Monday, February 5, 2024

Why would Paul Bunyan cut down a volcano?

On February 3, someone started an /x/ thread with this picture of various rock formations that look like giant tree stumps, asking, "Did the Nephilim cut down the mother trees? Was that the last straw which caused God to flood the world and give humanity a fresh start?"

This made me think of some things William Wright has posted about sacred trees being destroyed by bad guys in Tolkien, and sure enough, I wasn't the only one to make the connection. One of the first replies implied that these "stumps" prove the works of Tolkien are actually non-fiction:

Then another totally non-fictional explanation was proposed, which got a bit more traction:

Someone, presumably a fed, was so unhip as to suggest that they're not actually tree stumps at all, but his ludicrous alternative explanation was immediately destroyed with facts and logic:

I'm not sure what the point of this post is other than to say "Never change, /x/."


Ra1119bee said...


The Paul Bunyan tree mythology would explain, at least to me,
the giants and Nephilim existence on this planet and would help answer and make sense
the question: who built not only all of the monolithic structures around the world,
but the majestic huge Old World buildings that are still here in present day cities
.( see link below )

Case in point, and just a tip of the iceberg as far
as the many old images available online of cities with majestic buildings
said to have been built in the early 1800's yet in the image there are dirt roads
and horse drawn carriages!!!! Does that make sense?!
Do we really believe that these huge buildings were built by people
using horse and cart transporting brick and glass over dirt roads ?

Check out this website of my hometown downtown Dayton Ohio and the image of the old courthouse ( which still stands to this very day)..
Do note the other buildings in the background.
Growing up I recall going downtown back in the 1960's and there were many of these type Old World buildings, including the Arcade and the huge post office! Those buildings
were massive.

I think we've been lied to about a whole bunches of stuff about our history
on this planet.
If something doesn't make sense, it's probably because it's not true.

Scroll down to the third image with this caption:

Here is another angle of the old court house as it appeared in the 1800s. Note the horse-drawn carriages on Main Street, as well as the trees that are no longer present in the previous image:

New York City-Greatest Old-World Buildings

WanderingGondola said...

Hey, it made me laugh!

The first reply to the first reply (#37113426) links to a page about Towers, a major concept in the esoteric part of Elder Scrolls lore. Setting aside one purely metaphysical Tower, another eight were formed to help shape reality and so have physical representations as well. I say "formed" because half of them aren't buildings, as we typically consider towers to be, but other giant things: a brass automaton, a snowy mountain, a volcano, and (to put it simply) a walking tree.

I'd basically forgotten that each of the eight Towers also has a Stone, since most of them aren't talked about very much. Again, not all are typical in shape and/or material. The tree's Stone is a "Perchance Acorn" which, "because the Acorn might perchance have been elsewhere" and "[e]ach Green-Sap was also every Green-Sap", I presume exists in more than one place (and/or time?) at once.

The volcano, Red Mountain, was also formed by its Stone -- the still-beating heart of Lorkhan (a "missing" god) when it somehow crashed into the earth. Among multiple myths regarding the how and why, the Altmer/High Elves' version is kind of synchy. While atop one Tower at the western side of the world's main continent, two other gods killed Lorkhan by tearing out his heart, which laughed and refused to die; one of the two attackers stuck the heart onto an arrow and shot it across the world, to the east... and yeah, Red Mountain is on the eastern side of that continent.

You'd already put TES III: Morrowind (featuring Red Mountain) in mind with the "He is preparing to ash-storm us!" line in your brother's story. In Morrowind, depending on where the player goes, ash storms can be a common thing; less common are dangerous Blight storms caused by the game's villain, Dagoth Ur, whom used the Heart of Lorkhan to gain a semblance of divinity and twist others to his will. Some of his followers end up as various "ash" monsters, including vampires.

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