Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Local boy called as janitor

Last night I dreamed that I was standing in the hallway of the LDS chapel in Kirtland, Ohio, where I used to go to church ages ago. The building was empty, and I think I had stopped there so that someone I was traveling with could use the bathroom or something. I was standing around waiting for this person.

Across the hallway from me was a door, identified by a little plastic sign jutting out perpendicular to the wall as the custodian’s supply closet. There was also a little plastic plaque on the wall next to the door forbidding unauthorized entry. (The precise wording of these two signs was not clearly defined in the dream.) To the left of the door was a big corkboard with various notices pinned to it.

Out of boredom, I took out my phone and googled my own last name. I was startled when at the top of the search results it said “Results near you” and had a photo of the door across from me, complete with the two plastic signs. Why was I getting that? Was Google given the realtime location of people named Tychonievich as a search result?

Then I noticed that the photo was actually subtly different from the door across from me, so I figured it was a stock photo of an LDS church janitor’s closet. But why would searching for my name return that result?

Finally I noticed something on the bulletin board by the door: a full-page article cut from a newspaper, with the headline “Local boy called as janitor.” Of course, I thought. That must be from decades ago, when my brother Luther was doing janitorial work for the church. As far as my dreaming mind was concerned, mystery solved.

As I was trying to get a good photo, trying to find a good angle so that both signs and the headline would be clearly legible, I woke up.

Shortly after getting up, I checked a couple of blogs and read William Wright’s latest, “Swampy Key Holders: Thomas B. Marsh and Pokelogan.” Thomas Marsh was a Mormon leader back when the church was based in Kirtland, Ohio, and William emphasizes Marsh’s role as a “doorkeeper” or “usher.”

Here’s what the Online Etymology Dictionary has to say about the word janitor:

1580s, "an usher in a school," later "doorkeeper" (1620s), from Latin ianitor "doorkeeper, porter," from ianua "door, entrance, gate," from ianus "arched passageway, arcade" (see Janus) + agent suffix -tor. Meaning "caretaker of a building, man employed to see that rooms are kept clean and in order" first recorded 1708. Fem. forms were janitress (1806), janitrix (1818). 


William Wright (WW) said...

Your brother Luther also came up in your dream of dropping the weight. Have you had many dreams involving him, or other family members, like this in the past (i.e., is this typical or new)?

Also interesting that the name Luther pops up in Dead Reckoning.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I rarely dream about family members. I assume this dream was influenced by watching and posting about Dead Reckoning the day before — the name Luther, “my last name,” software seeming to know who I am.

Ra1119bee said...


The character Luther ( the name Luther Old Germanic meaning Soldier of the People) and played by Ving Rhames in Dead Reckoning, is Black.
Soldiers sacrifice themselves for the greater good, no?

Regarding your comment :" 1580s, "an usher in a school," later "doorkeeper" (1620s), from Latin ianitor "doorkeeper, porter," from ianua "door, entrance, gate," from ianus "arched passageway, arcade" (see Janus)".

Speaking of Janus:
Do recall my recent comment here on your blog about my Oct 19,2023 dream I tiled: Two Faced.
In that dream Ron's wife ( who Ron in real life is White and worked as a salesman ( in the 1990's early 2000's.) at Marshall's family printing supply business ).
In the dream, Ron's wife called me Two Faced which her comment hurt my feelings
as I took it as an insult.

What's interesting in real life,Ron's wife worked in a top clearance position at Wright Patt.
If you recall in my recent comment on your blog, I mentioned that Marshall and I were not particularly close to Ron and his wife and only visited them a couple of times at their home. I've only had a couple of dreams or so about them throughout the years, so when I had
this recent dream about them in 2023, I thought it was odd.

However, I will say this: when Marshall and I did visit Ron and his wife, she was Very intrigued with my metaphysical experiences and dreams, especially my 11:11 dream which I had that dream in 2003.

I thought it odd, at that time, that someone with a high clearance military background
would be intrigued with the esoteric, but after attending the Monroe Insititute in 2005
and of course Wright Patt being a key player in Roswell, I'm firmly convinced that we
( the collective ) don't know the half of 'the military's involvement in the so called 'occult'.

After waking from my Two Faced dream and in my research I came across much info
about the mythological Roman Janus which validated, at least to me,
why the symbolism and 'message' given in the dream.

Also interestingly in the collective consciousness right now, is the rapper Usher who performed this past Sunday at the SUPERB OWL ( oops, I mean the Super Bowl).
Usher is Black as well.

The Nigredo is always the first step (sacrificed) in all alchemical transformations.
Everything is connected.

Do try to watch the Netflix 2023 movie Leave the World Behind.
It's chockfull of symbolism too.

Ra1119bee said...


2 Parts

Part 1

Speaking of KEYS:

I just found another VERY interesting movie sync regarding Keys.

What sparked this particular interesting sync 'find' was this:

I have an everyday routine of browsing my favorite haunts (blogs and websites)
just to see what's new.

Today I browsed Tommy Truthful's blog at Truthstream Media and Lo and behold
there is a new video uploaded by one of the many bloggers whose work is posted on
This particular post is a CoLab with Tommy and a blogger named JayDreamerZ.

The title of the post is : Truth in Movies! #108 READY PLAYER ONE

What caught my eye is while reading a bit about the subject matter discussed in
the colab, I stopped at the mention of Keys and became somewhat excited because yet again, I've found another Key connection.

Marshall and I saw Ready Player One (produced by Steven Spielberg) back in March 2018 when it was released in the theaters in 3D.
Come to think of it and after a lifetime of going to the cinema,
Ready Player One is the LAST movie I've seen at the theater.

Anywho, I also googled the Ready Player One Trailer on YouTube just to re-visit
the plot and I recall in 2018 noticing all of the 11 symbolism in this movie.
I haven't seen Ready Player One since 2018.

Also, after all of these years, I've forgotten that there is a KEY connection in
this movie. Interestingly one of the keys is copper, which in recent years
and through my Old World research, I've come to believe that copper is a conduit
to Time Travel.

Ready Player One is also steeped with Predictive Programing foretelling a dystopian
future especially regarding Transhumanism via Artificial Intelligence which I've been predicting for many many decades.
I've always thought that our Soul is our Opponents final frontier.

In the Ready Player One trailer ( link below )
check out all of these 'predictive programing scenes.

1. at marker/frame 0.03-0.05 The protagonist Wade is walking home through
a mangled landscape of discarded cars.
What's interesting is that BEFORE I saw the movie, I was telling friends and family
and commenting on YouTube ( this was about 2011-2015 or so) that I believe
at this Shifting of Ages we ( humanity ) are going to see the End of Freedom of Movement
which goes hand in hand with social credit scores and reducing carbon footprint.

Fossil Fuel cars are going to be obsolete and this scene in Ready Player One somewhat
validates my theory, IMO.

2. at marker/frame 0.07-0.08 note the stacks of RVs and Campers. Interestingly
especially here in the US, the nomad/tiny house lifestyle has become a 'thing' in the last
several years. We are on the precipice of The End of Private Property via
The End of the America Dream especially regarding of Homeownership.
Many GenY and Z will not become home owners.

Many large cities in the US are experiencing homelessness like never before.
Many people who have the means are living in their cars and campers.
Although the Nomad/Tiny house freedom lifestyle was sold as romantic
many people are now realizing that that lifestyle is contingent upon
cheap fossil fuel and abundance of same.

Wade (the protagonist in the movie) even mentions that there is 'nowhere left to go'.

That Nomad tide is turning because of crushing inflation and in the US we are seeing many campers parked, eerily predicted/known (?) in this movie.

Enter: Virtual Reality. Transhumanism via A I.

Also interestingly this movie's setting is in Columbus Ohio.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

Here is a copy and paste text written my Tommy Truthful that summarizes
the content in the video.

Much of Tommy Truthful's perspective mirrors my own.

I've placed asterixis to highlight in this text much of what I've shared on your blog
connecting my personal puzzle pieces of my esoteric experiences and dreams to a 'bigger picture which I believe to be a very probable future.
Here's from the blog (see link below):

"The text discusses a theory that the*** moon*** is a gateway for aliens who are preparing for a war against Earth. It suggests that humans are being conditioned to fight these aliens, who are expected to be unhappy with the state of our world.

The text also explores the idea of a future where buildings are stacked on top of each other, and people live in a virtual reality, with drones doing manual labor. Lastly, it mentions a character named Wade, who is an orphan born in 2027, living in a world where reality is disappointing.

The text talks about a complex game involving a map, ***keys,**** and a company called Gregarious Games. The game involves finding a place of safety, surviving an apocalypse, and understanding various symbols.

The players, known as ‘egg hunters’, are on a quest to find a ****‘copper key’*** and are represented by characters from different cultures and eras. The text also discusses the symbolism of numbers and letters, and the concept of left and right brain thinking.

The text discusses the symbolism of ***‘101’*** and its connection to ancient myths, legends, and structures like the Pillars of Hercules. It suggests that ‘101 represents a gateway or entrance to other worlds or realms, both above and below the earth.

The text talks about a movie where characters are in a race to find a key. The key to winning the race is to go backwards, not forwards, which is a metaphor for returning to old ways instead of always seeking progress.

"Lastly, it mentions a prophecy about a ****dragon**** causing destruction, and how mankind will have to face the consequences of their actions".
end of quote

Do note the reference to the DRAGON, which as you know, we've just crossed into
the Year of the Dragon.

IMHO, we(humanity) are on the precipice of a very wild ride after the 3rd eclipse.
Pluto in Aquarius will be at the helm.

READY PLAYER ONE - Official Trailer 1


WanderingGondola said...

Janitor's etymology including Janus caught my eye. I've been playing a lot of Warframe recently, often running a repetitive game mode where boss Captain Vor shows up frequently. He gets memed on for a long monologue where he proclaims he's bound to the Void (an extra-dimensional realm) that he previously entered with his golden key; players just know it as a Void Key, but Vor calls it "the Janus Key" for reasons never explained in-game. It makes some sense after reading the Wiki page for Janus. (I also note that Janus apparently had links to the sun and moon.)

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...