Thursday, July 25, 2024

If any man have an ear, let him hear

My recent post “Trump’s pierced ear” led me back to my 2020 post “Here come the twenties,” in which I proposed as a theme song for the present decade a song by Manfred Mann’s Earth Band, from an album with an ear on the cover:

I began that post with an epigraph from the Book of Daniel, implicitly identifying Trump with the head of gold in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. After golden-haired Trump, silver-haired Biden. After the silver king, the person I have already called the “Copper Queen.”

The Manfred Mann song begins with a well known line from the Psalms, only the words “thee, Zion” have been changed to the similar-sounding but ungrammatical “these I am.” This fits right in with my last post, “Oh mark I am,” which was about two cases of meaningful phrases being transformed into similar-sounding word salad ending in the word am.

The Psalms connection gave me the idea of looking up Psalm 7:13 — corresponding to July 13, the date of the Ear Incident. I was not disappointed:

He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.

Arrows are the ancient equivalent of bullets, of course. The preceding verse states that these “instruments of death” will strike their intended target only “if he turn not.” The official story (which may even be true for all I know) is that Trump escaped the instruments of death by a perfectly timed turn of his head.

I then decided to look up the Psalm used in the Manfred Mann song, since I’d forgotten what number it is. It turns out it’s Psalm 137, another way of encoding 13 July.


Ra1119bee said...


Part 1

I don't know if you read my 2 previous comments on your : Trump's pierced ear'
post or not, but if you haven't please do as this particular comment connects
to my previous one especially regarding Trump's Butler PA rally,
and playing cards.

First and foremost please do recall another comment which I believe
to be the significance of Butler PA Coordinates: 40°51′40″N 79°53′43″W.
The number 40 is very symbolic especially in the Bible.

Recall I went into detail
giving several examples of the number 40, one being 40 days and 40 nights.
The number 4 in Gematria meaning doorway.
The number 40 meaning a test, trial, transformation.

After chattel slavery the slaves were given a 'promise' of 40 acres and a Mule,
however little did the slaves know that just like The Curse of Cain, that promise
of 40 acres and a Mule was yet another manipulation and interpretation of scripture
from the Bible.

The Conquerors of America, were never going to allow anyone
who was not bloodline to 'own' land in The New Atlantis,
and that included the Europeans who came over as Indentured Servants.

The word servant and butler(as in Butler PA)
have significance as I commented on in a previous post.

With that information in mind and used as a foundation, tonight 'out of the blue'
it occurred to me, that there is yet another sync that I had forgotten about
that has connections to your post about playing cards.

Again please read my previous comments on your: Trump's pierced ear post,
as my comment here will make more sense.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2
Here's the connection:
If you haven't already do try to check out a very intriguing 1962 movie
titled; The Manchurian Canidate staring Frank Sinatra playing the protagonist
Ben Marco.

There is also a 2004 remake with Denzel Washington playing Marco.
Both films are very thought-provoking.

In both the 1962 and the 2004 movies there are scenes
regarding playing cards (see links)

In the 1962 movie (see clip) the Queen of Diamonds playing card
was used as a 'trigger' and doorway for the Manchurian (Sergeant Raymond Shaw
played by Laurance Harvey) to enter into a hypnotic state.

I found this information about triggers used in hypnosis very interesting.
copy and paste:
Opening eyes
Sound of a bell
Snap of fingers
Clap of hands
Standing up or sitting down
Opening a door
Also in the article it lists using a swinging pendulum to trigger a hypnotic state.
However, and according to the article,
the pendulum has since fallen out of favor since many people
especially in modern society are 'aware' of its use because of the movie industry.

Interestingly however, a swinging pendulum was used in a Folgers
commercial on National TV on 11/22/1963
after the breaking announcement that Kennedy had been shot. (see link)
Coincidence ya think?

Note that coffee is BLACK, also recall my comments about the symbolism
of a 'cup' and the female.

Returning back to the symbolism in the 1962 Manchurian Canidate
and the Queen of Diamonds, note that a diamond of course is a crystal with 4 points.
When viewed from a different perspective, a diamond is also a cube.
Once again the number 4 being very symbolic.

In the 1962 video clip, listen closely to Shaw's mother's dialogue.
Shaw's mother was a significant part of Shaw's Manchurian programing.
Listen as Shaw's mother explains the planned events to come.
Note her mentioned of : 'roof', Russia , 8 years and the 'fallen'
nominee for POTUS.

Note Shaw is 'sitting in a chair of flowers(design)
which appears, at least to me, to be roses.

Do recall my many comments about the Rosicrucian's.
In the Leave the World Behind movie the young daughter's name was Rose.

Also note that on the Queen of Diamonds card, the queen has a 'twin'.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 3

The letter Q (for Queen) also is very interesting as Q is the 17th letter
in the alphabet. (Recall your recent Seven Seventeenth post).
My mother was born on July Seventeenth.

Also when 17 is reduced to a single digit 1+7, equals 8.
Recall my gazillion comments about the symbolism of
the number 8, which of course 8 is a double 4.

Although not shown in the clip (link below) the 2004 Manchurian Canidate
also features playing cards. In the 2004 remake the opening scene
is of the solders in the back of a military vehicle, playing cards.
In this clip, Shaw is seen opening the door. Note the golden hue.

In the 2004 remake, the protagonist Bennet Marco, is played by Denzel
who is Black.
In the 1962 movie Marco is played by Frank Sinatra.

Note the 'water connection' to all three of these events.
There is even water featured in the 1963 Folgers coffee commercial.
There is also a female/water connection in the 2023 Leave the World Behind
Water is a conduit to the other side.

At Trump's rally, there is a conspiracy theory that there might have been
a second shooter on the 'water tower', near the rally location(see link)

In the 1962 movie, both Shaw's mother and the Queen card serve
as a 'water' source as the female is symbolically water.
Also in the clip starting abt marker 2:55, listen to Shaw's mother
speaking of 'them'( the powers that be, which she was one) taking Shaw's Soul.

Recall my gazillion comments sharing my perspective about Transhumanism via
Artificial Intelligence via neuralink, being the Final Frontier for humanity's

Interestingly according to wiki, Musk's Neuralink was founded
on June 21 (a day after the summer solstice).
June 21-July22 is the month of Cancer which is a water sign.

Coincidence ya think?

In the 2004 movie clip note starting abt marker 0:20 listen
to Major Marco speak of:'mother of all wars, and no moon.

Also water plays a very symbolic role at the end of the 2024 movie.

Everything is connected, no?

The Manchurian Candidate 1962

The Manchurian Candidate 2004

First Commerical After JFK Was Shot!

Jesse Eisenberg: the connecting link between Chipmunks and Bigfoot

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