Monday, September 16, 2024

Sawtooth and cereal

This was an unexpected T-shirt sighting in central Taiwan:

And this was funny in light of all the recent cereal syncs:

Update: WW recently started calling the Sawtooth Stone the Rose Stone instead. One day after seeing the Sawtooth T-shirt, I ran across this in a pizza parlor in Changhua:

My wife suddenly wanted pizza from this place today, which surprised me because she hasn’t eaten dairy in about a year, and because back when she was a fairly regular pizza-eater she consistently preferred a different shop to this one.

I essentially never eat pizza of my own volition. It was this highly uncharacteristic request of hers that led to my seeing Stone Roses just a day after Sawtooth, Idaho.

Note added: The lemon slice as an emblem of the Stone Roses comes from their debut album cover, which also features a French flag:


William Wright (WW) said...

That shirt is great. The fact that the name of the lake is "Alice" is interesting.

I've gone back and watched a couple old, campy Arnold Schwarzenegger films recently. It started with "The Running Man" - I had never watched the film, but it came up as a suggestion and I felt like I should watch it. The fact that we had Arnold in a film about a man who runs reminded me of your meme with Arnold running out of that reality temple. The movie had some really interesting syncs, including 3 Running Men (Arnold and his two friends) trying to escape this gameshow/ maze set up by the main antagonist (whose name happens to be Damon!).

I followed that up with a watch of "Total Recall" (the original with Arnold, not the remake), which I just watched last night. In the end, Arnold is trying to save Mars and give air for everyone to breath (by terraforming the planet) by placing his hand on a spherical object made by aliens, which was interesting in itself, but the bad guy who is trying to stop him mentions wanting to be "home in time for cornflakes". The phrase stood out to me because it was super awkward and it reminded me of all of the cereal themes, of which cornflakes has been a specific one:

Leo said...

Dude you're giving me PTSD. The scene w Arnold and his eyes and tongue bulging out haunted me as a kid.

Seeing that shirt is pretty wild though. I mean how many shirts about Sawtooth Idaho could there possibly be in existence, much less the odds of WJT coming across one in Taiwan.

William Wright (WW) said...

I was trying to place why the lemons seemed familiar to me in the context of Stones. I finally found it this morning after seeing WJT's update.

In a post from last September, I wrote about "Deseret's Book" - Eowyn's Book of the Lamb. It was a really short post, and I was writing it while Shark Tank was on the TV in the background. As I finishing the post, I looked up at the screen and saw the business pitching to the Sharks was "Bee Sweet Lemonade". So there were the lemons I was thinking of.

The potential tie here would be in my story it is Eowyn's Book that gets communicated to the Rose Stone once they link up.

Kevin Joyce said...

Looks more like a Dutch flag to me. Not only the orientation of the stripes, but the shade of blue is more of a Dutch cobalt than a French navy blue.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The lemon slices are a reference to riots in Paris, where lemons were used for protection from tear gas, so I assume the flag is intended to be French.

St. Mark and the fleur-de-lis

In a March 10 comment  (still March 9 in her time zone), Debbie highlights the connection between the fleur-de-lis and the Doge of Venice: T...