a link to "The Statue Got Me High":

I'm not sure what's supposed to be going on here. The statue is sculpting itself, but what happened to the artist? He's fainted from shock? He's dreaming that the statue is sculpting itself? The statue killed him?

The statue made me die
The statue made me die
It took my hand, it killed me, and it turned me to the sky

Whatever happened to the guy, he's lying face-up, turned to the sky.

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