Monday, September 9, 2024

Whales and narrow roads

I think this must have been triggered by Debbie, who left a comment on "A hyena winning the Boston Marathon" -- a post which mentions no other animals than hyenas, zebras, and velociraptors -- beginning "And speaking of whales and dolphins," but last night I had another of my "Whale-watching from the shore" dreams. This was a recurring theme in my dreams circa 2016-2018, in which I walk along a coastline of rocky cliffs and look at the whales in the sea below. It's been many years since I've had such a dream.

Last night's dream was different in that the whale-watching was done not from a high cliff but from a low-lying rocky beach. It was still a sheer cliff underwater, though, as even the water immediately adjoining the beach was extremely deep.

It also differed from my past dreams in that I wasn't the one who saw the whale. Instead it was a small, conservatively dressed man of about 60, whom I thought of as "the professor." The professor was stooped down at the edge of the beach, staring into the water. For some reason there were absolutely no waves, and the surface of the ocean was as flat and limpid as a pane of glass. I was behind the professor, some distance from the shore, and couldn't see anything in the water from my angle. The professor could, though, and he told me not to come any closer, afraid that I might carelessly dislodge a stone or something, causing ripples in the water and obscuring his view.

"I see it!" the professor said. "I see the Humpback Whale! My God, it's enormous!"

Although I couldn't see the Humpback Whale myself, I had a telepathic sense of what the professor was seeing, and it was indeed enormous -- "the size of a railway station" is how I thought of it in the dream -- many times larger than any real whale. Here's the sketch I scribbled down upon waking:

Later it occurred to me was that what the professor had said was actually, "My God is enormous," and that he was using that word in its older sense of "outrageous."

In a later dream the same night, I was in the passenger seat of my car, navigating for my wife, who was driving. We were on our way to Washington, D.C., to see the Cherry Blossom Throne. (Mencius Moldbug used to use this as a facetious metonym for the U.S. presidency, but in the dream it was an actual tourist attraction.) However, we were driving though rocky, mountainous terrain quite unlike anything in that part of the country.

As we drove, the road became increasingly narrow and convoluted, making it harder and harder to follow. At one point my wife started to panic and said, "Where do I go? Where do I go?"

I said, "Just keep following the road. It's narrow, but just keep following it."

The road was slippery, though -- it seemed to have water or ice on it-- and she wasn't able to keep on it. The car went off the road and down a steep, rocky slope toward the sea below. I considered our now unavoidable fate with equanimity and said calmly, "Okay, brace for impact." I closed my eyes.

When I opened them, there was no cliff and no sea. The car was parked on a perfectly flat plateau of stone. Its perfect flatness reminded me of the sea in which the professor had seen the whale, and I thought for a moment that perhaps the sea had been turned to stone.

There were several people on the plateau, and my wife was standing out there talking to some of them. I got out of the car and asked her, "What happened? How did we survive that?"

She said, "Oh, I dreamed it. It was all just a dream."

"You dreamed it? But so did I! I was there!"

And then a few moments later I woke from my own dream.

Since I began with a reference to a marathon, I'll close with this. Early this morning, I happened to see someone wearing a T-shirt with this logo:

The name caught my eye because I am currently reading Words of the Faithful, and one of the characters is called Dyacôm.

Update (same day, 3:00 p.m.): In the dream reported here, the professor reacted to the Whale by saiyng, "My God, it's enormous!" -- and I wrote that my own sense of the immensity of the Whale was that it was "the size of a railway station." This afternoon, I stopped at a red light, and the motorcyclist in front of me was an old man (like the professor in the dream) with this on the back of his T-shirt:

Right at the bottom it says "Jesus! STATION!" Jesus with an exclamation point suggests that the name is being used as an exclamation, comparable to "My God!"


Ra1119bee said...

VERY interesting indeed!!
What's odd is that before I commented on your Hyena post I was going
to wait until you posted something about whales so that I could
comment on an 'on topic' post.
For some reason I 'felt' certain that you would.

However I decided just to check your tags/labels looking
for whales and I read all of your whale posts.
I didn't want to comment on
any of those whale posts from the past because I didn't know
if you would receive notice of my comment.
I don't know how blogs work
and I really wanted you to read my comment so I posted it
on your Hyena post as the Hyena post was a current post.

Your post today about your whale dream is very intriguing
and validates, at least for me, that there is no such thing
as linear time, which would explain telepathy.

You wrote: "In a later dream the same night, I was in the passenger
seat of my car, navigating for my wife, who was driving.
We were on our way to Washington, D.C., to see the
Cherry Blossom Throne".

The road was slippery, though -- it seemed to have water or ice on it
-- and she wasn't able to keep on it. The car went off the road
and down a steep, rocky slope toward the sea below."

My response:
Recall I have commented many many times
about my prediction about America's new Capital being Denver
Colorado after the Great Reset which I believe that we
are on the precipice of .

America was always an Alchemical Transformation experiment.
E. Pluribus Unum.
I believe that humanity, especially in America
is on the precipice of the Fall of the American Empire.
All Empires' time frame is about 250 years.
America at 246 years, is due.

The New Atlantis was always America's secret destiny per
Plato, John Dee, Francis Bacon, Manly P. Hall ( see link )

Not only is Denver on the 40th parallel but also : WASHINGTON DC,
Butler Pa, Dayton Ohio, San Francisco , Boston Mass(MIT)
Philadelphia PA, Columbus Ohio etc.
Didn't you attend Ohio State?

The 40th parallel is a very powerful ley line. Which
would explain why Dayton Ohio was the Silicon Valley
back in its heyday.

Dayton was the home of many iconic inventors
and inventions which changed the course of history. ( see link)
Recall my recent comments about Miamisburg Ohio
and the Manhattan Project.

Do check out the video I linked about the 40th parallel
and the content creator's theories. It's very thought provoking,
especially the information about Johannes Kelpius
and the Rosicrucian Pyramids of Bucks County
Quakertown, Pennsylvania.

Do note that one of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone episodes
is about the Germans ( Rosys) in Pennsylvania and telepathy.
That episode is titled ; Mute.( full episode below)

If you recall I commented previously on your blog
( and provided links) about the significance of the number 40.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

Also note that Denver is the Rocky Mountain State which
may be the symbolism in your dream about rocks/stones.
I think Denver is going to be the capital of The New Atlantis.

Check out the lyrics to John Denver's song ; Rocky Mountain High
copy and paste: ( see link )
"He was born in the summer of his twenty-seventh year
Coming home to a place he'd never been before
He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again
You might say he found a key for every door."
You wrote that in your dream, the road was icy and slippery.
The female of course being water, which may explain
why your wife was driving in the dream with you navigating.
Your wife being symbolic of calm water.
Konohanasakuya-hime perhaps?

Also and maybe the connection to Washington DC in your dream
is perhaps a Kamala Presidency.
Kamala being symbolic of the Ice Maiden. Cold as Ice
much like an iceberg and we all know what happens to ships
and sailors when they hit icebergs.

Although the name Kamala meaning pale red lotus,
(lotus being an aquatic water lily) sounds serene and with beauty
however keep in mind that everything especially power sources
have their oppositive .
Including and especially water.

You also wrote ( referring to the whale) :
.." and it was indeed enormous -- "the size of a railway station"
is how I thought of it in the dream".
My response:
A railway station is a place where we wait for a train.
A train being a powerful fast vehicle that takes
many people to a destination,
whether we want to go to that destination OR NOT,
because the fact of the matter is, we are not in control.
Somebody else is doing the steering, much like a ship.

And last but not least :
copy and paste:
"Whale gambling refers to the practice of high-stakes gambling,
typically involving large sums of money. Unlike traditional gambling,
which is often done for entertainment or as a hobby,
whale gambling is often associated with those who
have significant wealth and are willing to gamble huge amounts
of money for the potential of even larger payouts."
Maybe that's why the Whales are beaching themselves lately?
Symbolic of over bloated America.
Recall my many comments about The Weight.

So perhaps your dream may be prophetic?
Brace for impact indeed.

That's not to say that I believe that humanity is at
The End of the World.
However I absolutely believe that we are at the End of an Age.

Regarding your reference to Dyacôm.
Perhaps the sync message is referring to the Deacon
and being of service.

Everything is connected, no?

John Denver - Rocky Mountain High
Twilight Zone—Mute​

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to link this:

From the 40th Parallel Episode 1 with Ras Ben and Michael Wann

Ra1119bee said...

I found yet another interesting connection.
Recall in my previous post I linked a Netflix movie
titled: Rest in Peace which in that movie there is a dog
who looks very much like Marshall and I's dog Jacob.

I also mentioned that I believe that the movie was
part of a series of syncs relating to my Dauphin dream.

In one of the scenes Sergio ( the protagonist)
is lighting a 22 candle on a birthday cake ( which the birthday
cake is very significant to the storyline of the movie).

I decided today to find the gematria number of the word Whale
which in gematria the word Whale's full reduction is 22.

When I first saw the movie, the 22 on the birthday cake did catch
my attention as I've commented on your blog many times about
the significance of the number 22,
however, at that time I did Not know that the number 22 had
any connections to the dauphin dream until today.

Here is a repost of the trailer for Rest in Peace
The 22 birthday cake scene is abt marker/frame 1:02---1:06

WanderingGondola said...

Huh, there's definitely something about you and whales.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

My uncle is convinced I wrote Moby-Dick in a past life.

Ra1119bee said...

I forgot to add that Salt Lake City is also on the 40 parallel.

Keep in mind that some of the cities I listed, including Dayton are not
on the 40 but keep in mind the Law of the Three.
( 3 before OR 3 after )

St. Louis , the gateway to the west, is also on the 40.

Ra1119bee said...

Sorry for all these comments, but I wanted to add
that Black Rock City, Nevada where the yearly Burning Man Festival
is held is also on the 40 parallel north.

I think WW recently posted on his blog about the Burning Man Festival.

The 40 parallel north is a power energy Ley Line,
and those who 'knew' followed the 40.
Which may explain why Nikola Tesla
was invited and bankrolled by John Astor to conduct his( Tesla)
wireless experiments at Pikes Peak.
Do recall I shared my ***May 12*** 2017 Colorado Springs Dream
on your blog.
NORAD is also on the 40.

***Just now today while looking at NORAD's wiki page to provide
a link for this comment, I see that NORAD was founded on** May
I did not know this information before, especially not before the dream
on May 12th 2017!!

Dem sync Faires be busy, no?

WanderingGondola said...

How long has your uncle believed that?

William Wright (WW) said...

I read today that the Princess of Wales is done with her chemotherapy.

When I saw "Wales" I thought of your post and the Whale dream, since Wales sounds exactly like Whales. Seems like we could have a word play with this symbol of Whale/ Wale.

Wale comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word apparently that means "Foreigner". It was used, I understand, originally to refer to all foreigners under influence of the Roman empire.

Another word that means "Foreigner"? Alien. Alien means "Foreigner, visitor, stranger", so in terms of synonyms, Aliens = Wales (Whales).

We've also explored the Ocean or Sea as a synonym for Space, thus you seeing Whales (Aliens - those not living on our World) in the Sea (Space) in your dreams.

Anyway, you could have a bit of a word-game symbol going on there, for what it's worth.

The fact that Wales was a word that used to refer to Romans originally, and you saw a Humpback whale specifically (or the professor did) could be interesting as well. Camels and Giraffes are another animal that have humps on their back. I've associated those (the Camel-Lion) with Peter, and Peter with Rome (Roman Reigns!).

Lastly, just calling it out, but your description of the Sea in which the man was observing the Whale reminded me of Joseph Smith's description of a another World and the Angels who live on it:

"The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth;

But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord."

William Wright (WW) said...

Following up on the above, given all of that, the "Professor" you saw could represent an Angel who looking into crystal-glass (and thus also into and across "space) and was able to clearly see Peter. Just a thought I had, but who knows.

Professor comes from the root word Profess, which means "declare openly". And professor itself can mean "teacher of highest rank". One of the jobs of Angels is to teach and declare things, as was the case with Nephi, Benjamin, Alma, and many others in the Book of Mormon.

Ra1119bee said...


A few more " significant others" on the 40 parallel north:

Martha's Vineyard,
Cape Cod
Montauk, Long Island New York
( perhaps you've heard of the Montauk Project?)
New York City
The Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco
Brooklyn Bridge
Ankara, Turkey

Interestingly WW mentions Wales. I was also thinking of Wales
as I have ancestry ( on my maternal side) in Wales.

Ra1119bee said...

And yes I know the Montauk Project is considered a conspiracy theory.
However like Tavistock, Roswell, the Moon Landing and the JKF assassination, thought provoking nevertheless, at least to me :-))

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
As I was re-reading these comments today, I thought of another
sync that I had forgotten.

In my comment about what I believe as far
as America' Secret Destiny and America being
an Alchemical experiment I also made mention
of America's official motto being E. Pluribus Unum.
copy and paste from wiki:
"While its status as national motto was for many years unofficial,
E pluribus unum was still considered
the de facto motto of the United States from its early history."

I'm sure you've seen the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz
and if so, do recall the Hot Air Balloon scene with Dorothy and Toto
getting ready to be 'airlifted' home to Kansas by Oz.
Kansas is also on the 40 degree parallel north, btw.

Before Oz, Dorothy and Toto were ready to take off
Oz makes reference to E. Pluribus Unum
( see link and listen closely as the reference to E. Pluribus Unum
is in the very start of this clip).

Keep in mind that Oz was a Wizard i.e. a Magi.
As we know a Magi is a Magician, so it's fair to say that
the character Oz knew the Sacred Science knowledge
as did in mythology:
Plato, John Dee, Francis Bacon, and many others
and IRL, Manly P. Hall

As I'm sure you know, Dee and Bacon ( and many others)
were all Fellows of the Invisible College which
was a precursor of : The Ancient and Mystical Order
Rosae Crucis/ Royal Society.

Pierre Eugene du Simitiere who suggested that
the Latin words: E. Pluribus Unum be on
the Great Seal of America was more likely than not
a 'Fellow' too. (see link)

The motto "In God we Trust' wasn't adopted until ***1956***
which begs the questions, as least to me :
Was America REALLY founded as a Christian nation?
and if not 2. What God do we trust?

In the Wizard of Oz clip below, check out all of the Eight Point
Stars of Ishtar.

Also, on the Hot Air Balloon's wicker basket is what looks
to be a cross but look at it from a different perspective.
Could it be an X?

Or could it be symbolic of the number 4 as in the Four Corners
of the World (see link)?
Keep in mind that Microsoft also uses
the cross/four corners imaginary as their Windows' logo.
A window is a portal.

Recall the window on Time Magazine's
Knock Knock cover with shifting eye Trump and Kamala
'wearing' a Starbucks cup on her head. (see link)

Recall our past dialogue on your blog
about Time's Knock Knock cover.

The number 4 is VERY significant in the Sacred Science Knowledge.
Maybe 40 and 4 are one and the same i.e. Symbolic of
that which is hidden.
40 acres and a Mule was symbolic, not literal.

And last but not least (and I just found this information
today (9/10).
Check out the wiki page about the original book:
The Wizard of Oz. (see link)

I've never read the book: The Wizard of Oz
of course I've seen the movie numerous times over the years.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
According to wiki, the original name of the Oz character was:
**Oscar**** Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel
Ambroise Diggs.

The reason that caught my attention was because ( and if you recall,
I shared) my very intriguing dream from 11/22/2018 which
I titled; Oscar.

To recap :in my Oscar dream I was in Switzerland,
visiting my boyfriend Oscar (who was White , with red hair
wearing a Phrygian cap ).
I did NOT know what a Phrygian cap was before the dream
nor did I ever have a boyfriend named Oscar IRL.

It was after a gazillion hours of research after my Oscar dream
that I connected the dots to whom I believe is behind
the curtain in this duality dimension.

Recall it was Toto in the Wizard of Oz movie who pulled
the curtain to unveil Oz to Dorothy.
I don't think the connection of Oscar in my dream
to the Oz character in The Wizard of Oz is a coincidence.

Also, in the video clip, note all of the Eight Point Stars of Ishtar
in Emerald City.

I'm convinced and have commented a gazillion times that
I believe the Eight Point Star is extremely important
to the 'Wizards behind the curtain ' in this duality dimension
as far as humanity's physical existence here.

The Eight Points are Everywhere!!, which
begs the question: Why?

Hint regarding those behind the curtain:
Interestingly, both CERN and the WEF are in Switzerland.

Another interesting tidbit about the original storyline
of Wizard of Oz is that according to wiki,
Oz was from Omaha, Nebraska.
If you look closely in this clip, you'll see that word Omaha
is very prominently displayed on the Hot Air Balloon.
Omaha NE, ''coincidently" is also on the 40 degree parallel north.

Ever hear of Warren Buffet?
Warren Buffet who is known as the Oracle of Omaha is also
associated with WEALTH, especially Economical wealth which
if you recall I shared my prediction that I believe
America is going to be destroyed ECONOMICALLY
at the shifting of ages, which I believe we are on
the precipice of now.

On the wiki page, note that the Wizard ( who is the 'king' in
Emerald city ) is green.
Oz also has a green elongated head.

The Emerald is not only in Hermetic text(Emerald Tablet)
but also in the Bible as well.
The Emerald being green is very interesting as green is
the color of the pale (chloros) horse in Revelation
copy and paste: link below
"The Expositor’s Bible Commentary says this about the color
of the fourth horse:
“‘Pale’ (chloros) denotes a yellowish green,
the light green of a plant, or the paleness of a sick person
in contrast to a healthy appearance.”
Put bluntly, this horse is the color of death.
Note that the Pale horse is the FOURTH horse.

Everything is connected,no?

Time's Knock Knock cover
The Wizard of Oz 1939 - hot air balloon / Dorothy gets left behind

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...