Monday, October 9, 2023

Philip, the headless horseman

On September 20, I happened upon, and saved, this meme:

Just a clever pun. I’m a connoisseur.

Today I reached the epilogue of Joshua Cutchin’s Ecology of Souls, which is, unexpectedly, about headlessness as a recurring paranormal theme. This made me think of Washington Irving’s famous headless horseman, which reminded me of the meme because the name Philip denotes a horseman (from the Greek for “lover of horses”). Then I read this in Cutchin:

[C]ollecting heads often underscored martial prowess, rather than serving any greater metaphysical purpose. Victory trophies involved fashioning drinking goblets from vanquished enemies’ skulls, for instance.

My next thought was that he was probably going to go on to mention decapitated horses or someone named Philip. Right on both counts:

Elsewhere in the world beheaded animals, many of them psychopomps like horses, were also interred as grave goods.


“Certainly there is no shortage of Celtic examples of magical decapitation,” wrote Philippe Walter.

In the last book I read, Mike Clelland’s novel The Unseen, the main character discovers a dead body and buries it but leaves the head unburied. And in my Book of Mormon blog, I’m coming up soon on one of the book’s most controversial episodes: the decapitation of the unconscious Laban by the otherwise sympathetic character Nephi. Laban was drunk, having perhaps had one too many Phillip’s head screwdrivers.

One more thing:

Lower Pecos petroglyphs from southwest Texas, for example, show shamans alternately with antlers or without heads entirely.

The above quote from Cutchin juxtaposes antlered men with headless men. Back in 2020 I had a dream  about a man with antlers. Care to guess what his name was?

I had a clear vision of Philip -- as a man, not a reindeer, but wearing a rather elaborate headdress in the shape of a pair of caribou antlers which, as they were covered in red satin, did look rather Christmassy.


Ra1119bee said...


This will be in 2 parts.

Part 1

Once again, it appears that our syncs seem to connect.
Please allow me explain:

Earlier today ( 10- 8 ) I had a strange dream I titled : Military Air Space.
In the dream, I was at my house , in the kitchen and heard loud noises of airplane engines.

I went outside and saw about 20 or so airplanes high up in the sky doing what looked like
military maneuvers or what you would see at a civilian air show.

I watched until the airplanes went out of view. A few moments later however, the airplanes returned and there were more of them the second time.
The airplanes seemed to be flying much lower as well. One particular airplane which was coming from the South, began descending closer and closer to Marshall and my house ( the house where Marshall and I live now ).

In the dream, that one particular aircraft slowly descended and landed on our gravel driveway.
I was standing on the back porch of our house and the gravel driveway to our house is about 500 or so feet back from the main road, a State Route.

From the back porch I saw the gravel driveway and the airplane on the driveway facing NORTH. I say airplane, but the aircraft was not shaped like a traditional airplane (with wings) but more like a blimp, although it traveled very fast through the air like an airplane.

The odd shape airplane then stopped and I could hear Marshall talking to the pilot, but I did not hear what they were discussing.

After awakening from the dream, I began researching the shape of the aircraft
and I then decided to revisit a topic which I researched years ago about Vril energy and Hollow Earth Entrances ( which one of the entrances is said to be in Kentucky under Mammoth Cave, which if you recall I shared information about my Grandfather being from Grayson Ky, which is about 30 miles or so from Mammoth Cave.

Interestingly in the article below, is theory that there is also a Hollow Earth or underground tunnel entrance near the Great Lakes ( which I had formed that same perspective years ago as I believe that the Great Lakes, especially Detroit and Chicago is being 'gentrified' and for a very important reason.

Also, The Great Lakes being one of the largest fresh water aquifers in the world would make that area extremely valuable real estate.
Didn't you grow up near the Great Lakes?

So, to continue on:

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

After waking up from the dream, I immediately wrote the dream up on Word,
and then read your blog.
After I read your blog I began my research about the shape of the aircraft in the dream and especially the Hollow Earth. Perhaps you are aware that Admiral Byrd believed in the Hollow Earth theory and wrote about his 'visit' to the Hollow Earth in his diary ( on FEB 19, 1947)

Lo and behold when researching the Hollow Earth I came upon this very intriguing article which ' coincidently' connects with your Headless post.

Here is a copy and paste ( link to the article below )


"The Nahanni Valley (Canada) Entrance
This covers 250 square miles in the southern end of the Mackenzie Mountains of Canada. It lies almost 550 miles due west of Fort Simpson on the Mackenzie River of northwest Canada. Hot springs and sulfur geysers keep the valley warmer than the surrounding areas by about 30 degrees year -round (the valley is above 60 degrees latitude), making it perpetually mist-

This valley is inhabited only by animals as people entering the valley are usually found headless and quite dead. The Indian tribes of the area avoid this valley. (These tribes include the Ojibways, the Slave, the Dogribs, the Stoney, the Beavers and the Chipweyans.)

This valley is often referred to as "the Valley of the Headless Men."
Returning back to the aircraft in the dream, I did find a very very similar image
in a photo of an aircraft called a Flugerlrad ( see link below ).

Although the aircraft in my dream, didn't have the circular top as the Flugelrad
in this article, the aircraft in the dream, definitely looked like the Flugelrad
especially the very last photo in the article.

BMW Flügelrad

The Inner Earth, Tunnels, and Entrances

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Another “Philip’s head” reference in this article by Terry Boardman, which was emailed to me by a friend and which I read this morning:

“Julien Théry argues that by his persecution and cruel destruction of the Christian Order of the Knights Templar in order to take their money and set up a new military Order with himself as its head, Philip IV sought to erect a kind of ‘religion of royalty’ in France.”

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, interesting that the headless reference comes in connection with a dream about an anomalous aircraft. The essay on headlessness that I read is the epilogue of a book which has UFOs as one of its main themes.

Yes, I lived very close to Lake Erie during my teenage years. I also have family in Kentucky and have been spelunking in Mammoth Cave several times. It's an awe-inspiring place.

Ra1119bee said...


Very interesting indeed....

Keep an eye on Israel and the Third Temple..

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

All eyes are on Israel, but I don't think rebuilding the Temple is at the top of their agenda just now.

Ra1119bee said...


You wrote; "All eyes are on Israel, but I don't think rebuilding the Temple is at the top of their agenda just now".

My response:

I beg to differ. ( see links )

I went on a deep dive obsessive research hunt starting in Feb of 2015 after
a dream I had a couple of days before my birthday in ****Feb**** 2015 which I titled
that dream ; Where's My Horn?

Do note that I DID NOT KNOW about The Ram's Horn, 50 year Jubilee, the Red Heifer
nor the Third Temple before the dream.

I think I commented on your blog last year about my Where's My Horn dream and
my perspective about Israel and the Temple.

After the dream in 2015,
I knew that Donald Trump was going to 'win' the election even though Trump didn't even announce running until ***JUNE*** of 2015.
June being Trump's birth month.

Trump played the role of Cyrus in Dec of 2017. ( see link )

Do note my recent previous 'prediction' about a Black Swan event happening in the ember month.
I believe there are going to be others (Black Swan events) which is why Biden gave America's support to Israel announcement. ( see link )
Starting at marker/frame 2:47 in the video, listen to Biden's reference to EL-even (11).

Interesting the attack fell on the heels of The Feast of the Tabernacles.
(if you recall in my Where's My Horn dream, I mentioned that I built a 'tent')

I believe that We (humanity) are shifting Ages.
Not the End of the World, but the End of an Age.

Biden: U.S. stands with the people of Israel

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add: We Live in VERY Interesting times, no?

NLR said...

Debbie, your reference to "where is my horn" made me remember this old post of WJT, where he mentions an old poem (, whose poet thought that people in biblical times used to have horns.

Ra1119bee said...


Very interesting indeed.....

Thank you for sharing this with me.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...