Thursday, September 5, 2024

A hyena winning the Boston Marathon

Chinese text-to-video software is getting pretty good.

Still not perfect, though. Try following any one animal in this video, and watch what happens when a raptor enters the morphogenetic field of a zebra or vice versa.

And you probably shouldn't look to closely at the crowd of spectators in the background of the hyena video.


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of whales and dolphins...
And yes I know this particular post of the hyena
has nothing to do whatsoever
with whales and dolphins, however I have had
several very odd syncs about dolphins after
having a dream a few days ago ( Sept 3 ) which I titled that dream ;
I think you may find this information interesting.

*** Do note that this comment is quite lengthy and as I was writing
it, it became even more so, and that being the case, I will
share the Dauphin dream and the many dolphin syncs I 've had
in the last couple of days with you in another post .

However if you get a chance do check out the link below
about Whaledimir (also known as Hvaldimir), the Beluga whale
which I randomly found this article today (Sept 5)
on The Drudge Report website.

It was because of this recent and random finding about Hyaldmir,
my Dauphin dream and the many syncs of the last several days
is what sparked me to comment on your blog today ( Sept 5 )

Here is how it all unfolded:
After randomly finding the Hyaldmir article
I searched your category tags and saw that you had
several whale dreams and syncs as well in the past,
which I read them all and they were quite intriguing.

I wasn't surprised to find that several of your whale
commentary and your white cup syncs,
giraffes and Ohio white siding house comments connected
to a few of my puzzle pieces that I've previously commented about.

For example:
In your Skinny Planet Post, you wrote:
" I saw rolling farmland in what I felt was perhaps Ohio or Kentucky,
a couple of small houses with white aluminum siding,
and in the distance what were unmistakably two giraffes picking their way
across the fields on their spindle legs. "
My response : The reason this caught my attention is my family
lived in a small house with white aluminum siding,
although our house was in the city and not the country.

The second thing that caught my eye was the reference to giraffes.

Many years ago I bought a used book about the metaphysical in
Yellow Springs Ohio.
I don't recall the book title but inside of the book someone had placed
a post card of an illustration of a giraffe. The post card wasn't new
but there was no writing or postal stamp on the card.

Although I can't recall the book's content and information
the book wasn't about giraffes. I researched giraffes in the last
several years after finding the post card,
but nothing that I read really clicked for me as far as a sync
connection to giraffes.
What's odd however is that a couple of months ago I
was wondering if I would ever find a connection to
that giraffe post card.

Another interesting puzzle piece was in your Blue Boat Home post.
You wrote : "In this song, the repeated line is
"Though the truth may vary,
this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore"
-- a very strong sync with "Blue Boat Home," since both imply
that it is only in death that we reach the shore."
My response : Also in the Little Skinny Planet post
the video ( Of Monsters and Men)
caught my eye, because believe it or not,
for many many years, I have worn a Very similar color lipstick
( and still do ).
My gold lipstick was NOT as dramatic and vivid as the lipstick
in this video however!
I have always been attracted to gold and shiny
metallic colors.

Also in addition to the gold lipstick the fairy female
appears to be wearing some type of bird feathers
on her head and around her eyes, which
to me looks very similar to a pheasant.

Why that got my attention is because of a dream
I had on June 4th 2016 which I titled: Very Pleasant Pheasant.
I won't go into detail of that dream, but very significant to the dream
was a dark-haired man (White) who gave me a gift of a pheasant.

The gold lipstick fairy in the video also levitates.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

Also the owl in the Monsters and Men video was interesting and
do recall I shared my July 2006 'real life experience'
with a yellow tail hawk that was mysteriously placed
on the front porch of our ( Marshall and I's ) house.

Although Owls and Hawks are not the same thing, they both
are fierce predators. The Owls having sight in the dark of night,
and the Hawks, in the light of day.

Also in the video,
The 'boat /ship' connection which I believe
interestingly connects with my perspective about
Aviators and Navigation, Maritime Law,
the Eight point star of Ishtar (being a ship's wheel)
and my many comments about Man Overboard.

I also found this information interesting from wiki
about the song Little Talks,
copy and paste:
"It starts with five sky-sailors (played by the male members of the band) spotting something falling from the sky.
When they investigate, the object splits open to reveal
a beautiful female creature (played by the band's lead singer
Nanna Bryndis Hilmarsdóttir).
She joins the sailors on their sky ship, but they are attacked
by an enormous two-headed bird.
The lady magically vanquishes the bird, but the ship is wrecked,
forcing the sailors and the lady to continue on foot into a CAVE.:
My response : Do recall I shared my 2003 Tweed dream with you,
which in the dream, a White man holding
a teacup' was following me in a CAVE.

Also In your Blasphemy against Zeus, F. Scott Fitzgerald,
and whale vision post, you wrote:
"On the Fitzgerald book in the photo above, a white coffee cup
is placed so as to appear that it is on Fitzgerald's head.
In a few recent posts, including "Dreams, shifty-eyed owls,
and the white Starbucks cup," I have discussed a Time magazine
cover in which a white coffee cup is placed so as to appear
that it is on the head of Kamala Harris.
I commented that the cup on her head made me think
of the Graeco-Egyptian god Serapis,
who wore a cup-shaped headdress."
My response : Recall all of my recent 'white cup' comments
including the Dixie Cup hats of the US Navy and the white
Styrofoam cup in my 1997 Hale Bopp dream.
In the shifty owl post, recall I made mention in my comment
of the Starbuck's cup above Kamala's head.

And last but not least in the Monsters and Men vid,
the 5 SEAMEN, FALL DOWN into the icy water.

It would be interesting if my prediction about
the two Golden Gates unfolds, especially in San Franciso
because of the Water. ( Kamala having ties to Oakland and
the pale red lotus).

Shifty eyes indeed.

Everything is connected, no?

P. S.
I didn't know about the John Dee and Kelly and the whale eyes
connection before I read your post. I'm going to do more research
about that as this Dauphin dream I had( and its many syncs)
has me very curious as to the WHYS, to say the least.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, are you going to share the Dauphin dream? I'm curious.

Ra1119bee said...

Yes I will share the Dauphin dream.
I just didn't want to write such a lengthy comment
on your post which obviously the topic of this post
doesn't have anything to do with whales.

I did find more interesting connections to Serapirs'
modius and Kamala's dixie cup hat.
Interestingly it appears that the Egyptian
Sitamun also wears a modius ( Dixie Cup )
and I found the information about her
very interesting indeed.

Copy and paste from wiki: ( asterisk's mine )
"As the eldest daughter of a powerful queen,
Sitamun ****would have been groomed for a political role
but never fulfilled this potential**** despite having her own property
at Malkata and her high position at court.

One possibility is that she was married to an heir who
never assumed the throne. Another possibility is that she died
prematurely or went into seclusion after her
****brother Akhenaten*** became king.
I'm sure you are aware that during Obama's administration
there was a lot of buzz on social media and mainstream media
too about Obama resembling or being
a clone of Akhenaten..( see link )

The chair/throne of Sitanum ( see link ) shows
her wearing her modius.

So, do I think that Obama and Kamala are clones
of Egyptians Deities?
NOPE, I absolutely do Not.

Do I think Obama and Kamala are real life brothers
and sisters or share the same ancestry lineage?
Hmmm... I wouldn't be surprised to find
that to be true as they
obviously are both multiracial.

However, much like a play I do believe that our Opponents
the 8s and whom I believe to be the architects
behind the curtain, uses certain people especially of
shared bloodline to play symbolic roles
in this play/illusion, whether we understand or aware
of their performance or not.

I believe those who are at the tip of the pyramid
are all cloaked actors.

If it wasn't for your very detailed synchronicity puzzle pieces
and your research and what appears to be such
an extensive amount of work you've done
and your high intelligence and knowledge William,
I wouldn't have been able to connect all of my puzzle pieces.
Which connection is so important, at least to me,
as it answers the Whys.
So, thank you for that.

I'll share my Dauphin dream later today.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
Here is the Dauphin dream I had on Sept 3.


I had an interesting dream today. The dream is as follows

I can’t recall all of this dream, but for some reason
I was at a place where I felt that I had returned back to work.
I don’t think it was a bank however.
I think it might have been some type of water company.

I do recall that I didn’t want to return however
I felt as it was something I had to do out of
financial necessity.

At one point I recall talking to a man who worked there
and I think we had worked together in the past.
We both were sitting outside on a concrete
structure. I felt that we were on our lunch break.
As we were talking and eating our lunch,
all of a sudden, I saw a brown mutt hound dog circle
around the man.
I was somewhat surprised as the dog came out of nowhere.

The Man said that the dog’s name was Dauphin.
I could tell Dauphin was a male.
The man then asked me if I would take Dauphin and give him
a home and I responded that I couldn’t.

Although when I looked down at Dauphin’s face ,
he was so adorable!
Dauphin walked over to me and for some reason
on the very top of his body, his coat was a really pretty
aqua color blue.
I recall thinking that with that bright blue color,
I wouldn’t have any problem or worry if Dauphin
ran off into the woods because I could
always find him.

I recall that the man told me that Dauphin
weighed 258 pounds and I recall thinking
that Dauphin was a large dog , not a medium
sized dog like Jacob.

After lunch the man and I went back into the building
and our co-workers were standing together smiling
and I had the feeling that the co-workers had planned
a surprise birthday party for the man.

At one point another hound dog ( Not Dauphin) walked
towards the man and I felt as if that hound dog mix
was a gift from the co-workers for the man's birthday.
I recall looking at the man and he had a look
on his face as if to say:
I can’t take another dog because I have Dauphin
and I got the feeling that he really wanted me
to take Dauphin.
I woke up
Although the event's in the dream seemed somewhat
normal, I did have a sense that there was a hidden message
for me, which I believe that most dreams are exactly that,
i.e. messages from our soul.

If you recall I shared that our beloved dog Jacob passed
over at the end of July, so to dream about a dog and adopting
a dog seem as if the dream might have been more of
an emotional release rather than a spiritual or metaphysical
message, but I'm not really convinced of that conclusion.
That is, I think the dream was a puzzle piece.

The first clue was that in the dream, I worked at a WATER
company which I've never worked nor do I know
of anyone personally who has worked at a water
company IRL.

The second 'clue' was the dog (Dauphin) had
a beautiful aqua blue coloring on his back.
Note that Dauphin was more of a tan color
hound dog mix and Jacob was a black brown
white Beagle/Husky mix.

Of course when I googled the word Dauphin I found
that it means Dolphin and then the fun ( of finding
the meaning of the dream) really began!

Here's how it unfolded:
A couple of days after the dream, I was browsing Netflix
and I just picked a movie to watch. I never heard of the movie
before and like I said it was very random.
The movie is titled: Becket.
In the movie there was a dog who looked very similar to our
dog Jacob. I thought that was odd however the dog wasn't really
a significant part of the movie, so I kinda thought that it
was just a coincidence.

A few days later ( Sept5) I watched another Netflix foreign film
(again chosen randomly)titled: Rest in Peace, which takes place
in Argentina and Paraguay.

Lo and behold in that movie a stray dog ( who came out of nowhere in
the movie and jumped up on the protagonist (Sergio) as
Sergio was walking on a busy street in Paraguay.
That dog Really looked like Jacob.

Do note that the name Sergio means servant
and recall all the recent butler and servant syncs here
on your blog.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

In the movie Sergio ended up rescuing the dog.
After 15 years had passed the dog grew old and Sergio
took him to the Vet to be put to sleep ( which IRL is what
Marshall and I had to do with Jacob).

In that particular scene Sergio walked out of the Vet hospital
crying immensely and walked over to the wall of the Vet building
and continued to cry.( which can be seen in the trailer clip
starting about 1;12--1:17)
On the wall, painted blue, was written the word Apolo
in goldish yellowish letters.

Also In the dream is a reference to the number 258
which was Dauphin's weight. Lo and Behold, there
is a scene in the movie where Sergio is walking up
a plank to get on a boat and he is wearing
an Aqua color T-shit that has the number ; 2958.

Although 2958 isn't the EXACT number 258,
the one number that makes the two
numbers different is the number
9, which in and of itself is a very significant number
in numerology.

Don't know if you knew this, but supposedly
John Lennon was obsessed with the number 9.
copy and paste from the article ( see link )
“I was born on the ninth of October—the ninth month
[in the Chinese calendar].
It’s just a number that follows me around,
but numerologically, apparently,
I’m a number six or a three or something, but it’s all part of nine.”
Note that Nickola Tesla also had a fascination with 3, 6, 9 as well.
Also check out the Beatles song One After 909.( link below)
and of course, the song Revolution 9 on the White Album.

But getting back to the Rest in Peace movie,
the fact that the dog in this movie ( who looked
very much like Jacob) played a significant part
in Sergio's life, I felt it to be more than a coincidence
as to why the syn Faires led me to this movie.

After the movie I googled Apollo and a dolphin
and Lo and Behold I got a hit.
Copy and paste: ( link below, asterisks mine)
"One of the earliest dolphin stories is Homer's 'Hymn to Apollo',
which describes how the god Apollo founded the temple at Delphi
after a journey which took him all over Greece
in search of a suitable site.
Eventually he chose a lonely cave nestling at the foot of
Mount Parnassos, which was guarded by the dragoness Python,
whom he slew with an arrow from his silver bow.

After killing the dragoness, Apollo set off to hijack
a Cretan merchant ship, leaping aboard the boat
in the guise of a ****dolphin.
So, after having the dream on Sept3, and then finding
two movies having to do with a Jacob connection
and then after randomly finding the article about Whaledimir
on the Drudge Report I Knew that all of this was more
than a coincidence, and something that I need
to know because it connects to many of my puzzle pieces.

Also, do check out the video link below
titled : Dolphin Mythology and DNA
Interestingly this YouTube video was uploaded Feb 20,
a day after my birthday and as I'm sure you know
that Pisces is ruled by the Roman Deity Neptune and his
counterpart the Greek Poseidon and his Trident.

Recall I shared my perspective about the Trident and its
connection to my dream about Obama being the Wicker Man
and driving a Maserati, and also the Trident on the World
Trade Center Buildings on a previous comment.

Everything is connected.

Rest In Peace - Official Trailer
Dolphin Mythology and DNA - Robert Sepehr

The Beatles One After 909 Official Video

Frankenstein nitpicking sync

I saw this today on Anglin's weekly meme dump. How does this not end with Dan saying, "I think you mean so much  fun"? Later i...